chapter 35

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Tae slept for hours, deep, dreamless restorative rest

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Tae slept for hours, deep, dreamless restorative rest. 

Late in the afternoon on the second day he struggled awake, blinking bleary eyes at the fading sky outside his window.

He reached to scratch his face, surprised to find his usually perfectly smooth skin covered in prickly stubble.  His stomach complained loudly as he tried to piece together where and when he had awakened.

Looking around he came fully awake.  Home.  He was home.  He smiled and stretched out his muscles, still sore from travel.

He stood and made his way to the bathroom, and laughed out loud at the sight in the mirror. He rambled back to dig through the pile of clothes on the floor to find his phone. 

Standing in front of the perfect lighting of his bathroom mirror he took a picture of himself.  His face was covered by at least three days of scruffy beard and his hair was disheveled and standing on end.  He flashed his signature smile and peace sign and sent it to Jimin and Jungkook.  He immediately got the responses he had been expecting!

Jimin was horrified and asked if he had been in an accident and asked directions to the hospital. 

He was serious.

JK responded with a picture of him laughing his ass off followed by “No fair!! You've been drinking without us!! Looks like your place. Give me thirty minutes to say goodnight to Lyra and I'll be on my way to catch up.”

That was quickly followed by “better make that an hour!”

He laughed at both of them, assured them he was home safe and would be human by morning.  They ended with plans to meet the next night.

Tae grabbed some snacks and a drink from his stash Dae had left him.  He sent her a text thanking her and telling her he was almost back among the living. 

“See you in the morning DaeDear! Lots of catching up to do!” he ended.

Satisfied he had cleared all obstacles to his main objective this evening, he turned off his phone and turned on the shower.

He stared at himself in the mirror.  He liked the look of the dark hair on his face.  It made him feel more mature, more ready for the next steps in his life.  Should he leave it? 

Maybe he should grow his beard.  He wondered if Sky would like it. 
He rubbed his hands across his chin, feeling the bristles and thought of kissing her. 

He remembered her tender skin and soft mouth.  He frowned thinking about the abrasive whiskers brushing her skin, rough against her.  Would it excite her or mark her in uncomfortable ways? 

He shrugged at the man in the mirror and began to shave.  That was one of a million things he wanted to find out about her.  He wanted to discover things that pleasured her. 

Those thoughts occupied him as he showered and indeed became human again.  He quickly changed and hurried to the café. 

He hoped against hope that she would be there waiting for him.
Nev was very happy to see him and  the workers all shouted and laughed when they saw him. 

Some regulars greeted him as he made his way to the small table in the corner.   All of that became merely background noise as he sat and watched and waited for her.

Nev brought food over after about an hour.  The night was growing late and Tae was resigned that he would not see her tonight.  Nev confirmed she had not been seen since Tae left. 

The rest of the evening was spent discussing details about the business and concerns over Sky. 

The work was resolved in the end.  The woman remained an uneasy mystery.

Days passed in much the same way.  Tae was busy with work at the firm but always made time to check in with Nev.  He had invented a dozen excuses as to why Sky had not been back to the café.  They ranged from ridiculous to terrifying.  He was so worried and confused about her.

The nights were growing dark faster and there was definitely a chill in the night air.

This night Taehyung sat close enough to the fireplace to feel the heat as it blazed cheerily away. 

However, his gaze was not captured by the flames as they teased and danced in the hearth, rather it was fixed to the doors leading to the courtyard.

He had done everything he could think of.  He walked the neighborhoods nearby for hours one Saturday morning, hoping to catch a glimpse of her, to find a clue about where she lived.
He prayed for her, for her safety, for her to appear one night and set everything to right.

As he sat there, he remembered her face in the sunshine, how her hair danced in the wind.  He shuddered as he remembered how soft her body was beneath him, how her lips welcomed him and how her hands caressed his body drawing him as close as she could.

He closed his eyes for a minute to indulge those memories before he felt a draft of cold air rush at him.  Then he registered the sound of the courtyard door being caught in a gust of wind and slamming shut.

His eyes flew open and for a moment he stared in disbelief. 

There she stood, looking Iike a wild creature, he had conjured from his imagination.

He was halfway across the room before he realized she was searching the room.  For him?  His heart soared.

But as he grew closer, he frowned at how accurate the description of a wild creature was.  As her eyes lit on him, they were wild and frantic.  Her hood was falling away from her face and her hair was torn into a riot by the cold wind. 

She saw him and ran the last few feet into his arms.  She knocked the breath out of him as she crashed against his chest.  He had a moment to actually see her and he was immediately on alert.

Her skin was pale and her eyes sunken from lack of sleep. She was thinner and the hands now clutching his shirt were chapped and red. 

Tears began to spill down her cheeks as she struggled to catch her breath.  He could feel her shiver in his arms.

“Shh…sh……” he soothed, rubbing his hands down her arms to try to warm her.  He could see Nev out of the corner of his eye gathering warm drinks and soup for her.

He tried to draw her to the fire but she shook her head violently.
He stood looking down at her, needing to chase away whatever fear had its grip on her.

Drawing a deep breath, she whispered “Please help me!”

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