chapter 32

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Immediately he was captured, his mind seeing Sky in each stroke

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Immediately he was captured, his mind seeing Sky in each stroke. 

It was a lie to say he had forgotten how this felt.  As soon as the smell of paint hit the air it came rushing in. 

He knew this feeling intimately.  He knew how it felt to create, to free his emotions from the limits of the human brain and body and allow it to flow onto the canvas in color and shape and shade.
He knew exactly and knew precisely how long he had deprived himself. 

Now, somehow, Sky had awakened him again.  She had broken the chains he himself had set and locked.

He lost himself in his art.  He felt the work more than he planned it.  Colors met and melded on his pallete, creating shades he had only seen in his imagination. 

Minutes, or hours passed as he poured himself onto the canvas.  He found himself releasing thoughts into the painting that he had not dared hope in the weeks before.

Sky was somehow part of him. 

He felt as if he had known her forever. The smell of her clung to him still.  Her taste lingered on his tongue. He never wanted to lose that sense of her.  He always wanted this improbable, unexplainable connection to her. 

All of that flowed out of him Until he was spent, sweat dampening the dark curls to his forehead, his fingers aching from hours of holding the brushes.  He worked still, even after that, putting in the countless tiny touches that only he would ever notice. 

And then, with one final touch he stopped and stepped back.

Feeling the shake of his legs, he slowly sank to the floor, placing the brush and palette beside him. 
He simply sat and stared at what he had created. 

At first, he only saw the flaws.  He had been away too long and had grown rusty.  Then he closed his eyes and cleared his mind.  Once he opened them again the painting came into focus and he felt tears prick his eyes.

He gave a harsh laugh at his own expense, but he had to admit this was a beautiful piece. 

He sat sprawled on the floor staring up at the profile of a woman, her upturned face peaking from a hooded coat.  Only instead of the heavy black hood he had grown used to, his vision of her had a cloak of flowers. 

They bloomed around her and caressed her, nurturing her rather than hiding her. 

There seemed to be a gentle breeze teasing the woman's hair and the grass at her feet.  Her face was turned from the viewer, but there was an air of expectancy about her.  If was as if she would turn any minute and share a smile that would make the heart stutter.

It captured the promise of her, but he knew there was still so much more to know.  He wanted to remove the veil of mystery from her and lay her on the cloak of flowers and love her until his curiosity was satisfied.  He had the thought that he would never be fully done exploring her.

As he rested on the floor the chill of the room crept in, the sweat of his body now causing him to shiver. 

He slowly stood and gathered things to clean.  He set the brushes to soak and stored the paint away, mindlessly humming as he did.  The echo in the large room made him feel lonely all over again.

He checked the time and groaned to see it was early morning already.  He noted his fingers were stained with paint and a glance in the mirror above the dresser revealed a large smear of green paint down his right cheek. 
His hair was a tousled mess and he was not too sure he did not see purple paint glinting in it.  He was quite sure no one at the office would recognize this Taehyung.

Damn, it felt good.

A huge yawn caught him off guard and he decided he should shower and change before daylight.  He stripped his paint clothes where he stood and grabbed his now dry clothes from in front of the fireplace, noting it had kicked off as the heat in the building kicked on. He turned out the lights as he went, crossing the large room to the stairs.

He felt free and strangely at home in this place as he walked naked in the moonlight.  Occasional streaks of lightening lit his way in the now dark room, illuminating his long legs and broad shoulders, playing across his skin like kisses.

Once he was in the small shower with the heat of the water beating down on him, he hissed in pleasure.  He scrubbed the remnants of the paint away and felt weariness settle in his bones. 

He finished quickly and dried off.
The small bedroom beckoned him and it was notably warmer than downstairs.  He sat on the bed and sighed at its comfort.  Surely it would not hurt to rest just for a moment. 

He lay down and pulled the blankets over him, only intending to rest for “a minute”.

A minute was about all it took for him to fall into exhausted sleep.  He had poured everything out into his work and now his body demanded rest.

In the night he dreamed, crazy mixed up dreams of kissing Sky, then losing her in a wild storm.  He woke up just enough to mutter “it’s a dream" to reassure himself. 

This time his sleep was so deep that he would not remember the sweet dreams he had of making love in a meadow. 

His subconscious tried to capture the color so he could use it in his next painting.  Then even the deepest part of his brain gave in to the deep contentment of the dream of resting in Sky's arms as they lay spent among the flowers.

The moonlight falling across the bed illuminated his beautiful face, full lips curved in a signature smile, her name slipping from him in a deep sigh.

He slept late into the morning; his phone alarm unheard as it jangled in his pants still tossed on the bathroom counter. 

The bright sun streaming through the windows coupled with the growls of hunger from his empty belly disturbed his rest.  He rolled onto his side, away from the sun beams, and groaned as his muscles protested.

It took him several minutes to remember where he was and why his arms and hands were hurting.  Then it came to him and he smiled in contentment. 

He could not wait to bring Sky here and show her the painting. 

As he stretched, he realized he had tumbled into bed naked, fresh from the shower.  That sent his mind reeling in a whole new direction as he thought of waking up in the bed with Sky snuggled naked beside him. 

Luckily, before he got too carried away with those thoughts, he heard Nev calling him from downstairs.

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