chapter 19

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After five long days Tae was finally allowed to return to the café

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After five long days Tae was finally allowed to return to the café.  Dae dropped by his office and insisted he come with her and he was only too happy to do so.

Dae chatted nervously the entire way.  Finally, Tae reached to squeeze his best friend’s hand.

“DaeDear, I love you.  Only you would understand how important this place is to me, even when I can’t explain it myself!” he whispered.  He laughed at the sheen in her eyes, ignoring the mirror of tears in his own.

“Everything you have done is perfect! I know I will love it!! And I will do my best to make you proud,” he said.

She punched him and then kissed him, the tears falling freely now.

“Don’t you dare do that to me Kim Taehyung!! You know full well I am proud of every tiny thing you do! Always will be.  You are my very best friend and I want the world for you!!” she finished, wiping her tears on the silk handkerchief he handed her.

“I know that Dae.  I cannot imagine where I would have ended up without you.  I am so happy for you and Jin.  You risked everything for that happiness and won.  Dae…..” she hugged him tighter as he paused, gathering his words.

A few deep breaths and he decided to say it out loud.  He could never keep a secret from her, but this felt like it was a secret he was keeping from himself.  He wanted to say the words so there was no hiding, no taking them back.

“Dae…..I think I have found someone I want to risk it all for, “ he said, his deep voice a rumble in the quiet.

Dae was stunned.  A dozen questions formed at once!

Who? Where? When? How? “Who? but she could tell by the look on her best friend’s face that he was not ready to answer those questions. 

Then the truth dawned that he did not know the answers yet himself.  Her heart squeezed in fear for the man she loved more than a brother.  She wanted to protect him from hurt or pain, hell even from the slightest discomfort. 

She smiled at him, just then getting a small taste of the hell she had put him through last year.   He had to do this.  And no matter the outcome she would be right beside him.

“I am so happy for you. I bet she is beautiful and kind and perfect and smart and kind ….just the best, “ she said, tears threatening again.

“It's ok SongDae.  You can say the rest, “he said, kissing her temple.

She waited until he had straightened and looked him in the eye, the look that cinched deals and made grown men back down.  He smiled.  He loved that look. 

“And….if she is not each and every one of those things, if she ever causes you one second of doubt or causes the tiniest pang to your heart…..”

Dear God,” Tae thought, “ Jin has his hands full!”

“If not Taehyung, this is my promise to you.  I WILL hunt her down and stomp her ass….for starters,” she finished, her face
flushed and her eyes blazing.

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