chapter 11

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Nev looked up, a slight frown at the boisterous group pushing through the door this near closing time

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Nev looked up, a slight frown at the boisterous group pushing through the door this near closing time. 

His face relaxed as he recognized Tae.  Then anger flared as he noted the way he laughed down into the face of the woman beside him, their arms around each other’s waists, an old intimacy swirling around them.  He had not taken him as the sort of man to recklessly play with a heart as innocent as the girl’s.

Before he could puzzle it out, another man entered the café bringing in a hint of the storm gathering outside.  Tall and broad shouldered, he stepped in and it became obvious he held the woman's heart.  She stepped into his arms immediately, tipping her face for a long and gentle kiss.

Her companions stood, waiting patiently, until the kiss deepened.

“Dae!” they both shouted, bringing her back to earth and earning a scowl from Jin.

Dae?, Nev thought, immediately straightening behind the bar.  Kim SongDae? The one Tae described as the “real owner"?

He watched as the group tumbled the rest of the way in, Tae leading them to the corner in the back he had claimed for his own. 

Tae introduced him and the next several minutes were  filled with questions from all of them about the business.  They were detailed but Nev was confident and in the end, they seemed intrigued with the possibilities.

“Tae!  This place is charming, but I already have all these ideas!!” Dae whispered, giving him a hug. 

“Well, since Jungkook is late, I appoint myself the official menu taster, bring us some of everything,” Jin said.

They all laughed at the look on Nev's face.

“He is serious,” Hobi said, “ I'll come help you.  I want to know more about your ordering process and suppliers.” 

The two disappeared into the kitchen, happily discussing the beef and vegetable suppliers.

Dae shook her head.  Hoseok really needed to find a way to relax.  He worked too much!

Tae laughed at Jin stealing JK's food taster job and checked the time.  Where was he?

Namjoon said he had to work and YoonGi said he had already seen the place and to call him after they finished the changes.  Jimin gave a noncommittal “might drop by" which translated to a definite “no thanks" to watching Jin and Dae, no matter how hard he was working on that.

That only left JungKook and Lyra.  They lived close enough that they should have been here first. 

Tae looked out to the courtyard where the trees were bending in the wind and rain was beginning to lash.  He was worried about his friends.  Before he could call, the front door blew open and the young couple spilled in the door.

JK was holding his coat over Lyra, sheltering her from the rain.  The run from the car had been short, but enough for his friend to be shaking rain drops from his shaggy head as he got safely inside the room.

Tae watched as Lyra lifted a small hand to stroke his face, brushing rain drops away and tucking his unruly hair in place.  Jungkook glowed under her tender attention.  He caught her hand before she drew it away and pulled her close, guiding her hand back to him as he bent to take her mouth in a lingering kiss. 

Lyra was still reserved enough with the group to gentle his kiss, pulling away to laugh up into his face.

Tae's eyes narrowed as he saw the flush on both their faces.  He did not miss the love mark peeping from the hastily buttoned cotton shirt JK had thrown on.  There was sparkle in their eyes, a glow surrounding them, and a dozen other tiny clues that made evident their tardiness had everything to do with being swept away in each other and nothing to do with the storm outside.

As JK stepped away to lead Lyra to the table, Tae scolded him. “I was worried about you!!”

JK smirked, drawing Lyra around him and pulling out her chair.

“We were, um…..unavoidably detained, ” he said smoothly, winking at Lyra and causing her to blush the deepest rose. 

She really was beautiful.  JK realized the same thing as he bent to take her mouth in his, capturing the giggles she was trying to hold back.

Tae turned to share his irritation with Dae, but stopped and snorted.  She had settled into Jin's lap and was lost in whatever he was whispering in her ear.

He cursed and walked away.  Jimin had it right to stay away! This was a unique form of hell.

He found himself drifting toward the large doors that opened to the patio.  He was happy for his friends.  He loved them and wanted only the very best for them.  And it appeared they had found it.  But nights like tonight only served to highlight how alone he was.

If they had not come here tonight, he would have gone home alone to a dark and cold apartment. 

There was no intimate dinner and loving conversation waiting for him.  There was no hope of an eager lover tumbling him into bed and all obligations be damned for the time it took to meet intimately and completely, chasing re connection as much as pleasure.

Sometimes he felt the absence of this too deeply.  Like tonight, standing here, looking out over the courtyard as the lightening flashed and the rain pooled, he felt keenly alone. 

He knew, bone deep, that part of him was missing.  In this place he felt that missing piece was just at his fingertips.  If he could ever grasp it he was not letting go.

Before his thoughts grew any darker, he felt the approach of someone behind him and forced the thoughts away.

“It's hard seeing them this happy. Right?” Hobi asked as he handed him a drink. “Then you feel like shit because this is exactly what you wanted for them.  And now……”

“And now you want it for yourself….” Tae finished for him.

“Absolutely right, my brother.  Our time will come. Just think, out there is someone we will love like that,” Hobi paused, pointing out the large windows,” Somewhere in this wide world is someone who is waiting just for you……for me”

Silence lay between then as they both considered his words. 

“Until then, let's be happy!” he said, giving Tae a brief hug,” and let’s eat all the food and try out the drinks! "

He left Tae with a bright smile and a shout to the couples now helping themselves to the plates Nev was placing on the table.

As he turned to leave, Tae watched his friend closely.  His smile never faltered, but he was lonely, was searching for love as well.

Tae sighed and looked back out into the courtyard.  Hobi had been talking about finding love “out there" but Tae could not shake the conviction that this tiny square of earth was exactly where he needed to start.

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