chapter 51

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The ringing of his phone broke the silence and he frowned as he recognized it was Hobi

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The ringing of his phone broke the silence and he frowned as he recognized it was Hobi.

He stepped into the hall to take the call.

“Taehyung. Can you come in for a meeting?  I know it is sudden, but we need you this afternoon,” Hoseok asked.

Tae checked his watch and told him he could be in the office in an hour. He watched Sky as he spoke, wondering what was next for her.

Nev finally excused himself to start the supper prep downstairs.
Sky just nodded at him, lost in her thoughts as she stared at the intricate brick of the walls.

Tae waited for several minutes before he called her.  He knew that look.  She had drifted somewhere far away and was working out something in her head.  She needed time to adjust to the things that had occurred today.

He left her alone in the room with her thoughts as he walked into the other end of the hall to check out the small kitchen. 

He didn’t have to wait long until he heard her soft footsteps behind him.

“I thought you left,” she said, her soft voice betraying her fear.

“No,” he rushed to assure her, “I would not leave without telling you.”

They stood there, each hesitant to say what they were thinking.
Tae's phone chirped again reminding him he had to go.

“But I do need to go to a meeting “he admitted.

To hide her disappointment, she nodded and opened one of the small cabinet doors.  She was desperate to find something to keep busy, anything to keep her from asking him to stay.  She stared unseeing into the cabinet, not noticing it was empty.

But Tae noticed. He noticed when she swallowed hard at the news he had to leave and how quickly she turned away.  He also noticed the shelves were bare. 

Of course.  They had not prepared for guests and nothing had been stocked.

Then he was seized with a most excellent idea.

“Sky, I did not think about bringing things for you, everyday things you'll need.”

Before she could excuse the lack of food or pantry items, he rushed ahead.

“After my meeting, would it be ok for me to bring some things by? Just a few?” he asked.

She knew she was lost as soon as he started talking, but one look at his face and she simply nodded.

“Yes!” he said, his smile lighting the whole room.

“And dinner.  How about something simple for dinner?” he asked.

She smiled and nodded again.

“And tomorrow, after the lawyer’s appointment we can go together and we can shop for things you like?” he offered.

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