chapter 5

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Sky dragged herself back to the present, forcing herself to acknowledge the tiny room with stacks of things stored around.  This was real and this was where she belonged. 

She tucked that beautiful, fragile moment away. There was no more time for that.

She sat for just a few more moments before standing and returning to the only other room of the place she called home.

She slowly walked to the man lying in the nest of blankets and gave her attention to him.  This was her life, she reminded herself, this was her duty.

The next morning Taehyung called YoonGi’s office and sweet talked his secretary Miriam into a morning appointment.

He hurried with his shower, picking from his closet a suit with a bit of color for today.  He was determined this was going to be a fantastic day.

As he stepped out at the curb in front of YoonGi's law firm he was conscious of the stares he collected as he strolled into the building.  The unwanted attention was something that he had learned to block out. 

Sometimes people complained that he appeared cold, or detached.  He really did not care.

His circle was small and tight and he fit in there perfectly.  He was not seeking, nor did he need any other approval.

As soon as that thought settled, he knew it was untrue.    Immediately he thought of the girl yesterday.  He wanted her approval.  He needed to know she thought he was a good man.

He laughed at himself as the elevator lifted him to YoonGi's suite of offices.  This whole idea of buying a café was totally and completely bonkers.  It was beyond any other crazy idea he had dreamed and he had no idea the first thing about how to even begin.  But as the elevator doors opened and he stepped into the attorney’s office, he knew it was exactly what he was meant to do. 

YoonGi greeted him with his typical quiet affection. Tae had not given  the reason for his call so he was anxious to get his pure reaction.  Not that it mattered in the long run.

The men settled into the seating area at the far end of the office.  Tae watched as Miriam came in bearing a tray of snacks and drinks.  He did not miss the way his friend stood when the beautiful woman entered the room, or the way her face flushed when he took the tray from her.  Tae tucked that away to consider later.

He was smiling at Mimi as she turned to leave, turning to find YoonGi scowling at him.

“Don’t look at her like that!! Why in the hell are you here?” he asked gruffly, plopping back into his seat.

Why were his friends like this? He had heard similar sentiments from Jungkook not long ago.  He shook his head and smiled.  As best he could tell, love made you just a bit crazy.

He smiled his slow, sinful smile at YoonGi just because he knew it would irk him.  He crossed his long legs and straightened the immaculate crease in his pants. Then he took a deep breath and began.

“We are going to buy property,” he said, “actually, a specific piece of property.”

He placed the information he had gathered on the table in front of YoonGi and sat back to give his friend time to review it.

YoonGi took his time reviewing the information, stopping to ask questions on specific points.  He shuffled through the paper one last time and put the once again neat file back on the table.

“Interesting,” he said, drawing the word out.

JK would have jumped right in with his ideas. Jin would have started negotiations, Jimin would have smiled and sealed the deal already. YoonGi would be slow and deliberate.

Tae waited.  He could read his friend well enough to know that he was intrigued. 

The proposal was solid, Tae knew that already. Dae had already agreed, YoonGi knew that already.  So, what was left to decide?

“Alright.  Spill it.  What do you want me to do?  This property is a solid investment.  It is located in an area that will probably be redeveloped in the next couple of years.  It has huge potential.  It appears to be properly zoned.  This should be a simple real estate transaction,” he finished, already mentally preparing a checklist of what he would need.

“Except….” Tae's deep voice interrupted his checklist. “It's not actually for sale….yet.”

YoonGi smiled.  This ought to be a good story. 

He leaned back to listen, warmed by the spark in the younger man's eyes.  There was an interest there that he had not seen in Taehyung in a long time.  For once he seemed to be chasing his own dream, not protecting someone else’s.

“Ok, tell me,” YoonGi prompted.

And Tae spent the next several minutes telling his friend what had happened and what he wanted. 

“Make the call,” YoonGi said,” We'll meet as soon as possible and get this purchase going.”

Tae grabbed him as they stood and enveloped him in a bear hug. YoonGi pretended to struggle but secretly he was  happy his friend was so invested in something.

“Miriam!! Come get this man off me!” he called as he gave Tae a brief hug.
Tae was already at the door before the secretary stepped in.

“I will call you as soon as I have an appointment with the owner,” he promised. 

With that he disappeared, the echo of his deep voice humming trailing  behind him.

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