chapter 33

345 37 13

(Because today was that day

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

(Because today was that day....)

He rolled out of bed and into the bathroom, pulling on clothes as he called to Nev he would be right down.

A quick glance at his phone gave him a pretty good idea why Nev had come looking for him.  He had 2 missed calls from Dae and one from Hobi.  He cursed under his breath.  They would be worried.

Nev confirmed that as he offered him breakfast and coffee, asking if he was OK.  After being assured he was, he launching into a blistering lecture about Tae treating Sky with respect and several variations of “she’s not that kind of girl.”

Tae frowned, worried that they had been seen.  He had been sure the tree sheltered their privacy.

“Nev…..I can’t explain this just yet, even to myself, but I care for her deeply.  I would never disrespect her.  And I never….ever….thought she was “that kind of girl.  And no one else should dare make that mistake either,” he stated. 

His face was set and it was evident to Nev that he was ready to defend her, and himself, by any means necessary.

The older man nodded in satisfaction and headed for the stairs, saying “I had better get to work and so should you.”

Tae finished his coffee standing looking at his work from last night.  He was satisfied with it.  Something about it make him think of Sky beneath him in a field of flowers.  He flushed at the thoughts that evoked.  He could feel her even now.

He tidied up and stuffed his feet in his shoes, deciding to give Dae a call and stop by his place for a change of clothes before heading into work.

All the way to his apartment, through all his tasks, throughout the day, his mind kept drifting back to the loft and the next painting he would do. 

He smiled to himself, causing a passing group of women to stop where they stood until he passed.  He saw none of that.  His spirit was restless in a way it had not been in years, and damn it felt good.

However, all those plans crumbled as Dae was contacted by a foreign investor.  It was an opportunity they could not turn down.  Two days after the storm she called and asked her to accompany her to the States.  Jin could not go this time and he insisted Tae go with her to protect her.

There was no question he would go.  He would always protect her.  As they spent the first week in LA, he grew intrigued as to the proposal and the structure of the deal.  After that week it became apparent that they needed to finalize things in New York.

Dae sat with him and discussed it late into the night.  She needed to be back home.  Lyra was launching a new line and Jimin had prepared the press for early the following week.  She had to be there.

“Dae, why are you so hesitant?  Of course, I will go onto New York and finalize the plans.  It is no problem.  Lyra needs you.  What about Hobi?” he asked.

“Hobi is coming with me.  His assistant will be with you.  He asked me not to send him to New York.  He never does that, but it seemed really important to him….” She trailed off, worried about Hoseok.  Something was off there but he would tell her in his own time.

Tae hugged her and talk shifted to the plans for the week.  His creativity was piqued by this new project.  It gave him an outlet for his restlessness. 

He had contacted Nev several times and had been told Sky had not been seen. He was beginning to understand her patterns and if he was correct, she would not come back to the café for another couple of weeks.  That gave him time to solidify the deal and her time to process things the way she seemed to prefer- alone.

He and Dae parted at the airport.  He kissed her hair and laughed at her tears even as he dried them.

“Why do you always cry?” he asked, tightly squeezing her hand.

“I don’t like to leave you,” she said, “I want you where I can keep an eye on you!”

He laughed again and handed her off to Hoseok.

“Hobi will be with you. And don’t even pretend Jin doesn’t already have a car waiting for you at the airport.  Once you see him you won’t even remember my name for at least the first three days!”

“Tae!!!” she hissed, looking around and blushing a delicate shade of rose.

“Yes, that’s it.  Try to remember it if you need me!” he teased, nodding to Hobi as he linked arms with her and they turned toward their concourse.  They both turned one last time to wave, finding him standing in the same spot, watching over them to the last possible minute.

Once out of sight, he found his gate and waited for his flight, texting Nev for any updates. 

Getting the same response, he had received all week, he relaxed and drew a book from his bag.  He spent the rest of his wait time and most of his flight sketching or reading from his ever-present book of poems. 

He drew the skyline from his view in the lounge.  He drew fanciful clouds filled with dragons and cherubs.  But by the time he needed to prepare for landing in New York he was staring into the delicate face of the woman he longed to see.  He had drawn her smiling, the upturn of one side of the mouth and the sparkle of life in the eyes made it unmistakably Sky.  He carefully put it away, wondering if she was thinking of him too.

Sky sat in her corner; her attention completely drawn to the book in her hands. 

She had been writing all afternoon, stealing moments between time caring for the man. 

She had finished for the day and she listened for a moment while he fitfully slept just a few feet away from her.  She was worried about him.  He was thin and confused some days.  Today had been exhausting and she needed an escape.

After the last time in the courtyard with Tae, she knew she could not risk going back.  He made her reckless.  She forgot everything but him and how he made her feel when they were together.  All she wanted to do was roll in his arms until she was crushed beneath him. She wanted…..

She wanted everything about him.  She wanted to talk to him for hours, wanted him to kiss her until she lost her breath and then take her before she could gain it back.  She wanted…..

A glance at the man now muttering in his sleep quelled those thought.  Blinking back tears, she returned to the bank page and began to spill all that want and desire and sadness there.  

Within those pages she could have him and love him.  She poured her heart out deep into the night until her vision blurred and her hand cramped.

When she finally lay down, she found she had not exorcised him at all.  She felt his strong arms and warm breath and sweet lips even as she slipped into dreams.  There she could love him as feely and wildly as her heart wanted.  And oh, how deeply she wanted!

unveiledNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ