chapter 83

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He stepped in and she took his breath

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He stepped in and she took his breath. 

She had been standing with her arms wrapped tightly around her chest, hugging herself as the rainfall from the shower fell on her bowed head.

As she heard the door open, she turned to see him there and time seemed to still as she slowly reached her arms out for him.

He was moving toward her immediately.  He would had stepped in fully clothed, but he wanted, needed, to hold her trembling body to his, nothing between them. 

So, he stripped away all pretense as he moved toward her. Her eyes took in every reveal of his body as he dropped his jacket, then his shirt.  Hunger grew for him as he stepped out of his pants.  Only seconds now and he would be holding her in reality, not just her dreams.

He quickly threw off his shorts and stepped in to embrace her, skin to skin, heart to heart without barriers.

The moment her breasts crushed to his chest and his lips found hers, her mind cleared of everything but him.

He growled as she grabbed onto him, her kisses sweet and her hands urgent. 

He slipped his hands down her back until he was cupping her ass, pulling her tight again his hardening cock.

Her body slid easily against his, the thick lather of the expensive soap adding to the sensations as she rubbed her breasts against his hard chest, the heady scent of vanilla and spices rising between them.

His mouth and tongue were plucking at hers, teasing over and over again in urgent connection.

She groaned to feel him harden against her and slipped her hand between them to stroke the hard velvet length of him. 

Taehyung threw his head back as her delicate hand, slickened by the soap, stroked him to hard attention.  He enjoyed the torture of her caress to a point and then drew back from her, watching her breasts bounce as he freed her from his arms.

“You feel so good, “he panted, “just the touch of your hand ……..”

His hooded gaze was enough to make her shiver, but when he licked his lips, she felt her knees buckle. 

He did not disappoint as he kissed his way down her throat, teasing her with his hands, yet not giving her the pleasure she sought as she squirmed against him. 

Soon that wicked mouth found its way down into the valley between her breasts.  Her tips were hard and aching for him, her arousal already flooding. He slowly kissed his way to one tip, kitten licks to her swollen nipple causing her body to jerk in pleasure, her knees buckling as she rode the wave of pleasure.

He laughed a deep throated laugh that only made her hungry for him all over again.

“You are so beautiful,” he whispered, filling both hands with her breasts fascinated by the way she chased his fingertips. 

“Tae…..please…..” was all she could manage.

His dark eyes found hers and suddenly there was no more time for play. 

He kissed her again and moved her slightly so that she was under the huge rainhead.  He reached and turned the controls to gentle the flow of water.  He smiled at her sigh as the gentle rain fell on her body, itself a caress.

He turned her so her back was to his chest and felt her gasp go straight through him as the rain caressed her sensitive breasts, driving her back into his hard chest and his hard length nestled in the cleft of her ass. 

It was his turn to groan as she reached to put her hands on his thighs and grind deeply against him.  Her soft cries and steady stroke against him were driving him crazy.  He kissed her neck, running his hands to her soft stomach as he did so. 

She began to beg him then, his long fingers so near the ache only he could soothe.  Still he resisted touching her, teasing both of them to the point of madness. 

He kissed onto her neck and shoulder and at her deep moan kissed and nipped there until he felt her knees buckle again.  He wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her tightly.

As she felt him anchor her, she cursed.  She needed him to fill her.  He was driving her to the brink of pleasure and she was desperate to shift the power.

Feeling secure in his grip she raised on tip toe and braced her arms on the wall in front of her, tilting her pelvis until she felt him there, so close to where she needed him.

Tae felt a jolt rush through him as she shifted in his arms, lifting and tilting to almost the perfect angle.  He felt himself twitch at the nearness of her. 

He ran his free hand slowly down her back, admiring the sight of her round ass moving and pressing against him. 

Finally giving in to her pleas and his raging need, he ran his hand down the back of her thigh to lift her knee to the shower bench and dipping slightly, he entered her with one long stroke.

She cried out, calling his name and cursing. She pushed back against him as he slowly rocked into her. 

She dropped her head and elbows to the shower wall and let him take control of her body.  He played with the tension between them, long and slow, then faster. 

He stretched them both to the brink until she shifted the slightest and he was caught.  His body started the long freefall into pleasure pulling her with him. 

Hard thrusts rocked her on her toes as he kissed her back and whispered words of lust and love.

Suddenly she broke around him, hard ripples gripping him as his thrusts grew sloppy and hard and out of control, bringing blinding pleasure for both of them.  She cried his name as he stilled, his release hot and hard spilling into her.

He slowly pulled away from her and eased her onto her feet, leaning to bracket his arms on either side of hers on the wall, his large body covering hers as they struggled for breath.

As they calmed, she turned, still sheltered in the bracket of his arms and pressed her face into his chest, kissing him as her arms went around his waist.  They kissed and sighed and touched and gave no thought to the time until Tae's phone rang. 

They both thudded back to reality, kissing again, unwilling to break away just yet.

“It’s party time,” she whispered.

He could feel the residual nerves there.

“Are you ok?” he asked as he filled his hands with soap and began to lather her body.  She hummed in contentment as he touched her, washing away any fear of this day. 

“Honestly, I can’t form a thought right now,” she confessed and he laughed and kissed the tip of her nose.

“I think that is the best compliment I have received in a long time.  That will be my goal from now on,” he teased.

She swatted his ass at that and that led to an entirely new conversation as she scrubbed his back and he washed her hair.

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