chapter 17

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As her tongue reached to tangle with his, he groaned deeply

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As her tongue reached to tangle with his, he groaned deeply.  He felt the jolt of passion throughout his body and he responded to it, shifting her slightly until she was perfectly settled over his growing erection.

He slowly unbuttoned the heavy coat and captured her sigh as she pressed her soft breasts, clad only in a soft cotton tee shirt, into his hard chest.

The flush in her face and the low moan that she breathed let him know she was feeling the heat growing between them, not only in his body but in her own as well.

But all those physical reactions were quickly deepened by an almost mystical sense of connection. 

It felt as if he had found something, he forgot he lost, something he had looked for desperately until he had finally given up hope, only to find it in an extraordinary and unexpected place. 

Her kiss promised that he had found his way home.

Sky drew away from him, wonder filling her as she felt his warmth beneath her and felt him begin to lengthen and harden in response to her touch. 

Never in any of the fumbling encounters or failed relationships had she felt this.  She released herself to him, offering herself freely to him. 

Based on everything she knew, everything she had experienced, she should be terrified.  Instead she felt a fire slowly building in her, promising her an ancient pleasure, coaxing her to trust him emotionally, open herself to him physically.

Taehyung forced himself to slow down.  He drew hard breaths to re-center himself   He felt like he was slowly forcing himself awake from the very best dream he had ever had.

Part of him was fighting the return to reality, the part that had him hard in response to her soft moan’s and grinds against his lap, the part that had one hand holding her hips tight against him and the other skimming the hem of her shirt. But when he pulled back and saw her in the last rays of the sun, he knew it was time to stop.

She blinked slowly at him as she realized he had stopped; his hands had loosened their grip and his eyes were regaining focus.

She felt the shame start to flood as she realized she was sprawled on top of him, pressing herself against him and that her hands had unbuttoned his shirt, the starched cotton now a wrinkled mess from her wandering hands.

But he saw her panic and he caught her before she could flee.
His voice was gentle as he soothed her, his hands steady as he helped her sit up and move away from him.  His smile seemed genuine as he made sure she was ok. 

But it was his whispered “let's see where this goes" followed by one last, sweet lingering kiss that broke her. 

She knew the perfect world they had created under the willow tree was only a fantasy.  She could not accept his offer.  She had stolen his kisses.  Now she had to drag herself away from here, from him.

She had tasted heaven, now her own private hell had just deepened and was waiting for her blocks away.

She turned from him so he could not see the glint of tears.  She buttoned her coat and pulled her hood up as she fully retreated from him.  So lost was he in the promise of her, the deep connection that he still felt with her, he did not notice. 

The other couple picked up and prepared to leave and they did the same.

He pulled her to her feet and told her one more time that the next three weeks would be hectic, but that he would be there supervising the work. 

He ended by asking her to meet him here often, whispering in her ear he wanted to spend time with her, wanted to know everything about her.

She let him talk, not trusting her voice to speak, feeling his lovely words sear into her like a burn. 

She wanted this more than she ever wanted anything in her life.  She wanted him more than she could have ever dreamed or imagined.  But she was going to walk away. She simply had to get away.

He caught her off guard by wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close.  His large hand gently caressed the back of her head, his fingers tangling in her hair. 
He slowly bent his head to hers, tasting her over and over before he settled into a long tender kiss. 

She surrendered to him then, giving herself to him, her mouth meeting his, opening for the stroke of his tongue.  She allowed herself a moan as her body betrayed her decision and melted for him again.  

She memorized every second until she gently pulled away and slowly turned to walk away from him.

Her body cooled immediately from the loss of his heat.  She hurried out the iron gate before he tried to follow her.  She quickly lost herself in the maze of backstreets. 

She finally stopped, knowing she was away from him.  Only then did she realize she had pressed her fingers to her lips the entire time, holding on to his kiss, imprinting it onto her mouth. 

Only then did she allow her tears to fall as she forced herself to admit the heart-rending truth.  Those few precious stolen minutes would have to last her a lifetime.

Tae felt himself practically floating back into the café.  He laughed at himself.  He had teased his friends, flirted with their lovers and gleefully laughed at their irritation. 

But now he was starting to understand the small smiles that passed between them, the unspoken agreements that is was time to leave, the oh so coincidentally timed joint trips to “the bathroom". 

He wanted that.  He wanted all of that.  And now, with Sky, he felt he would surely have it.

He whistled cheerfully as he helped Nev close up shop, discussing the upcoming changes, feeling at peace in his world.

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