chapter 14

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Jin declared the food excellent as he and Jungkook discussed what to order for a second round

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Jin declared the food excellent as he and Jungkook discussed what to order for a second round.

Hobi moved to a private spot in the back and was quickly engrossed in his phone.  Dae raised an eyebrow at that.  He seemed to be doing that a lot lately.  She was worried about her friend. 

Her attention was quickly brought back to the table as Jin asked if she was finished with her meal.  She smiled fondly at him, knowing he was asking permission to finish the steak left on her plate.  She smiled, then kissed him, whispering “everything I have is yours.”

The kiss deepened, but not to the point he failed to protect the now vulnerable food from JK.  He deftly slid Dae's plate out of Jungkook's reach as he pulled Dae into his lap.

The entire table laughed at the disappointment on the younger man's face.  Jin joined in the laughter, asking Nev for fresh dishes for the table.  Nev nodded, pleased to have such hearty eaters.

Tae could tell Lyra and Dae were itching to see the rest of the place and were unwilling to wait any longer.

“Great! So glad you enjoyed the food!  Drink up and relax while we take the tour around,” he suggested.  Both women jumped at the suggestion, Dae slipping beyond Jin's reach with a sly wink and Lyra dropping a sweet kiss on JK's lips. 

Both men pouted but were soon distracted by drinks and the smell of fresh dishes from the back.

Tae was nervous and excited to share the rest of the space.

Nev started the fresh orders, then slipped away to meet Tae in the hall.

“The old boss did a bit of cleaning,” he grimaced” and I tried to fix the mess he made.  But I did discover this.”

He stepped aside to show Tae a wrought-iron gate with an ornate lock.  Nev turned the key and flipped a switch inside.  Dim lights illuminated a wide stone stair case leading up to the upper floors.  The steps were stone and well worn, the walls exposed brick.  Tae could hear the excitement of his friends behind him as they started up the stairs.  He could feel this space coming alive, becoming an important part of his story.

As he entered the large room, he let Dae and Lyra sweep past him.  Hobi had joined them, his bright eyes shining with appreciation as well. 
The whispers and laughter and plans drifted past him as his mind wondered to the girl. 

Lightening strikes could be seen through the huge windows.  He was drawn over to look out over the courtyard. Where was she? Was she safe?  No, Afraid. 

Tonight, he felt worry for her, a need to make sure she was alright, an unease growing with certainty in his chest that somewhere, out there in the dark, she was terrified.  He took deep breaths, trying to quiet his concerns, imagining somehow, he was soothing her.

He turned from the window and suddenly saw the room for what it could be. 

While Dae asked him about lighting and pointed out the perfect spots for seating groups and “gallery space”, all Tae could see was a warm fire in the corner and a wide and deep bed where he could hold Sjy and love her.  A safe place that he could chase away her fears, no matter what storms raged outside.

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