chapter 25

362 36 24

Before the hour was out Tae was approached again by the judging panel

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Before the hour was out Tae was approached again by the judging panel.  They were all smiles as they congratulated him on his work and the completion of his studies.

Finally, the older man spoke.

“Kim Taehyung, your painting has been selected to be displayed in our gallery and then be auctioned in our art sale at the end of the year.  We are also pleased to offer you the Paris internship.  You show much potential.  We are sure you will excel,” he finished with a smile.

Taehyung stood stock still trying to control the pounding in his ears.  His decision came swiftly and immediately he knew it was the right one. 

His heart, his passion, his very will to create art was crushed.  All of that had been poured into this piece and there was no will or way to rekindle that spark.  That part of him was gone.

He bowed and thanked the judges.

“I am most grateful.  And it is a great honor to have this piece displayed and sold at auction.  But I am afraid I must decline the internship,” he stated.

He rushed on in the jumble of voices and questions, his friends being the loudest.

“After graduation I will be accepting a position at iNovis, “he announced. Dae's eyes widened. 
They had dreamed as kids of working together at her dad's company, but this was crazy.

“Tae….” She started, but Jimin silenced her with a squeeze of her hand.  She felt the tears start to gather.

“iNovis,” one of them said" I see.  That is a very prestigious company.  You will make your parents proud.”

And like that, they left, understanding that a job with a good firm was more desirable and stable than a precarious life as an artist.

Tae took a deep breath and straightened his shoulders before turning back to his friends. He could not quite meet Dae's eyes.

“DaeDear, please,” he paused, his eyes begging her to understand, “this is over.  I don’t want to do this anymore.”

He kissed her cheek as she struggled to talk.  Jimin stood with his arm around Tae's waist, giving his support in the only way he could right now.  He had no words to soothe the hurt his friend’s eyes.

“Dae, I’ll find my way, don’t worry.  I won’t approach your father for a job.  I have a plan,” his deep voice rumbled to a stop.
They all knew he was lying. Dae forced a smile and pulled both men toward the door.

“Enough! We are too sober to be discussing this,” she declared as they headed back to her apartment.  To this day that night was still discussed in reverent tones as to how wasted the three of them got.

Two days later Tae left and they did not see him for two weeks.  There were tears of relief when he walked into the graduation brunch they had planned for their families. 

He was a shadow of his former self, sullen and broody.  He stood in the corner and responded rarely.  He had lost weight and his face was shadowed.  He refused Dae's offer of a listening ear.  He quietly told her this was something he had to work through on his on.

He left after graduation and spent the next year wandering from place to place.  He was not proud of the things he had done or the women he had used to try to silence the doubts in his head. 
He felt hopeless and useless so far from his friends and home. 

Finally, he began to accept Dae's calls.  He had followed a girl to Paris and found a job at her company doing low level security work. 

He quickly found he had a talent for anticipating problems before they started.  The girl grew bored but at that point the work was more fulfilling anyway. 

That’s where Dae found him when she called in a panic over the sudden death of Namjoon’s wife and his spiral into grief.  She needed his friendship.  He also knew he could offer his skills to protect her and her company. 

Thus, the lie became the truth as he headed home to a job at iNovis.

All of that seemed a century ago standing here now looking at his old paint clothes and the fresh paint and canvases.  He felt the tiniest spark deep inside, but he shook it away.

His attention was drawn away by JK as he eagerly called him deeper in the room.

“Come see all the ideas Lyra had.  Tell her she did a great job,” he urged.  Seeing the glint in Tae's eyes he added, “Don’t flirt with her or I'll deck you!”

“What? Afraid of the competition?” Tae asked. 

Teasing laughter followed them over to the area where Lyra stood nervously twisting her fingers.  Tae’s attention was on the seating area in front of him.

She had taken the corner of the room and placed low floor cushions and piles of pillows along the wall.  There was a small electric fireplace and huge bookcases waiting to be filled. 

Starlight twinkled through the windows and Taehyung knew this would become a favorite spot.  He looked back over to the open area where Dae had created a spot for him to paint.  He could not help but imagine Sky relaxing back into the pillows, writing or drawing in her journal as he painted. 

For the first time in years he could smell the fresh paint and linseed oils. 

He flexed his long fingers, but instead of the perfectly manicured nails he saw splotches of color buried beneath them.  His hands ached with the memory of long hours grasping a paintbrush. 

He blinked several times, trying to center himself in the present and forget the past but it was no good.  He felt that need to create bubbling in him again.  And damn it felt good.

Happy early Valentines Day!! Our Tae has a bruised heart, but sounds like it is stirring in all the right ways!!! They are created a beautiful space, perfect for creating and loving!!Wishing you a beautiful day and remember! You have reasons to li...

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Happy early Valentines Day!! Our Tae has a bruised heart, but sounds like it is stirring in all the right ways!!! They are created a beautiful space, perfect for creating and loving!!
Wishing you a beautiful day and remember! You have reasons to live yourself!!!❤❤❤❤❤

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