chapter 79

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She shared her day with Tae when he finally made it back to the loft

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She shared her day with Tae when he finally made it back to the loft.  He sighed in appreciation as she helped him off with his coat and led him to the big chair where she had pizza and drinks waiting on him.  They relaxed there sharing the news and challenges of the day. 

Tae sighed, holding Sky close to his chest as her breathing began to deepen.  He kissed her hair and smiled, wondering what he had ever done with his nights before she found him. 

Sitting here in the dark, her curled in his arms, delicate hand twisted in his shirt, he realized what he had been longing for all those lonely nights.

 This….   More than sex, more than companionship, more than any of the other things he had tried to soothe the ache.

This intimacy, her here in his arms, trusting him to love and protect her.  This was what he had been longing for all along.

He sat there, letting his mind drift into that space where he could zone out, to rest in his content.

Finally, he gently slipped away from her to prepare for bed.  He returned and picked her up, reacting heart, body and soul when she stirred in her sleep, calling his name and burrowing her face in his neck.

He carried her to the bed and gently placed her there, laughing when she refused to loosen her grip, tumbling him in the bed with her.

He managed to cover them both while she fretted in her sleep.  Then finally comfortable, he joined her in peaceful dreams.

The next couple of weeks were very busy for Tae.  YoonGi kept Sky busy as well, having her research investment options and make decisions.

She grew more confident in her choices and began to realize the possibilities she had.  She continued to write and sketch.  But mostly, she was waiting for Tae when he came home at the end of the day.

One night over dinner downstairs in the café, Tae remembered an earlier conversation with Lyra.

“Baby?” he watched as she blushed at the term of endearment. He loved that.

“I have a favor to ask,” he continued.

She smiled and nodded.  Anything he wanted she would give him.

“Lyra stopped by today and asked if she could come to the gallery in the next couple of days.  She wants to plan for our party,” He paused to watch her face.  He saw more curiosity than concern, so he continued.

“She said at first it was going to be simple.  But now I think she is in the holiday spirit and she wants something special,”  he explained.

Sky nodded at that.  For the first time in years she was looking forward to the holidays.  She wondered if Lyra was feeling the same.

“She asked to meet you,” he said and smiled as Sky blushed again, shyness this time causing the tint.

“She really is very kind.  I think you will find you have some things in common,” he coaxed.

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