chapter 58

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“Excellent, take these for now, “he said, indicating the folders,” they have information about the transfers yet to be completed

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“Excellent, take these for now, “he said, indicating the folders,” they have information about the transfers yet to be completed.  My information is also in there for the new attorney.  “

“Also,” he said, drawing an envelope from his breast pocket, “here are the funds from the accounts since the last disbursement.  I held them after Edward’s death.  I arranged for cash this time so you can set up your own account.  Your new attorney can set up the future disbursements however you choose.”

“I know this is a lot to take in. Do you have questions?” he gently asked.

She could only think of one.

“Why….why all those months?  We……needed this money, but …..” she left the rest unsaid.  They had been cold and hungry and there had been money?

The lawyer gently patted her hand.

“I don’t know everything, but I do know that Edward paid a year of rent on an apartment for you and was paying a landlady to shop and prepare food for you so you would not have to,” he said.

The tears now were of anger.  Someone had taken advantage of Edward’s kindness and his love for her.  She felt both rage and shame.  She shook her head and determined to put that behind her.  She had much to do now. 

For the first time in her life it hit her that she was now the “grown up”.  She was responsible for what happened next and she intended to continue making her family proud.

She stood, offering her hand to the lawyer.  “Thank you for everything.  I will keep in touch,” she said.

He smiled and caused tears once again as he said, “You are ready.  You can do this.  There have been hard times, but they have prepared you for the future.”

Then he looked deep into her eyes and surprised her by saying, “I knew from the first time I met you as a young girl that you have a gift.  You have a spirit that connects with people in a special way.  You can read people and situations and see if there lies risk or good.  Don’t doubt that.  It will protect you well. Call me if you ever need me.”

She blinked at him, seeing a kindred spirit in him.

He winked and smiled, standing and leading her to the door.

“I have a feeling your life is about to take an interesting turn.  Your fathet and Edward would be so thrilled for you. Go, be happy!”

With that he bowed and left her standing in the doorway.

She stepped into the hall and could see Tae looking intently in her direction, standing and moving toward her as soon as he saw her.

Your life is about to take an interesting turn,” those words sent a shiver through her.  She could almost taste the truth of them in the man striding toward her.

She gave him a shaky smile and took deep breaths of him as he hugged her.  His concern was clear in the way his eyes swept over her, checking to see if she was upset, holding her tightly for that brief moment.

Other people appeared in the hall, causing them to step apart and move toward the reception desk. 

The young man stopped them to ask if they needed another appointment, his face falling in disappointment as Sky smiled and shook her head. 

He sighed deeply as the couple walked out of the office, the beautiful man never once taking his gaze from his companion’s face.

As they entered the car, Tae waited until they pulled off and turned to Sky.

“Are you hungry?” He asked.

“Can you have lunch with me?” she asked at the same time.

He leaned to kiss her, mumbling about how in sync they were and how glad he would be to take her to lunch.

Tae asked the driver to take them to his favorite spot.  It was in an edgy part of town, just now becoming a hot spot for tourists and locals alike. 

Sky was enchanted by the restaurant with artistic vibe and varied menu.  She relied on Tae's recommendations and the food was delicious.  They sat and drank and ate and never ran out of things to discuss.  An hour and a half later they noticed the place begin to get crowded and the lines start to form.

“Guess we should let someone else have our seats, “he said, reaching for her hand.” I need to work this afternoon, but I am not ready to leave you.”

She stood with him as he paid the bill and escorted her out into the fading afternoon.  She was not ready for the day to be done yet either.

She caught their reflection in a plate glass window as they walked by.  Taehyung looked like a model fresh from a Paris runway and she looked like the goth high school kid who stalked him.  She did not know if she wanted to laugh or cry at the discovery.

She shoved her hands in her pockets to pull her cloak closer around her and found the envelope the lawyer had handed her.  Cash, he had said.  It was heavy and thick with bills.  She knew what she wanted to do.

She stopped short, tugging his arm.  He turned to her, concern creasing his brow.

“Tae…you said….will you take me to get some things?” She asked.

His eyes lit and her grabbed her hand. “Yes, I know the perfect place.”

As they walked toward the crowded shopping district, it seemed natural for her to tell him about what had happened at the law office.

He had not asked her about it, knowing she would tell him when she was ready.  It seemed easier now that they were moving and there was a bustle all around them.

Tae listened carefully and he understood.  The money, Edward’s last gift for her, it all seemed too heavy to discuss, she was worried what he would think. But here in the open, they discussed it freely.

“That all sounds wonderful,” he said, kissing her temple and easing her concerns.

In response to her question about finding a lawyer, he responded. “I would like to introduce you to YoonGi. He does all our legal work.  I trust him implicitly. Plus, he is one of my closest friends.  He is a brother to me.”

She nodded, the last of her worries of the day slipping away, replaced by excitement as he pulled her into a large store.  It was filled with everything she could imagine.

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