chapter 63

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He looked at her, his eyes black, his mouth a full pout and that was the only warning she had before his tongue found her sweet ache and began to tease in long, slow strokes

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He looked at her, his eyes black, his mouth a full pout and that was the only warning she had before his tongue found her sweet ache and began to tease in long, slow strokes.

“Fuck….Taehyung…….” She tried to make a sentence but could not.  She felt him smile into her at that and she flew apart, grabbing a handful of his hair and tugging as she shattered.

He dropped one hand to his pants to unfasten and push them off his hips. 

He bounced as he freed himself, careful not to touch because he was so close to his own release.  He could come undone just by watching her cry above him in pleasure. But he was not done yet.

In one step he stood, grasping her knees and picking her up and pinning her to the wall behind her. 

She was like a canvas there, waiting for him to make his mark on her, to color her with his passion and his emotion.

She was still shaking, pleasure still rippling through her.  She grabbed his shoulders for support and wrapped her legs around him.

One hard kiss and she felt him pressing into her, her arousal making him groan.

“Say my name again,” he instructed as she wiggled to draw him inside her.

“Say it,” he demanded, his voice so dark and husky she swore she felt it deep inside her.

“Please….Taehyung…” she said, not finishing his name before he slid inside her.

She gasped as he slowly filled her, her body stretching to sheath him tightly.  She realized she was holding her breath until he was pressed deeply inside her. 

His hands supported her against the wall while she gripped him with her legs, pulling him as close as she could.  Her arms encircled his neck as her hands tugged in his hair.  He dropped his face in the crook of her neck and stood there, reveling in the feeling of being connected with her body and soul, then her deep breath broke him loose and he had to move.

Sky could feel Tae everywhere, from her ankles resting on his firm ass to her fingertips in his hair.  The torture of holding him tightly inside her, still tingling from his mouth, was exquisite.  Then he moved and her body caught fire again.

Long, slow steady strokes rocked her against the wall.  The exposed brick was cold against her bare flesh.  The surface was glazed, but slight imperfections prickled her back as he rocked her.  Rather than hurting, it provided a strange pleasure as he pressed her against it again and again.

Tae began to vary his pace and depth of thrust, teasing her into chasing him for pleasure.

He kissed her again and suddenly all play ended.  Now there was only the roaring chase for completion. 

She began to moan in time to his thrusts and he whispered in her ear.  His voice alone, calling her name, telling her how good she was, how much he wanted her, was enough to trigger another series of hard contractions, holding him as he moved in time with her pleasure.

Sky arched hard against him and called his name, her nails raking his shoulders, and Tae let loose his last bit of control. 

He began rolling fluidly into her, shaking her body as he moved, losing himself in the feel of her.

One last series of hard pumps and he found his release, dropping his head on her shoulder as she held him to her, throbbing deep inside her until he was spent.

He stood with her in his arms, just a minute more, unwilling to break the connection between them. As the roaring in his ears subsided, he heard her soft voice crooning to him, nonsense words, the tone and intent going straight to his heart.

Finally, he stepped back and pulled away from her, carefully setting her on her feet.

They both laughed as she wobbled and he reached to catch her.  He held her steady for a few minutes, worrying when he felt the scratches on her back until she kissed him silent.

She finally nodded at him and looked over his shoulder.  She stepped out of his arms and headed toward the bathroom, leaving him still struggling to get his legs back.

Damn it, he thought, and honestly, he could not form another thought past that.

Tae moved toward the loveseat, pulling blankets to cover it before he collapsed onto it.  He felt the familiar scratch of the blanket as he remembered waking in this very spot, naked, hungover and lost without Sky.

Now he sat, still shaking from bringing them both intense pleasure, connecting so deeply with her, listening to her hum as she tidied up in the next room.

Phoenix, he thought, the new painting will be Phoenix.

It was perfect.  Out of the ashes and red-hot fire they emerged beautiful and new. 

He had only a selfish dream that night when things were so raw.  Now he had the gift of the shared possibility of dreaming and planning. 

Sky came out of the bathroom, bringing a warm cloth for him. 

She sighed when she saw him.  She doubted she would ever grow immune to his beauty.  But he also had her attention because she could tell he was lost in another place. 

How well she knew that feeling when an idea stole your attention and you had to write it down or sketch it out immediately.  Tae was there, swept up in a vision only he could see. 

But he broke away for her, filing those thoughts in the back of his head as he saw her approach.

She stopped and picked up her robe as she moved toward him. She dropped to his side and carefully cleaned his body with the warm cloth.  Tae sighed in bliss as her soft hands caressed him in the warmth, soothing him as he arranged himself more comfortably on the loveseat. 

As she finished, she squirmed until she was snuggled close to his side, pulling the robe to cover them both.

“Thank you for the things you picked out for me,” she whispered, finding a comfortable spot to rest against his chest.

“It looks beautiful on you,” he responded, “I knew it would.  I like it even better off,” he teased.

She kissed him and laughed and they snuggled in the following minutes.

“Tae?” she ventured, “the picture of me?  I really love it.  You captured exactly how I felt those days with you in the courtyard.  My life had been hidden so long I had lost hope there was any light.  But then I heard you chastise those girls and suddenly you were standing there and the world seemed to flood from black and white to color.”

He kissed her temple and drew the robe closer around her as she shivered.

“I just knew,” she said quietly.

He hummed an acknowledgement.  He felt same way, but it was odd hearing it from her

She lifted her head to look him deep in the eyes. “I want to tell you something that I have really never told anyone else, “ she started, her voice low and unsure.

He kissed her saying, “I want to hear everything.”

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