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(Deep breaths!! Every end is a beginning💜)

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(Deep breaths!! Every end is a beginning💜)

Tae was waiting inside the café. His pacing was driving Nev mad.

"Leave!" he roared, " go upstairs, go outside, go away! "

Tae just laughed and took his place next to the table he had claimed as his all those months ago.

Had he felt an inkling then that his life was about to change? He thought not.

He had not been prepared to meet a delicate creature, hidden from the world, who stole his heart with a kiss. But oh he was so very glad she did!

He watched as she came in the café. She had changed so much since that day.

She no longer hid away from the world. She had found her voice. Today she had found a new purpose. She had found her place. And he prayed that from now to the end that place would remain with him.

But she was still that same soul that kissed him as though she had done it a thousand times before.

There was always something more about her - more than he could see, more than he understood. That was alright with him. He would spend his life learning her secrets.

Sky entered the café and found Tae immediately. She wondered how many times she had seen him there. How many times had he appeared in her dreams before he came to her rescue that day?

She hurried to him and snaked her arms around his waist and pressed her ear to his chest. She needed to confirm that this time he was flesh and blood. She held him tight, planning to never let go.

Tae understood her need. His kissed her hair and hummed to her as he rocked her gently in his arms. He felt her grip relax and heard the heavy sigh as she leaned against him.

After giving her several minutes, he tipped her face to his and smiled.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

She did not even stop to consider her answer. Without question, she was.

"Yes," she answered and allowed him to lead her out into the courtyard where it all began.

The wind was cool, but not unpleasant as they started down the path. The closer they got to the clearing the more intensely she felt the man beside her.

Tae stopped in the spot he considered "theirs" and kissed her in the filtering sun. With the sweet kiss and the sun warming her face Sky understood his request she meet him at this time of day.

"I think about that day all the time," he confessed, "that kiss surprised me, but I knew then I wanted you to kiss me a million more times!"

She blushed and reached on tip toe in a promise to do just that.

After a few sweet kisses he smiled and tugged her forward. She was surprised when he headed to the area she had discovered when gathering things for the kissing baugh.

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