chapter 59

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He was greeted by name by the sales clerks

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He was greeted by name by the sales clerks.  He smiled and introduced her to a beautiful woman, whispering “tell her what you need.  You can trust her."

Tae stood and watched as Sky ventured into the store.  The young man that usually helped him had appeared by his side, pen and paper in hand.

He watched as Sky stopped by a display of skin care products; the same Tae used.  She opened the familiar bottle and took a breath, her eyes flying to his as the familiar scent surrounded her. She slowly replaced the bottle, her face a rosy red as she blushed remembering last night, the lotion, the love that followed.

“The whole line of that for her” Tae whispered to the young man, “product for bath and hair too.”
The young man nodded and took notes.

Tae was fascinated to watch Sky shop.  She had excellent taste.  He could see her touching the clothes as she passed.  She was drawn to dark or black clothes, but she was trying to pull herself away from that safe zone.

She selected several pair of jeans and comfortable, oversized sweaters.  He hummed his approval at the dress pants.  He could see her debating over the silk shirts and sighed when she walked off without one.

“That shirt, two of them in jewel tones,” he instructed.

He swallowed hard as she headed into the lingerie section.  He had been busy trying not to think about how soft her body was, how easily she responded to him or the way she looked above him in the sun this morning.  Sure, he had not thought about that at all.

He watched her pause and run her hands down a deep velvet robe.  The sight alone had his body aching.  He watched her shake her head after a few seconds and follow the salesgirl into the more private area.

“That one, “ Tae said, his voice husky  “ in crimson velvet.”

The boy beside him sighed.  That was one fortunate woman.

Tae told him that would be all for today. He had paid and was watching the boy wrap his purchases when he saw Sky walking back toward him. 

She had a black coat, fitted at the waist with a flared skirt.  She held it for his approval and he smiled.

“A couple of berets, one black, some others of varied colors, a couple of different types of hats, and send boots later, leather and suede, black and brown,” he whispered to the boy who hurried to gather the last-minute items.

Tae put his arm around her as she stood waiting to pay.  He sensed the excitement was beginning to wear off.  She shivered against him and he knew the day was beginning to catch up with her.

Sky leaned into Tae, using him to ground herself.  It had been a very long time since she had been around crowds of people for this length of time.  She felt like every drop of energy had been leached from her.  She was fighting pulling her hood up and retreating into her cloak.  Only Tae's warmth and strength were stopping her.

“I will take you home soon,” he whispered, “a cup of hot tea, maybe a fire, some time alone to recharge.  Just a few more minutes, ok?”

She rested her head against him for a moment, not questioning how he knew exactly what she needed.

“Ok,” she said.

The clerks worked quickly and soon she had paid for her things and Tae was whisking her into the car.

The tears came then, she was overwhelmed and could not stop the emotions from the day.

Tae gently pulled her into his lap and silently rocked her slowly against his chest.  She felt the stress drifting away when his phone rang.

He softly cursed, and said. “It is Dae.  I have to take it.”  She nodded against his chest, content to hear the deep rumble of his voice soothing her.

She could clearly hear the conversation.  The woman’s voice was soft and full of affection for Taehyung.  She needed him in the office for a few hours.  Could he come? Yes

Did he want to join a group of them for supper? No, he hoped to have other plans.

That answer had her smiling and burrowing deeper into his chest as his arms tightened around her.

“Tae, the workers will be at the gallery today.  They are going to finish the plumbing and do a few more tasks.  They should be finished by 6,” the woman said.

Sky nodded as he looked at her, checking she would be ok.

Finishing the call with a promise to be in the office in 30 minutes, he held her tightly the last few miles back to the café. She sighed as the car glided to a stop and she slipped off his lap.

He had calmed her spirit to the point that she was no longer shaking.  But the truth was she still desperately wanted to spend some time in solitude.

Tae helped her out of the car, collecting the shopping bags and enjoying her laugh as he struggled to take all of them.

They rode the elevator to the gallery and met the workers beginning the job.  Tae knew them and felt confident they would work quickly and would not disturb Sky.

He followed her up the steel staircase to the loft and dropped the packages into the huge corner chair.

The rumpled bed caught his eye and he groaned.  He had to leave. Now! Or Dae would have to come drag him out of here naked if she wanted him today.

Sky smiled, the deep blush on her face revealing her thoughts had drifted in the same direction.

He cleared his throat, and then again as he tried to make himself leave.

“Thank you for today,” she said.

“Thank you.  I thought maybe….I could come back by after my meeting.  Bring food, or order something later?” he offered.

She stood with her arms wrapped around herself, nodding, needing no words to entice him back.

“Good……ok, “he said.  “I’ll lock the door on my way out.  The workers won’t be here long.  I'll be back about 7.”

She watched him disappear behind the door and check the lock from the outside.  

“I'll be back soon,” he promised and then he was gone.

She moved the bags into the floor and turned on the fire. 

She curled into the chair, covering up with a thick blanket and losing herself in the blissful silence.

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