Saving a demon! -6

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"Go time Blondie, Good luck!" Shouting back to the guy, before sprinting into the city. You felt him shout at you but now is not the time, as you must prove you can be a hero.

Starting to run around the replica city, it looks amazing as it looks just like an actual city. It's amazing and confirms why you want to go to U.A. You start thinking in your head with a plan on what to do.

'Right, I need to get to a 3-point robot, they're the most points or do I go to the easier 1 pointers but that would mean I need to more.' However, the robots had another idea a 3-point robot came straight for you.

Fliping out the way on the foot as it nearly stepped on you as you drew your claws and pounced at the robot using its different limbs to get higher until you were at a weak spot to cut any wires that may stop it from working. It felt like people were coming towards you, probably to take the villain down to get the points, so you knew you had to move quickly. Using your whip to wrap it around the head as you swung around landing on the back of its neck. As soon as you got there you started shredding any wire that was insight. All of a sudden, the robot started to fall forward as you had disabled it.

"WHOOOOPPP 1 DOWN!" Starting to ride it down to the ground when as you notice the angry blond looking at you to then start throwing explosions your way. Barely missing your tail, slightly burning the hairs.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU STUPID HEDGEHOG? I'M CLEARLY NOT A VILLAIN!" I yelled at him with my face red with rage. That is when you noticed 3 villains coming up behind you one of them looked pretty burnt but not down yet.

The next thing you knew, a blonde blur ran past, and the next thing heard was "DIEEEEEEEEE!" and a massive explosion. Then bits of robot flying everywhere crashing into building, roads and even at you which luckily you managed to dodge. As the smoke started to clear you saw two red eyes staring at you with flames glimmering in them and a demonic smile plastered on his. He looked terrifying.

'Man, I thought this guy wanted to be a hero, but he looks and sounds more like a villain,' Not saying this out loud as this will probably make him angry at you again.

'Man, I need to crack on I only have 3 points and there is only half the time left' you snapped yourself out of it just as the floor started to shake. Something was coming and it was a lot bigger than the villains you've already seen. You see the boy turn round to face whatever was coming, however, he wasn't paying attention to the surroundings as part of a building that was hit with his explosion started to collapse and was heading straight for him.

Before you even had time to think your feet started to move forward, getting your whip out you flicked it around the boy's waist and pulled with all your strength sending you and him flying backwards so that you could save him from his inevitable fate of being squashed. Looking up trying to ignore the pain in your wrist from landing funny. Two furious red eyes looking up at you.

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT YOU STUPID FUCKING CAT?" The boy was seething with anger at your help. "I COULD OF SAVED MY FUCKING SELF, DID I LOOK LIKE I NEEDED THE HELP OFF SOME WEAK ASS SCAREDY CAT LIKE YOU" you were dumbfounded "DON'T THINK I OWE YOU ANYTHING" He just kept shouting at you getting up and pulling you up by the front of your vest top.

It was making you very nervous as it was slowly riding its way up your body, until the bottom of your bra was on show, but you didn't dare interrupt him in his rage. All you did was hang slightly off the floor whilst the whole test was getting a taster of what you have to offer under your top. All you could do was look away, going redder and redder until eventually he stopped shouting after a minute and dropped you back to the ground as you weren't expecting it.

Looking up from the floor, he was looking down at you but instead of anger in his eyes, there was lust and his face slightly pink. You started to burn up looking at him, you were curious as to why his eyes held lust.

'Did fighting turn him on? Shit, I need to get more points! I can't be thinking this right now it's not the place.' Snapping out of your curiosity and jumped to your feet and started to run away from the boy leaving him slightly stunned, as he wasn't expecting you to move so fast.

Heading towards the sounds of other battles, you to try to get some last-minute points to make up for the 3 points you already have. However, when you round the corner people are running towards you and away from the villain in front of you. You look at it and realise it's the zero pointers, so decide it's for the best to head in a different direction to try to get more points.

By the time the buzzer goes off you only have a total of 9 points, considering the red-eyed demon took up so much of your time. However, you didn't regret saving him from becoming a squished hedgehog. Not only that, but you had also left your whip wrapped around his waist when you ran off meaning you only really managed to use your claws and fighting techniques that your parents showed you and your brother.

As your walking out of the arena, you notice a boy with spiky hair just like your favourite hedgehogs but red starting to walk over to you. Walking closer, you realise his face is going as red as his hair. 'Maybe he doesn't speak to girls, why would he walk up to me if he is shy.'

"Hi, are you ok? You're very red in the face. Can I help you at all? Maybe some water to cool off?" You wave and smile asking him, you are quite concerned he may be hurt.

"Hi, ermm I just thought I would come and tell you that you're.... ermmm top is up!" He said in quite a gentlemanly manner. Instantly your face literally goes bright red as a tomato as you pull your top down.

"OMGosh, that's so embarrassing! Thank you sooo much you're a gentleman. Most boys would have let me walk around that way." giving him a cute smile, exposing your little fangs. Taking a closer look and not only is his hair red but so are his eyes, his teeth are sharp and pointed which is unusual. The rest of his body is very muscly and he is also taller than you. Looking back, he gives you a toothy grin.

"That wouldn't be manly of me, would it?" He said with a deep manly voice.

"Well, I guess it wouldn't be and you do look very manly." giggling, in a slightly flirty voice.

"OI (F/N), GET OVER HERE IT'S TIME TO GO HOME, YOU BIG FLIRT!" you hear the familiar voice of your brother shouting over to you, making everyone in the immediate area turn to look at him. It wasn't long that you had started to go back to your normal colour, but your brother's words sent your face bright red like the handsome boy's hair. As well as that, the gentleman is also bright red.

"Ermm I best go nice to meet you, Mr Gentleman. Good luck!" bowing, you ran off to your brother and smacked him on the chest remembering you'd hurt your wrist earlier. 

**** Hope you enjoyed it guys! Finally starting to get those BNHA characters in but remember their not mine. Also, the pictures aren't mine*****

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