What he always wanted!

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Stunned expressions were left on the faces of Todoroki, Tokoyami, Shoji and Aoyama, as tears poured out of Midoryia's big green eyes, screams of despair filling the burning forest. Those that could move in the forest helped those knocked out by the gas or injured by villains unable to move.

In the classroom, Kirishima and Leo stood there in anger of not being able to help you as others stood there in disbelief in what had happened. Vlad King was able to call emergency services not too long after the villains left as ambulances and the fire service came. Of the forty-two students fifteen were unconscious and in serious condition due to the gas. Eleven others were injured fourteen were unharmed well not physically, whilst two of you were missing.

Pixie-Bob was in serious condition due to a blow to the head, whilst Rag Doll was missing but there were clear signs she had lost a lot of blood. Alex seemed to be in some kind of coma and there were cuts over his chest showing clear signs of torture. Three villains were captured but the others escaped thanks to the warp villain.

The next day was chaos for U.A press surrounded the school trying to get answers on what had happened but also how it had happened to such a prestigious school. Your parents were made aware of the situation and rushed straight to the hospital to be by your brothers and Alex's side. They called his Aunt back in the UK who never picked up, they informed the local police who upon going to the property had found she had been killed.

Looking at footage from the airport on the day Alex was supposed to fly it shows him never leaving the bathroom as he was taken the moment he was out of sight. They expected him to wake soon as there were spores running through his bloodstream, most likely from Hoshi's quirk. They hoped that when he woke he wouldn't remember the pain he must have been put through but hoped it was soon to find the two of you missing.

Meanwhile, at U.A Nezu, Snipe, Present Mic, All Might and Midnight are in discussion on possible reasons for the attack. Most likely they took Katsuki due to his violent tendencies if he turned to the villain's side then that would ruin the school and the hero society but they couldn't understand why you were taken. Sure you were Katsuki's girlfriend but that wouldn't make sense if anything you would make it, so he didn't turn into a villain. Discussion of a possible traitor was also mentioned but was quickly dismissed since that's what the villains most likely wanted.

During the meeting, All Might got a call from Detective Tsukauchi stating that there may be a lead after he had finished questioning Aizawa and Vlad, as the recalled a boy identifying a description of Dabi going into what was supposed to be an abandoned building. Apparently, there was a hidden bar in the building according to the owner. He explained its top secret but they will be asking many Pro Heroes to join the operation and clean up the mission as he believed it could get messy.

The press were going wild with accusations of what was happening and the League of Villains were loving every second of it.

****Yours and Katsuki POV****

As soon as you were through the other side of the portal you could still feel yourself screaming inside your head to move or do anything to control your body, as you stepped into a dingy bar in there you could spot the man with blue hair his face covered by a hand, the blonde girl who attacked Tsu and Ochacho, a man with patchwork skin who was the one pulling Katsuki through the portal, a transgender woman with quite a wide, muscular build, and red hair, then a man in a black and grey suit, and the warp villain.

You weren't being restrained like Katsuki was you were allowed to stand there with no one holding you, most likely due to the fact you weren't in control. "My My welcome to the League of Villains. Don't worry we won't hurt you Katsuki Bakugou." the main guy who's name was Shigaraki "What about (f/n) you didn't say she wouldn't be hurt!" the ash-blonde yelled as the hand at his throat tightened.

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