Your a hero!

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Multiple times in the night you woke up sweating from nightmares of being tortured but also being locked in a cage. Each time you sat bolt upright making Katsuki wake up to calm you down before you would drift off to sleep with his reassuring words. At around 7 am you woke up again but this time it wasn't from your dreams but from Katsuki muttering in his sleep. "Die" he kept muttering as his grip on your body tightened. Turning to face him in his arms you lent forward kissing his forehead making his eyes bolt open.

It took him a few seconds to realise you were still there and hadn't been taken again. Lowering your face placing your nose against his nose "You have a nightmare?" you whispered brushing his soft locks off his sweaty forehead. "Yeh I'm fine" he muttered embarrassed he'd woken you. "I'm not going to leave your side" you continued to rub your hands through his hair to soothe him a little. "Good because you're not going anywhere without me" he smirked pulling your lips to his slowly and softly pulling back he pushes some stray (h/c) hairs off your face.

"Good" you mutter nervously about everything you were completely paranoid you would be taken again. He held you in his arms for another half an hour neither of you saying anything as you both got lost in your own thoughts. You were thinking about how different you felt and how weak you felt, whereas the Katsuki was thinking of all ways possible to keep you safe. 'If this was the other week he'd be all over me' you thought feeling dirty from what happened. 'I wish I could just take her and show her how much I want her. I don't want to hurt her geez. I'm such a fucking idiot. Why does she make me this fucking way' he thought as he was deep in thought scowling.

Looking up you notice his intense red eyes thinking about something you couldn't work out for the life of you. "I should probably go to my room and get dressed" you sighed since in felt tense in the room. You went to sit up wincing but you knew that would be gone after today according to Recovery Girl. "Does it hurt still?" his voice was raw with pain as he watched you sit up. "I'll be fine don't worry," you said a small smile on your face. "I'll sort it" you commented as he went to help.

"Let me help" he started getting up as you pushed him back down "I can do it myself" you snapped this was the problem you always needed someone else help you were thinking as he looked hurt trying not to snap at you. Slowly you shuffled to the door turning the knob as you went to head out the door he lost it he knew you'd been through something shit but he had also been taken. It wasn't only you that need someone he needed you "Why the fuck won't you let me help?" he snapped making you freeze. "What?" you snapped back before turning to look at him "You gone deaf I said why.the.fuck.won'" he snapped standing up and striding towards you.

Your gold and purple eyes widened at the anger tormented on his face as he looked down at you "I'm your fucking boyfriend yet you're pushing me away...Why?" he snapped as you stood there not knowing what to say. Doors started to open as Kirishima's head popped out his door from the shouting. "Don't you love me anymore? Where is the girl who would lose her temper at stupid shit?" He was ranting at you as your body shook with both fear and anger. 'Of course, I love you.' your head was a mess as your hair covered your eyes.

"Bakugou give her a break man..." Kirishima walked closer "Fuck off shitty hair." he yelled at the boy who held his hands up as you stood shaking with anger. "What is it cat? Do you love me because I fucking love fucking much and I couldn't fucking save you from that prick" he yelled at you as tears started to fall from your eyes. "Well I know you have a voice and this mopping around shit isn't going to cut it" he grabbed your face lifting your head to meet his angry eyes.

"You're letting them fucking win. Can't you see that?" he glared at you 'Is he right? I couldn't save him' you looked at him your eyes were weak. "I've had enough" he yelled grabbing your wrist and dragging you downstairs as the rest of the class looked out the doors. Clearly, Aizawa hadn't heard you yet. "Katsuki what are you doing?" you called as he ignored you before leading you to the courtyard in the brisk morning sun on to the grassy area. "I told you once to tell me everything. To scream. To shout. To cry at me. Forever I promise you this. You cannot let this anger build up. I won't let you." he grabbed you by the throat as your eyes looked panicked as you tried to peel his fingers off.

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now