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Your 24 hours in the hospital was monitored by Pro Heroes making sure you didn't A- try to leave. B-Attack anyone and C- making sure the League of Villains didn't try to take you back since one of them had an unhealthy emotional attachment to you. The next day you got the all-clear to leave under the supervision of the people that called you their family. "I was thinking why don't we go to Yukihira's for food tonight. We could go get some nice new clothes and invite Katsuki!" the cat looking woman who called herself your mum commented as she passed you some jeans and a frilly top.

"Sounds shit to me!" you pouted as you tied your now long hair into to braids running cherry blossoms through them with your new quirk making the woman's eyes tear. "Aren't you supposed to be a hero? Look like a fucking loser to me" you commented in a bored tone "I guess if you want to take me shopping though. I'll let you spend your money" smirking as you tied your shoes. "I guess it's a start and food tonight?" the woman smiled "I'll eat when Hoshi comes to get me!" you glared at the woman who just scowled and leads you out the room.

Standing there is two men from the day before that looked like father and son. They had glum faces and weren't speaking as you came out laughing "Aww look at the little heroes so sad!" you smirked as you walked next to them whilst a detective came up to you. "f/n for your safety and the safety of citizens you're going to have to wear this!" he smiled before grabbing your wrist and putting a bracelet on it.

"Once your back to normal we can take it off. Put if you use your quirk for ill will this will know and you will be shocked." he smiled but you could tell he didn't want to be doing this. "Oh, it cannot be taken off and has a tracking device in. Just in case you try to run off." he nodded before walking off. This made your face drop you saw another boy walk over to you with long black hair tied back in a ponytail with sad grey eyes. "Thank god you're safe!" he whispered before running over and hugging you.

You pushed his off you "I don't know you so don't fucking touch me!" you snapped "Alex...Just try to remember this isn't her at the moment" the older man commented. "I know I can see it in her eyes." he sighed before giving you space. You just stood there with your arms crossed pouting "So are we going to go. This place sucks balls!" you say almost bored as they all nod heading to a car.

There is silence in a car that used to be full of laughter and banter but instead, everyone kept glancing at you, whilst you stared out the window taking in all the trees and flowers. Getting to the mall it wasn't that busy as they took you a few shops to get new things and the other boys got a few things as well. It had been around an hour or so while you grabbed a handful of clothes when you smelt jasmine and you knew instantly who it was as you looked towards the scent. A boy stood near the changing room with a hat covering most of his hair and shades covering his eyes as he looked around sneaking into the changing rooms.

You noticed the woman looking at clothes and the three guys looking bored but looking at stuff as well. "Ermm I'll be back in a moment. I'll try these on." you shrug "You need my help?" she was excited "No!" was all you said before walking to the changing room. Smelling the air you followed the scent before getting to a room that was slightly ajar.

Walking in the tiny space Hoshi stood there taking off his shades and hat "I missed you!" he whispered as you jumped on him kissing him. As you kissed him he pinned you against the wall and started to kiss you desperately. You were sure you felt something go down your throat again but thought nothing of it. As you pulled away he looked into your eyes "Tell me how much you love me!" he whispered not wanting to alert anyone to his presence. "I love you more than anything!" you whispered back.

"Good I love you too!" he smiled relieved your memories were still blocked. "I can't go with you though" you looked down at your wrist as he looked at the bracelet. "Bastards!" he raised his voice a little before you covered it with his hand. You had quite a lot of clothes "I'm sure we have ten mins!" you smirked as he didn't have to be asked twice as you stripped off and he pulled his trousers down not even giving you time to prepare, he captured your lips before pushing himself fully in you.

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now