Sexy and Sweet!

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Katsuki POV

'This guy is bad news I need to play it safe! I can't mention it to Leo he will tell (f/n) least the boys saw it. It's not just in my head!' he was holding your hand whilst him and the other boys walked you home after work, but he wasn't very chatty. He could hear the other boys talking to you, but something was just bugging him about Hoshi, but he couldn't place his finger on it. Firstly, he got the collar from your neck off, secondly how he openly challenged the ash blonde in front of his friend behind your back and the way he hugged you really got to him.

"We're here Katsuki you ok? You're very quiet!" you'd stood in front of him leaning up for a kiss before going inside. "Tch!" before leaning down and giving you a sweet kiss. Just as you walked inside your twin Leo walked out. "Oh, hey guys what ya up to?" the friendly guy said. "Going to the arcade wanna come?" Katsuki said wanting to rack his brain for ideas for taking you on a date. "Sure, let me grab my coat! You gonna be ok on your own (f/n)?" he turned to you as you just nodded, Katsuki, however, wanted to stay with you and get a repeat of when you two had been in the bathroom together.

"Have fun guys I'll catch ya all tomorrow at school!" you smiled before heading upstairs to have a shower. With that, the guys left to go to the arcade, but the ash blonde didn't seem himself, he was worried about what Hoshi had said. Would you really leave him for that dickhead? "Oi Bakugou you gonna get your head in the game?" he snapped out of it when Leo nudge him. "WHA DA FUCK YOU SAY MUSCLE BRAIN!" he yelled at the multicoloured eyed boy.

"Phew thought I'd lost ya there! Want to chat about something? My sister doin' your head in or summit?" he gave the boy a side glance. "Nah but yeh wanna grab a drink?" he looked over to other guys who all shrugged before sitting in a booth with a fizzy drink.

"What's that cat done now?" Leo blurts out winking at the boy making his ear go slightly pink. "Nothing but I want to take her out ya know like a date! Has to be perfect!" the ash blonde puts his hands in his pocket looking down. "Well lookie here! This is priceless as she tamed the angry Bakugou?" Leo teases the boy who is on his last nerve and regretting asking the guy. "Dude that's pretty gentlemanly!" Kirishima pipes in. "Yeh didn't know you had a soft side to be fair dude as your attitude is a crap heap of garbage!" Kaminari pipes in making Sero spit his drink out.

"I WILL MAKE YOU REGRET THE DAY YOU WERE BORN DUNCE FACE!" the red-eyed boy grabs him by the collar. "My point exactly!" Kaminari clearly feeling brave. "Tch! Whatever!" putting his hand on his face.

"Hmm, she likes cute things! So like Disney, cat's, unicorns the work of cuteness!" your brother scratches his head. "hmm she loves a lot of anime! Of course, you've seen her love of fish but to be honest she loves food in general. As well as sleeping LOVESSS sleeping a lot!" he chuckles. "I know that. Is there anything she did back in like the UK!" the bashful teen asks.

"Hmm well we did get up to lots of mischief the three of us!" they all look at you slightly confused "Three of you?" Sero asks. "Oh yeah (f/n) not mention Alex. That's why she works soo much to go visit! However, what she doesn't know he is going to be visiting but he told me to let him know when! You wouldn't like him Bakugou!" Leo states as a matter of fact. "Why the fuck is that?" the boy snaps harshly.

"Well, he is quirkless for starters! Also, he probably knows more about (f/n) than anyone. They also dated when they were kids but decided it wasn't right, as they were more like bro and sis. They never kissed I think oh well!" the more Leo stated the more pissed off Bakugou was getting. "Dude you could take her to an amusement park and for food?" this was Kaminari's suggestion clearly reading the room.

"Yeh she like Yukihira's! She always makes us go there and nowhere else for sushi!" Leo added sipping his drink. "Thanks, I guess!" the angry blonde was forming an idea. "Come on let's be men and play games!" Kirishima stated as they all went back to the arcades.

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now