Your actions!

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The two boys are instantly put in a tight restraint as you try to hide behind All Might. "(l/n) if I had another scarf you would be in the same situation!" the normally bored-looking teacher snapped making you jump "Yes sir!" you call out walking forward to his office as he starts squeezing the life out the two boys. "To fight and sneak out the night you finish the preliminary hero licensing exam...I'm glad you two are soo energetic and you have the nerve to break curfew!" Aizawa is pissed off and you feel that's an understatement as you stand there shaking even though he is focusing more on the two boys.

"Aizawa, wait, hold up with the restraints. I'm the cause" All Might steps forward waving his arms making the black-haired teachers face look relaxed. It was weird seeing him with his hair back in a ponytail it suited him but now was not the time to say that. "Huh?!" the man restraining the two boys says looking confused as All Might whispers in which you can hear clearly as Aizawa looks more confused "Cause? Of what?" he keeps his eyes on the boys as All Might starts talking.

"Young Bakugou felt responsible for my retirement. He had to face the exam with those pent-up feelings and in the end, his inferiority complex exploded. It's because I didn't realise and was negligent in his mental care...It was a fight brought about by the failure of adults..." this made the black-haired man's face relax a bit more, but it was still stern-looking, as he began to release the bindings. His voice sounded normal "So they had no choice but to break the rules." that's when he looks back and his face is twisted with rage again.

"But I can't just let it go. I will give you a suitable punishment" he snapped as at the moment he was ignoring you which you still weren't comfortable with. "Who hit first?" he looks at the two boys as Katsuki turns to the side "Me" is all he comments as Midoryia looks at the teacher. "I also went pretty hard," he said looking ashamed as Aizawa started yelling at the boys "FOUR DAYS OF HOUSE ARREST FOR BAKUGOU. THREE DAYS OF HOUSE ARREST FOR MIDORYIA!" He paused a second "During that time you must clean the common areas of the dorm morning and night. Plus, you have to turn in a written apology" looking over the two of them.

"For your injuries, if the pain gets worse or doesn't go, then go to the infirmary. But, don't rely on the old lady's quirk! Injuries you got on your own should be healed that way!" he takes a breath before you feel yourself tightened in the scarves gasping for air in shock. "And you!" he snapped as you were looking shocked not knowing if the 'I technically died earlier today' would work. Katsuki was watching as was Midoryia and All Might who couldn't really stick up for you.

"If it wasn't for the fact we need heroes you would be expelled" this made you look down, feeling sag a little in the restraints as it felt harsher than the boy's punishment. "You knew this was going to happen and instead of informing me you went and tried to stop it yourself," he yelled as you just looked down sad little tears forming. This was the first time you were ever being told off or did something bad at school ever. "If anything, I am more disappointed with you (l/n). You were a model student, but you seem to be being influenced by others behaviours or are you going to blame other things." the restraints loosened as you knew he was seeing if you would blame the fact you keep getting attacked.

"I'm sorry sir. It's my fault. My actions are my own and I know better than to behave the way I did" you sob a little as you wipe your eyes. "I appreciate you had a tough day! However, you shouldn't be using that as an excuse to..." you looked up "Sir I accepted that these were my own actions the fact I died earlier had nothing to do with this. I made the decision to sneak out. I don't blame any events for what I willingly did." you mumbled as he smiled.

"Good. However, this cannot go unpunished" he looked over at the two boys "Since you didn't fight you will only have two days of house arrest. Also, I do want you to get checked by the old woman since I'm not happy about what happened earlier today as they weren't injuries caused by yourself." he said as the restraints dropped fully. "Now go to bed" he snapped as you all walked out the room not speaking to each other as you broke the silence "I'll clean your guy's wounds up" glancing at them they nodded.

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now