The Opportunity!

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So, today was the day that you find out if you're going to be accepted into U.A and the most prestigious hero school in the whole of Japan. You're that nervous you decide that you want to find out your results in your room.

You place the letter on the desk and open it. There appears to a disk inside, taking it out and look to see what the hell it is but can't see how it turns on if it needs to go in somewhere. You're so confused on what to do you stand up to go ask Leo, placing the little disc on the desk when all of a sudden All Might the number one hero and symbol appears as a hologram.

"I AM HERE AS A PROJECTION!" you literally jump out of your skin. Before listening to the mini All Might.

"You're looking at the newest U.A faculty member!" 'OMG, this can't be real All Might as a teacher. What the actual Fuck' "Even though you passed the written test you only got 12 points from the practical test, I'm sorry!" Your heart literally sinks from the word he is saying. You knew it deep down but this just proves you don't have what it takes. Hell, you couldn't even stop the guy from taking advantage of you. All Might continue though "Fortunately, there were other factors but before that here is a short clip for your viewing pleasure"

You look at the screen with tears in the corner of your eyes. You see a familiar face walk into a room, with an angry scowl on his face and his burning red eyes. He starts talking to someone that you can't see who "ermmm do you have a sec?" You literally stare at the screen. 'Why the hell are they showing me this?' All Might then continue "He showed up after the exam to talk about your results, so stay tuned" The video then starts again and you see him talking to Present Mic.

"You know that stupid cat girl! One eye a shimmering gold and one as purple a precious stone, with (h/c) and a stupid tail to match" You start to blush then it goes again when he calls you stupid. "Anyway I was wondering is it possible to give her some of my points, as I know I got shit loads and I know I took up some of her time shouting at her for getting in my way." You see the tips of his ears go slightly pink. "She saved me! She is still crap but she has a good heart I guess!" "PLEASE JUST TAKE SOME OF MY FU....POINTS, FOR THAT STUPID CAT!" The video pauses and goes back to All Might. He looks in the camera "It's not just your quirk but your actions that inspire others and that's why I AM HERE!" "Your practical exam was not based on combat points alone." It then goes back to the video were Present Mic starts talking.

"Don't worry about her points she scored good points on her own!" You literally stare at the screen trying to work out where the hell you got these points. All Might then continue "How can a hero course refuse applicants who will save people no matter the personal costs! After all, that is what makes a hero! That is what U.A is all about training those who are willing to risk themselves to save others!" Your mouth is literally as wide open as it could possibly be. "So we have rescue points and a panel of judges watches and they reward points for heroic deeds beyond fighting villains, YOUNG (L/N) YOU GOT 40 RESCUE POINTS" Tears fill your eyes thoughts running through your head you start to mumble if this is some kind of joke. "Welcome (f/n), you made it! You are part of the Hero Academia!" With that, the video stopped and you burst into tears running from your room to the kitchen downstairs where the rest of your family are jumping for joy!

"LEO DID YOU GET IN?" You literally yell it startles them. He just looks over nodding then notices your eyes full of tears but your smile as big of the Cheshire cats, he knows you got in he could sense it. He just runs over, propelling you in the air and catching you in his arms bringing you into a big embrace. Your parents can't hold it in anymore and start balling their eyes out full of pride that their children will have the opportunity they didn't and will be training in the best hero course in the world.

"See I told you silly kitty!" this is all your twin said before you all went out to celebrate your start at becoming heroes.

That night you sent messages to Katsuki to say thank you, then to Hoshi and Alex to tell them you made it in to U.A. You don't tell Katsuki and he doesn't ask, which you think is his way of being nice and not rubbing in the fact that he made it in with the possibility that you didn't.

Over the next few weeks, you work two shifts at the cafe a week with Leo taking you and fetching you, as they still haven't found your attacker. You see Hoshi at work who can't contain his excitement the first time he sees you at work and has to be reminded that it's against cafe rules to touch the maids. However, when you finish your shift you give him a big hug and text him most nights. You realise you have a lot in common, from food to things you like even music. You're happy that you're finally starting to make friends Japan, you don't really have time to hang out but you make sure you talk to him most days. You also speak to Katsuki most days as well who stills hasn't told you that he is going to U.A, but you haven't told him either as you want to surprise him on the first day!

Everything is finally going your way all the paperwork is done, both you and your brother helped design each other's costumes with the help of your hero parents of course. Before you knew it your first day at U.A arrived!

You stand at the entrance staring up at the amazing building that you will be learning for the next 3 years in awe and still a little bit of shock that this is still happening.

"I told you we're in this together, the (l/n) twins, and the unstoppable duo!" He pats you on the head and you continue on to start your future as a hero in training. 

****Thank you for reading. I don't own the BNHA characters and I the picture above isn't mine.***

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