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The next day everyone went home after you explained how both you and Katsuki got the massive bruises and bite marks on your necks. Mina was squealing but I had to keep her quite by telling her the juicy details. She clearly is a secret perv, but you love her for it! Your parents also end up spending time with your class in the morning, giving them advice on how to be a hero. Everyone then heads off home however, Katsuki ends up sending the day with you and your family making them absolutely love him. He doesn't once raise his voice or shout at all making you wonder why he is so shouty all of the time.

****Time Skip to Monday****

You walk to school with Leo, but when you the school gates it was full of journalists asking about All Might as a teacher. It was very intense and very direct that you just stand there staring at them until Leo pulls you off to class. Entering the class all your new friends were there greeting you.

"(F/N) come here a sec...gotta question?" you look over to the big smile of your pink friend. "Sure, what's up Mina!" walking over to see what she wanted. "sooooo......!" she winks at you then looks over to the spiky blonde-haired leaning back on his chair with his feet on the desk having a yet another debated argument with Iida. "Did you two ya know finish what you clearrrrllly started the other night gurl?!?!" as soon as the words leave her lips you go instantly bright red. "No, we just chilled out ya know! But shhhh!"

"OI CAT SIT THE FUCK DOWN!" you're beckoned over to your seat by the clearly pissed off red-eyed boy. You roll your eyes at Mina and start heading to your desk just in time to hear Kirishima saying "Dude seriously that's not a manly way to speak to your girl!" Which just gets a "tch" back. "Thanks, Kirishima! You're super manly!" giving him a cheeky wink and taking a seat at your desk ignoring the glares coming from the side of you but before Mr Aizawa came in to start the day. He explained that he had watched all the footage from our hero training.

"Bakugou, your talented. So, don't sulk like a child about your lose ok!" he stated in his monotone voice which the boy just looked away "Yeh whatever!"

"And Midoriyia I see the only way you won the match was messing up your arm again! Work harder and don't give me the excuse you don't have control over your quirk! That lines already getting old!" Everyone looks over to the shaking green haired boy that has his head down in a bow. "You can't keep breaking your body whilst your training here! But your quirk will be really helpful if you can get a handle on it." That made the boy lift his head cheerful at the positive comments from your teacher.

The whole room turns tense at the sleepy looking teachers next words. "Let's get down to business! Our first task will decide your future!" 'Oh god is it another quirk test' is running through your head. "You all need to pick a class representative!" the tension in the room instantly drops to relieve. All of a sudden, the whole room burst into noise.

Kirishima shouts "PICK ME GUYS!" Then Jiro and Kaminari both put their hands up at the same time to state they want to do it. Then your sparkly boy starts to say something but is soon cut off by Mina jumping and shouting to pick her. Literally, everyone seems to be screaming and shouting to be it, apart from you who would rather take a nap on your desk and Midoriyia who looks terrified.

"SILENCE EVERYONE PLEASE!" the boy with glasses shouts out getting everyone's attention, he then starts going on about how the class rep needs to lead others and isn't something anyone can do and must have the trust of everyone in the class. He then states that we should hold an election in which Mr Aizawa wasn't bothered about as long as it was decided before his nap ended. 'Damn I should get a sleeping bag for napping!' A surprising turn of events works out that Midoriyia is elected and Momo as vice president. Katsuki is livid screaming who voted for Midoriyia, you just put your head on your desk covering your ears hoping for the shouting to stop, so you can take a little cat nap.

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now