A Dance to Remember!

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The next few days were loads of fun and you got to spend it not only with your brother and Alex but the rest of your class. Although Kaminari and Mineta could only join after their shifts. You spent time around the Expo as well as having BBQ's and your own private pool. Since you helped with the villains you got upgraded to a private villa with those who helped but invited the rest of the class.

It worked out even better as you got to share a room with Katsuki still but he also got time to spend with his pals Kirishima and Kaminari, whilst you spent time with Alex as it wasn't long before he went back to the UK. Since you had only spent really a week and a half with him you were going to miss him again. Although he had convinced you, Leo and Katsuki to come to the UK the following year. Some of the other class members had decided they may even tag along.

It was the last night of the Expo before flying back to Japan as you were all eating a BBQ by the pool before the sunset. You were watching the guys chatting as you were chatting to the girls when you remember you never actually got to dance with Katsuki at the party after he looked so smart. You had never really danced with him, so you were a little gutted as you sighed sipping on your drink and glancing over to him.

"What's up (f/n) you seem a little bummed out?" Mina tapped you on the shoulder "Yeh I never got to dance with Katsuki!" you pout "He looked really smart and I had a dress but ya know I would have loved to dance with him." placing your head in your hand you continued to sip your drink as a few of the other girls looked a little bummed out thinking about the guys they wanted to dance with.

Katsuki happened to look over seeing you look a little down Alex noticed as well but being your best friend instantly knew what was wrong. "Is the cat ok?" Katsuki murmured to the black haired boy. "She is. Just a little annoyed the villains interrupted the party since she spent forever picking the right outfit to dance with you in." Alex smiled feeling sorry for you. "I think a few of the other girls feel the same!" Alex continued looking at Momo, Ochacho and Jiro. Mina also looked sad but that's because she wasn't at the party but would love to dance with Kirishima.

They looked over to see you all chatting "You think some of the other girls as well?" Kirishima looked over to the sad looking pink girl. "Yeh. You guys have noticed the attention you get from the girls right. Some like really obvious and others may seem mean but it's just to get your attention." the black haired boy smiled at Kaminari glancing the earphone jack girl.

"Nah. She calls me stupid!" he pouted "All though she looked really pretty" he blushed. Katsuki got up grabbing his phone showing Alex "Play this in a second!" he smirked before walking over to you. At the same time, you were talking to the girls when you heard someone moving over to you. Glancing in the direction of footsteps you saw Katsuki walking over. You hadn't heard their conversation as you had a habit of getting distracted with stuff.

He walks over holding his hand out "Come on cat dance with me!" he grunts almost in a whisper but you could hear him fine. "What?" you look up to him as his grabs your hand and pulls you to a little decking "You can dance can't you?" he smirks as you nod as his hand goes around your waist and the other one holds your hand. You notice he looks over to Alex who smirks before music starts.

Instantly you start to move as the lyrics start coming out from the phone.

🎵When life leaves you high and dry

I'll be at your door tonight if you need help, if you need help
I'll shut down the city lights,
I'll lie, cheat, I'll beg and bribe to make you well, to make you well
When enemies are at your door I'll carry you way from more
If you need help, if you need help
Your hope dangling by a string
Ill share in your suffering to make you well, to make you well

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now