Test Part 1!

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Test 1- 50-meter dash.

The cat quirk you have is quite beneficial in some of these tests, as you're quite light on your feet and fast. You wait for your turn watching the other competitors whilst stretching out your muscles. The first two to go are Iida and some cute frog looking girl, and you get the impression that the boy with glasses was built for running coming in at 3.04 seconds. 'Wow that's fast I can't beat that but I can beat my slowpoke brother! Running is not his thing!' Looking over at him he knows that you think you're going to beat him. He just smirks and knows that you will as well no doubt about it.

Next is the cute girl who seems to be touching different parts of clothing and stuff. "Her quirk is zero gravity" Leo just smirks at you but all you do is nod. 'Good to know' she is racing against some guy with a massive tail which is pretty neat. Then it's the pink alien girl and some French-speaking boy who jumps in the air and a literally light laser beam comes out his belly button. You literally have to hold your instincts back to not chase the laser-like a cat but your brother notices and bursts out laughing.

"It's not funny you idiot! I can't help it and get distracted by shiny things!" you huff and pout up at him. Even though your twins you're not identical he is a lot taller than you. Then its Midoriya vs Katsuki, you can literally feel the tension coming from the two people. Then you hear him shout "Burst speed!" as his hands fly back and multiple explosions push him at great speed across the track getting him 5.13 seconds. 'Man I need to beat that cocky jerk!' Poor Midoriya looked exhausted but didn't use any quirk. Then it was your turn and you're up against your twin.

You both get into position and glaring in a competitive way against each other. Your ass is in the air your tail is sticking up. You've even taken your shoes off so that you can push yourself forward using your legs and arms to run just like a cheetah. People may just think you're an overgrown house cat but you have the abilities of some bigger cats such as a cheetah for speed.

You're positive you hear someone say "Man I can stand and stare at this view all day!" it sounded like a nerdy pervy voice but you have to focus on winning now. The gun goes and you pounce forward using every muscle in your legs to get as much distance between you and your competitor. Eating up the ground beneath you with your front and back claws. Crossing the finish line you here 5.13 seconds. Just as you flip up onto your legs retracting your claws back into your hands and feet.

The thing with cheetahs is they can only do short bursts of speed before getting tired. Your brother knows this picking you up in one arm and putting you over his shoulder for you to take a cat nap for a couple of minutes whilst everyone else finishes. You don't even care that people are looking at you its catnap time! Which is your favourite time!

Test 2 - Grip strength.

You're placed on the floor yawning as you wake up to the next test of grip strength. You were not going to good at this, your brother, however, will be amazing! "You may be the speed to our little duo Sis but I'm the brawn!" He says with an obnoxious grin plastered on his face. You're just about to grip it when you feel someone push past me.

"I'll beat you in a race next time you stupid cat!" clearly pissed off that you drew in the first test Katsuki is glaring at you. Looking away and gripping the test machine, getting 60 kilograms which you didn't think was bad but my brother and some massive guy with tentacles got 540 kilograms. You hear that pervy voice calling them beasts, looking over you see a super short boy with purple balls on his head. 'Man people have some weird quirks!'

Test 3 - Standing long jump

Some of these tests are built for me you swear! Although it would seem that having a laser belly button and fire coming out is also good as well. They pushed themselves just a tiny bit further than you jumped just using your legs. As cats have the great ability to jump to and from things with such grace. However, the ever cocky demon just beat you on this one.

Test 4 - Repeated side steps

Let's just say that this was not your best score at all. The weird little purple-headed boy pulled some of the squishy balls from his head and managed to bounce from on to the other it was a weird sight that you never wish to see again.

You looked over to Midoriya who seemed to have really struggled throughout every test, without using his quirk. You felt a hand on your tail and you know only one person that grabs your tail not even your family does that as it's such a personal thing. You decide to inform them of this, just to see their reaction as you feel confident to mess with them a little, whereas most other people avoided him.

You turned around whilst he pulled along on your tail moving you away from Midoriya and everyone else, still in the gym but out of people's earshot.

"You do know that you're grabbing a very intimate part of my body, don't you! Katsuki!" you walked closer and when you said his name you purred it with seduction in your voice. He instantly dropped you tail cheeks going bright red.

"That's a good boy! You can't just go round grabbing a sweet innocent little kitty's tail! It's barbaric, but I guess we are talking about you!" you swiped your tail across his chest, winked and stuck your tongue out before walking on to the next task, leaving the boy stunned with his mouth agape.

You walked up to Leo "Carry me please I'm a sleepy" you yawned he just looked down at you. "No walk otherwise you'll become a fat house cat!" You just scowled at him. "Meany!" But laughed it off walking to the next test but you could feel two very angry red eyes staring a hole into the back of you.

***Thank you for reading***

*** I don't own any of the BNHA Characters and the picture above. ****

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