Saturday Night at the Movies!

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Kaminari, Kirishima and Sero's POV

I wonder if their fucking, man that would be some great blackmail shit! lying on his back Kaminari head in his hands unable to sleep. "Kirishima, Sero you asleep?" he said in a hushed voice. "Nah can't sleep knowing he is up there!" Sero sat up resting his chin on his hand. "You guys are pervs it's not manly!" Kirishima sat up staring at the two boys.

"I'm going to look!" Kaminari jumps to his feet making his way up the stair quietly roughly remembering where your room was. "Wait for me." Sero jumps up silently following the yellow haired boy. "I best come to protect you from Bakugou!" Kirishima shakes his head noticing Kaminari was holding his phone.

At your door, Kaminari held his ear next to the door to listen for any kind of noise moans, screams of pleasure like he was expecting. What he wasn't expecting was to hear his ash blonde friends voice in the most chilled out and smoothest tone he had ever heard compared to his usual angry shouts. He motioned for the others to listen making all three boys lean their head against the door.

"I like your hero name, as you're my goddess and I will always worship the ground you walk on. I love you so much never leave me for them!" at first Kirishima looked stunned then looked at the other boys. "Dude I didn't think he could sound like that. It sounds like he is worried she will leave!" the red-haired boy felt a tinge of sadness for his friend who will never let anyone in to see his pain. He hadn't noticed the blonde slowly opening the door to take a look as they hadn't heard you respond.

"Shhh!" he turned to the black and red-haired boys before slowly creeping around the door noticing Katsuki holding you tightly in his grip and his face peaceful. You must have moved around as your face was buried deep in the blonde bare chest purring. All three looked on the scene knowing this will never be seen again.

After that they went back downstairs "Dude he looked so happy!" Kaminari said with a hint of jealousy that he had the perfect girl. "I know but could you not hear the worry in his voice." Kirishima turned to the other two. "I know what you mean...think it's the guys from general studies and the cafe that day?" Sero added lying back down on his blanket. "Most likely! Even if she assures him he would still fear it I believe." Kirishima added whilst Kaminari just nodded before they drifted off to sleep.

Normal POV

The next day you got up early so you could get ready and make the five boys' food even though you weren't a great cook, you could make bacon sandwiches. "(F/N) WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" you could hear Katsuki panicking that you weren't in bed. "Down here silly shhh my parents are asleep!" you call back.

After you had all eaten you made your way to school to start preparing for your internships, but you had also seen on the TV that Iida's brother had been hurt by the hero killer Stain but, yet he was still at school. "No need to worry (f/n) he will be fine!" he smiled at you as you went to ask but you noticed the reassurance never met his eyes and they just held vengeance.

After that, you decided that you would internship at your parent's agency with Leo, whilst Katsuki had chosen to go to the number four hero Best Jeanist. This was most likely because he was the number four hero, but he would never admit that, but it also meant he would be out of town for a week. Due to that, you spent as much time with each other when you weren't working, and before you knew it you were stood in the train station seeing everyone off on their adventures.

"Don't miss me too much cat!" he smirked "Hmm I don't think I will. I'll finally get some peace and quiet!" you smirked back joking but he clearly didn't take it as a joke as he was about to yell before you jumped him and placed your lips over his throwing him off guard before he also melted into the kiss. Once you pulled away you looked into his red eyes with your purple and gold ones. "Of course, I will miss you silly! Try and make some new friends!" you giggle knowing full well that would be the last thing he would be doing.

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now