In sync

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"Mr Aizawa you're back to soon!" everyone in the class yells at once. "You're too much of a pro!" Kaminari comments looking worriedly at your teacher. You see Iida put his hand up before shouting out "so you're alright, Mr Aizawa?" you're not sure who but someone else comments "Can you really call that alright!" Looking at your teacher again he is completely covered in bandages to the point you can only just make out his eyes.

"My wellbeing doesn't matter!" you hear his normal mono toned voice which is slightly muffled due to the bandages. "More importantly, the fight isn't over yet!" this state caught Katsuki's attention who hadn't looked all to bother "Fight?" he comments before glaring at Midoryia behind him as he speaks up "Don't tell me..." but is soon cut of my a very scared and shaking Mineta "Villains again...?!" his voice is terrified as he quivers in fear.

You're brought back to the attention of your teacher with annoyed but bored sounding voice. "The U.A. Sports Festival is drawing near!" Kirishima seems super pumped by this "That's a super normal school event!" However, his neighbour Kaminari pushes the red-haired boy in the face to calm him down before speaking out "Wait a minute!" before looking suspiciously at Aizawa.

The girl next to him with earphone jacks adds "Is it OK to have a sports festival, so soon after the villains snuck inside?" Then a voice behind you chimes in from Ojiro the boy with a tail "What if they attack us again...?" however your teacher cut him off "Apparently, they think of it as U.A. showing that our Crisis Management System is solid as a rock by holding the event." he pauses a moment looking over your class. "Security will be strengthened to five times of that from previous years!" This seems to release the tension on some of the students however, you and Leo look at each other as you don't see why a sports festival is a big thing. It wasn't back in the UK unless it was the Olympics.

You feel your teachers' eyes on both of you as if understanding you still don't understand "Above all our sports festival is a huge chance. It's not an to be cancelled because of a few villains" it's still not sinking in you look at Katsuki who just winks at you, but you just roll your eyes as you have no idea what's going on. Looking around the room you can see the purple headed boy still shaking "But that is a good reason, isn't it? It's just a sports festival !" the shaking boy states. "Yeah, I agree with Mineta! I don't get what the big fuss about a sports festival is!" you hear Leo call out. "Hmmm I have to agree with my brother and Mineta on this one I don't get why you're all so pumped it just sports right?" you smile at your classmates.

Looking at Katsuki he just looks back as if you're stupid or something making you frown at him. However, he doesn't seem as shocked as the green haired boy "Mineta, Leo, (F/n), have you never seen the U.A. Sports Festival?" he looks at you gobsmacked. "Well, no don't get what all the fuss is about!" Leo just chimes out "Yup I'm with my bro on this one no idea what's got you all sooo worked up!" However, Mineta pipes up "Of course I have that's just not it!"

"Ahem!" you all turn back to Mr Aizawa who looks at you and Leo "Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events! In the past the Olympics were called a festival of sports, and the whole country was crazy about them!" he paused looking at the class before continuing "As you know with the reduction in scale and population, they're now a shell of their former glory and now in Japan, what has taken the place of this is the U.A Sports Festival!" you look at Leo at this information. "So, it's like the Olympics but bigger!" you state, and he just nods.

"Of course, all the top heroes around the country will be watching!" your ear flick to behind you as you turn to look at Momo who is gleaming "For scouting purposes!" she smiles at you. "After we graduate, it's typical to join a Pro agency as a sidekick!" this comes from Kaminari who gives you a thumbs up. "A lot of people miss their chance after that to become independent and become eternal sidekick though!" Jiro adds to the blonde boy's comment. "Kaminari I feel like you would be one of them since you're dumb!" the headphone jack just smiles at the crushed blonde boy.

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now