True Colours

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Katsuki POV

'Stupid fuckin' cat not tellin me she was workin! I could have walked her there! Does she still need me now that prick is locked up!' hands in pockets face in a scowl as he kicked a rock across the road walking to Kirishima's. When he got there, he knocked on the door "Hey Bakugou what's with the face?" the red-haired boy stated opening door letting the grumpy faced ash blonde in.

"Shitty cat didn't tell me she was working today!" he pouted dropping onto the sofa. "So, she's gotta work you know man!" Kirishima dropped on the sofa. "We can always get the boys round and go see her!" Kirishima grabbed his phone sending a text to Sero and Kaminari. "I don't know dude I don't want to come across like I can't do anything without her! Just something that guy said about the collar bugged me." Katsuki was looking at his hands.

"That's real manly how you care for her! I've texted the boys they'll meet us there in 30 mins!" giving his blonde friend a toothy grin. With that, they left to meet Kaminari and Sero at the cafe. 'God I actually can't wait to see her in that maid costume! Maybe I can get her one for just me to see!' just thinking about his girlfriend in her maid costume was starting to stir his downstairs. "Hey Bakugou, Kirishima how's it goin'? (f/n) at work today or summit?" Kaminari waved at the two boys as they approached. "After this wanna go to the arcade?" the black-haired boy cello tape quirked boy asked. "Sure!" Bakugou shrugged.

On walking in the cafe, he noticed Hoshi the green-eyed boy that clearly has a crush on you talking to you whilst you're sat sharing ice cream with him. You hadn't noticed him as your back is to the door. "Hello Masters, please come this way!" one of the maid's states. Not taking his eyes off his kitty girlfriend he makes his way to the table. "Earth to Bakugou!" he snaps out as Kirishima hand waves in front of his face.

"Dude who's that guy with (f/n)?" Kaminari looks a little worried at the ash blonde as if he is about to literally explode. "Some prick friend of hers who clearly wants to fuck her! Pisses me off but she will be mad if I lose my shit!" the other three boys look at the usually angry boy in shock. "Where is Bakugou and what have you done with him!" Kirishima jokes "Shut the fuck up shitty hair!" he snaps back "There he is!"

After that, he keeps his eyes on you whilst you chat and laugh with Hoshi but that's when you start to move your chair closer lifting your neck and placing the hand on the collar on your neck from the villain. "Dude she is just showing him! Keep it cool you know she will lose it if you make a scene!" Kaminari looks at his friend with worry before looking back other to you.

'I don't fuckin' trust that guy! I don't know why but I don't fuckin' trust him!' Katsuki was thinking to himself whilst watching you laugh and smile with another boy. It made him mad that you weren't with him.

Normal POV

"That would amazin' if you could try everyone else has!" you smile leaning your neck forward so that the green-eyed boy can take a look at. "Hmmmm let me see!" he puts his finger on the collar and starts to swivel it around your neck. His finger kept stroking the skin on your neck which did make you purr slightly. "I didn't know you purred like a cat as well!" the boy lifted his green eyes to look into yours. "Yeah, I have the claws and can do some stuff other cats can do such as lions, cheetahs, tigers and stuff!" scratching your ear.

All of a sudden you feel the collar around your neck loosen. "Here you go there was like a little catch in here it was super tiny!" the guy holds the collar up. "Your neck looks a little sore though. Here I think I have some stuff in my bag!" Hoshi goes in his backpack pulling out a little pot of antiseptic cream. "Want me to get the sore spots for you?" holding the cream up smiling at you. "If you could!" pulling your hair up you feel the cold cream on your neck "Ahh~Hoshi! That's cold!" you moaned sending chills through the boys rubbing your neck.

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now