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"They say that clothes make the pros ladies and gentlemen! You are the proof!" All Might states as everyone walks out into the training ground. You look over at Katsuki who is avoiding eye contact with you. 'Oh, he must not feel the same way, I am just a weakling compared to him. I need to show him I'm stronger. Maybe he just likes me as a friend. Have I misjudged everything? I'm such an idiot!'

"I don't know what you're thinking (F/N) buuuuutt I totally got the cutestttt photo of you guys!" the bubbly pink girl next to you says that you now know to be called Mina. She is so lively and energetic; her costume is so bright as well just like her. "Ermm thanks, Mina! Everyone saw, didn't they?" facepalming yourself before the heat rises to your face again. She just nods with a massive grin on her face. Turning to listen to All Might to find out what you're doing today.

He starts to explain how most villains' deeds are done indoors, so you need to learn how to fight inside and deploy a situation, as truly intelligent villains stay hidden in the shadow. What he was saying made sense, as the villain that attacked you hasn't been seen since. Is he regrouping and planning, or has he just vanished? You hope the second of the two possibilities, but you have this feeling in your gut it's not and you're constantly paranoid your being followed. You're so terrified it will happen again and someone won't be there in time that you're now on birth control. By doing that you already feel as if the bastard won. You clench your fists with determination, noticing that Leo is staring at you with a kind smile knowing what you're thinking but he doesn't know about the steps you've taken if the Heroes failed to save you.

The activity was being split into teams of 2 heroes and 2 villains, but one of the exercises will consist of a 3 verse 3 battle. Seemed fair to everyone! People started firing off questions at All Might, about it being too advance, how much can you hurt each other and Ochaco asked if we have the risk of being expelled. 'What a cutie pie!' So, the situation is that the villains have hidden a fake nuclear weapon on one of the floors, the heroes must try to foil their plans by either capturing the villains or recovering the weapon it seems pretty straightforward. drawing lots, so that it was random as to when out on the field you could be with anyone which made sense.

You are in Team A with Midoryia and Ochaco which you are glad about they both have good quirks. The male in our team was blushing loads from what you could see under his mask whenever the cute round face girl spoke to him, which was super sweet. Then All Might pulled out who you would be fighting and just your luck you were up against Iida, Leo and Katsuki. You were going to be the heroes and they're the villains. I looked over to the ash blonde to say good look but it's as if you weren't there he just glared at Midoryia as if he was going to kill. You don't know what his beef is with the green-haired boy but whatever it was it wasn't your place to judge. Everyone else went to the monitoring room to watch. You had a bad feeling about this battle, but Leo tapped you on the back. "Gonna kick your ass Sis, so don't hold back!" "Tch behave Leo! You gotta catch me first muscle head!" sticking your tongue out walking to your team. You glanced at Katsuki, but he couldn't see you he was in some kind of rage.

They went to get ready and you prepared as well 'poor Midoryia he is sweating through his costume' that what you were thinking and bless the cute girl just came out and said it. "It's just we're against Kachaan and Iida to...w~e shou~ld be on gu~ard!" absolutely trembling and you're not sure why he calls Katsuki, Kachaan? He seems to think he's amazing, but you don't see why he is so frightened of him all the time. He clearly admires him but the boy with red eyes doesn't seem to see that he just has hate for the boy with green hair and freckles. You don't really say much as you're prepping yourself to go in. "I refuse to lose today!" It's like a different person looking at the shaking boy who is now standing tall. Both girls give him a fist bump. "We're a team let's win this!" Both of you girls know you need to do what you can for Midoryia, it's against his rival.

"ALRIGHT LET'S BEGIN THE INDOOR COMBAT TRAINING" All Might shouts through a radio.

Making your way in was no problem and as you start to look around, all of sudden Katsuki comes flying at us well not us the boy with us. "What's the matter Deku you afraid to stand up and fight me?" he's ignoring you and where are Iida and Leo. He is on a rampage with one target in mind. Midoryia knew this would happen. "I wanna hurt you so bad they'll have to stop the fight!" this isn't the boy you know he is acting the villain you tell yourself, but then he is stopped and put on his back his rage explodes. You just stand in shock with the other member of your group they seem to be discussing something. Then they go at it again, you're just standing there feeling so useless just like then. 'I need to do something. I need to help Midoryia!' As you all start to run off in a different direction to mix it up, but you know Katsuki is going to go after Midoryia, so you go to follow him and Ochaco can go to the weapon.

Making it around the corner in time to see them going at it again, but then he explains the gauntlets store his sweat which is nitro-glycerine. 'Oh God, He's going to kill him'  moving without thinking you jump out of your hiding place to move Deku. As you pounce across the corridor, but you get the worst of the blast as you feel your side, it's burnt pretty bad, but you can still move. 'Oh God it hurts' "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU STUPID FUCKING CAT?" the villain is running at you, and you see green-hair moving to the side of you. Then you feel the impact of a fist that you didn't see coming, you look up into the ruby orbs it isn't the same as the ones you love, these are full of anger and rage. It just like the villain that attacked you all they want is their pleasures to be filled with whatever they desire, and that desire was to hurt Midoryia. You couldn't let that happen!

Jumping into a fighting stance ready for him trying to fight through the pain, you draw my claws and hiss at him like a cat standing in front of the boy on the floor protecting him. "If you want him you come through me!" He glared at you it froze you to the core. "This is wrong you're going too far Katsuki! Fight me instead I'm your enemy right now as well!" You plead with him as you moved forward to attack.

"WHAT FUCKING GOOD ARE YOU WHEN YOU COULDN'T DEFEND YOURSELF AGAINST A REAL VILLAIN! YOU'RE JUST A STUPID FUCKING CAT!" He snarled at you there was nothing about this boy you liked that stood in front of you, and all you could do was freeze with what he said. You didn't see Leo come around the corner to attack you, and due to that, he kicked you knocking you out. The next thing you know is that you're in a bed Leo is next to you! "How long was I out for?" you ask making him jump.

"Errm not too long 30 mins. Midoryia is over there pretty beat up! Can you walk we can go see the rest of the fights!" He looked concerned like he heard everything. "Yeh sounds good!" a whisper escape your move, but tears follow. 'I'm never going to be a hero! I just freeze!' Your twin pats your head and picks you up. You notice a bandage on your side it hurts but you need to clean it. Starting to take the bandage off you notice that it's healing probably due to Recovery girl, but you need to clean it yourself. Licking your hand, you start to clean to wound just like a cat, as you're carried through the door of the monitoring room and all eyes turn to you. The red eyes that look at you are the same as the ones you loved before you went into this battle, but you couldn't look at them. 

***I don't own the BNHA Characters or the picture****

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now