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"You ok?" Alex comments as your staring at the TV not really taking it in you also don't answer him 'Why can't I remember' you rub your head and your ears that are flat against your head. "Leo she ok?" Alex looked to your twin who also looked irritated. "No. We told you what happened today. I think it's got her spooked. But the guy that attacked her is locked up, but she has a bad feeling." Leo walked over tapping your head "Oi stop being antisocial there is nothing you can do everyone is fine!" he smirks as you look up jumping into a hug.

You loved your brother he always knew when you needed a hug or a talking to. "Yeh your right. Sorry Alex." you give you best friend a hug as he hugs you back "It's ok was worried for a while" he smiles you continue watching the movie. You phone buzzes as you grab it.

King Explosion Murder - Come I-Expo! xxx

Kitty - I can't I told you my parents have something planned for Me, Leo and Alex those days. I have no clue what! I wish I could xxx

King Explosion Murder - Sucks. I'll get you something you better get me something! ;) Love you xxx

Kitty - As if I dare not! :) Love you night xxx

With that you continued your night before the next day came and you knew that Katsuki would be flying to I-Expo soon since he won the Sports Festival and would most likely to Kirishima. You had no doubt that other classmates would be there as well as you pouted at the breakfast table.

"What's with the sad face (f/n)?" your dad looked at you stroking your hair "Everyone is probably at the Expo. No offence Alex!" you grumble "I get it. Kind of gutted I'm not going as well!" Alex pouts as well before Leo comes down stairs looking just as grumpy. "Let me guess you wish you were going to the expo?" you mum smiles at you dad.

"Yeh everyone will be flying today. I'm excited that what we're doing something though!" He pouts shoving food in his mouth the same as you and Alex. After Breakfast you all get in the car to go to your mini surprise break with your parents as you pulled up to the airport you looked confused. "So, we spoke to your school and got your costumes!" Your mum handed you and Leo your costume cases.

"You'll be flying on the jet and you'll need these!" you dad smirks handing you wrist bands and tickets for the pre-expo opening "Get out!" Leo shouts "Nope we were planning to let you go in our places all along." your mum smirks. "We had four tickets but Katsuki of course was already going. He doesn't know won't it surprise him!" your mum gave you a hug as Alex is at the point of exploding with excitement. "I knew it would pay off being your guys friend!" he smirked as you both laughed.

Your parents were actually going to be working so wouldn't be able to make the Expo due to this the three of you would be representing them. On the jet the three of you were super excited then you remembered Alex hadn't seen your costumes yet. Apparently, it was the thing to wear costumes, so we both changed before landing.

"Oh, wow you guys look like the real deal!" the black-haired boy smirked before looking a little sad. "I wish...I'd have got a quirk!" he didn't have time to be sad as you hugged him. "What you're going to be a keeper of the peace!" pulling away you give the guy a thumbs up as he smirks. "You always did stick up for me!" he sniffled. "Of course, your part of the trio!" you said as you and Leo held your fists out so they all joined.

"Yeh your right!" Alex laughed as you waited to land. Upon landing you checked into the hotel rooms as you had your own whilst Leo and Alex had to share. You weren't sure whether to call Katsuki, but you thought he would be busy having fun, so you could meet him later most likely at the opening party.

The three of you walked around the expo looking at some amazing stuff but you didn't bump into anyone all morning. "I could do with some food!" Leo groaned "Yeh I'm with muscles on this one!" Alex groaned "Hmm your right!" you look around seeing a nice tea room as your grab both guys you walk over taking a seat. "It's hot out today isn't it!" Alex groans. "Yeh. I need the loo!" you whine "Yeh me to" Leo groans as you tell Alex what to order before running quickly.

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now