Eventful day!

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When the lunch bell finally went you jumped to your feet to wait for Katsuki, since he had made you a lunch today. You had no idea why he was being so nice he clearly wanted something from you not knowing that he was feeling a little unsure about Hoshi confronting him, not that he would ever admit it to anyone though.

"Tch!" the ash blonde just looked at you buzzing with excitement for food in front of his desk deciding to make you wait a little. "Wha....What's going on?" you hear Ochaco yell from the door making you instantly turn to see the door completely blocked by students of different classes. Curiosity getting the better of you to the point you make your way over to stand next to Kirishima.

"What business do you have with class A!" Iida as formal and business like as ever. "We can't get out!" followed by the ever panicked Mineta before he shakes his little fist in the air. "What'd you come here for, anyway?" you're too busy looking at the events that you don't notice the angry ash blonde walking towards the group his voice sounds almost bored as if speaking is a waste of his time on these people. "Scouting out the enemy, small fry!" completely threw Mineta off and taking his hand out of one his pockets to grab your hand before walking up to them.

His voice in the same bored ass tone as before "We're the ones who made it out of a villains' attack. They probably want to check us out before the sports festival." he abruptly stops in front of the crowd pulling you closer into his body and holding your hand tighter. "There is no point in doing stuff like that." His tone and facial expression start to change into his usual scowl and his voice getting gruff making you look up at him. 'Damn he looks and sounds hot!' you're thinking to yourself with a cheeky smirk on your face at the end of the day these people came to you guys.

"Out my way, extras!" his usual trademark for people he thinks are a waste of time. Everyone in the class freaks out Iida being called an extra on the first day "Stop calling people "extras" just because you don't know them!" However, your attention is drawn back to the hoard of students outside your classroom by a monotone voice. "I came to see what the famous Class A was like, but you seem pretty arrogant." you looked toward the voice and see a tallish, skinny boy with messy purple hair and tired eyes walking towards the front of the group of people.

You're not sure what but when he looks at you his eyes twinkle a little before going back to normal, making you feel slightly uneasy. Looking at Katsuki his face is unreadable as usual you're not sure if he is bored or going to go off the deep end at the guy. "Are all the students in the hero course like this? Well apart from the pretty kitty you're clinging to!" that made his grip tighten on your hand hurting it a little, making you wince. Looking up you could see from the expression that he was going to explode at any point whilst everyone else was shaking their head to state the boy had it wrong.

Katsuki, however, didn't care this guy had clearly pushed his buttons the wrong way. He looked pissed off big time! This didn't seem to faze the purple haired boy who was now at the front of the class looking bored to be there. "Seeing something like this makes me disillusioned!" he was scratching his head clearly confident in his words. "There are quite a few people who enrolled in general studies or other courses because they didn't make it into the hero course. Did you know that?" he just looked the red-eyed boy next to you straight in the eyes who was just scowling at the boy in front of him before grunting.

"The school has left those of us a chance. Depending on the results of the sports festival, they'll consider our transfer into the hero course. And it seems they may also transfer people out." this made a few of you gulp and sent shudders down your spine as his violet orbs were on you. "Scouting out the enemy? I, at least, came to say that even if you're in the hero course, if you get carried away, I'll sweep your feet out from under you. I came with a declaration of war!" that made your grip tighten on Katsuki's hand. 'This person is so bold!'

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now