Night time Rendezvous!

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****There is a slight lemon in the chapter! Enjoy!****

Normal POV

'That was intense! Right best get my stuff and join them. What a bunch of perverts!' "so, this is where my little kitten sleeps" the gruff sexy voice sent shivers down your spine. It's as if you were prey, you turned around to face the demon stalking his prey.

"Can I help you Katsuki? I won't be a minute until I have my stuff to come downstairs!" you give him a nervous smile. Before you can even move he pushes you backwards onto your bed and is crawling on all fours above you, his eyes holding lust staring down at you. "Everyone is downstairs Katsuki!" you reminded him. "Tch! fucking extras are always in the way!" he looked annoyed. In a swift movement, you pulled on his black vest bringing him closer to your lips. "Will this be enough for now!" with that you pulled him into your soft moist eager lips, wanting his and the warmth they offer.

Your make out session only lasted a few minutes before you pushed him up. "Come on let's go downstairs. I'll even let you put your bed next to mine." you blew him a kiss gathering the rest of your things heading downstairs. He came up behind you wrapping his warm secure arms around your waist resting his chin on the top of your head. "You know your just the right height for me (F/N)" his tone is so kind, and it shocks you a little when he says your name. 'It feels so nice!'

"Err Lovebirds what were you two doing?" Mina, of course, has something to say. "Just chatting you know like people!" you wink at her. Everyone settles there bedding down and gets ready chatting about quirks and just getting to know each other but you can tell some people still aren't fully into the class. Katsuki places his bed right next to yours like literally his arm around your waist the only thing separating your bodies in the covers between them. You felt warm and safe sleep took hold in his arms.

You bolted awake sweating in the night, you look over to see an angelic face of your boyfriend still fast asleep. Grabbing your phone, you can't help taking a photo for blackmailing purposes of course. Sliding your way out of this grip you make your way to the kitchen to get a glass of water. You hear the front door open, thinking it must be your parents so you poke your head round to see them trying to creep upstairs not disturbing the pile of people in their living room.

"Mum your certainly quiet but Dad seriously your literally like a freight train when you try to be stealthy." You whisper at them. "Well you my little princess, should be asleep with the rest of them shouldn't you!" Your Dad strokes your hair in a comforting manner. "Yeh I had a little nightmare, not too bad though which is an improvement after today's events. My whole class also thinks you're the coolest parents ever. You're just lucky Midoryia isn't awake as you wouldn't be going to sleep any time soon with the amount of question he will have!" It's nice you've not spoken to your parents in so long that you just catch up and be just like you use to be.

You point out who everyone is in your class noticing the spot you should be sleeping in had a boy with his arm over it like he is searching for something. He wakes up panics looking around the room for you noticing that you are stood in the doorway with your parents. You summon him over which he doesn't look happy about but is respectful. 'Damn he looks hot when he is sleepy!' You all go into the kitchen, so you can introduce your boyfriend to your parents which is nerve-wracking and something you've never done before ever.

"So, Errrmmm Mum, Dad this is Katsuki Bakugou and well he is the one that saved me! but he is also ermm well you see...!" before you can finish Katsuki holds his hand out to your father. "I'm her boyfriend, sir, it is a pleasure to meet you and you to Madame!" he is so polite it's like a different person is smirking at you. Your Dad looks at you not keen on you having a boyfriend were as your Mum is ecstatic. "Oh My gosh! (F/N) has never had a boyfriend before that we've met it's so nice to meet you and you saved our precious little kitten! Isn't he the sweetest honeypot!" Your Mum's nickname for your dad is hilarious due to his strength. However, they both seem to like him, but you must sleep. "Ermm we should really go back to sleep you can meet the rest of the class tomorrow is that ok?" you ask as their clearly excited. "Sure, you go get your beauty sleep!" "Bakugou look after her!" your dad says then giving him a nod and walking to bed themselves.

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now