Training Camp Begins!

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You weren't a morning person on the best of days and you felt like crap today after such a full-on day yesterday. Grabbing the PE uniform that was specially made to be used with your quirk you got dressed and just put your hair in two buns and freshened your face a little. As the girls literally dragged you to breakfast "Come on you need to eat!" Momo groaned at how lazy you could be.

"I'm so sleepy though!" you moan as you stretch catching the caramel scent of your boyfriend "Katsuki carry me. I know your around here!" you yawn "Use your legs you lazy cat!" he yells across the hall making you pout. "But I need a cat nap!" you see him sat with Kirishima, Kaminari and weirdly next to Midoryia.

Looking at him you stick your tongue out before placing your ass on a bench with the other girls it mostly looked like cereal but there was some meat. You felt a tap on your shoulder which made you jump and your ears and tail stick up. "(l/n) make sure you eat plenty of meat your training will be quite brutal!" you heard the bored tone of your teacher as you turned to look into his tired eyes.

"Ok Mr Aizawa." you smile sleepy as he walks off and you smack you head on the table "That didn't sound good." Ochacho commented as Katsuki was glancing at you "I think I want to curl up and die!" you groan before walking to a massive bowl of meat and you notice whole raw fish on the side with your name next to it. "Please don't!" Leo started gagging as he knew what you were about to do.

"I have my orders." you grab the bowl and go sit in the corner with your back to everyone as you literally devour six Mackerel and three joints of beef. As you finished putting the last bit of food in your mouth you felt defeated and slammed your head on the table. "I'm soo full I can't train!" you growl loudly as Momo walks over tapping your hair. "I'm sure Mr Aizawa had a reason to say you needed to." she smiled as you turned your head looking at your friend "But he gave me this to give you." She slide another bowl of food in front of you "NOOOO MORE PLEASEEEE" you yell making people look over as they see Momo literally force feeding you.

"Hahahah stupid fucking cat!" Katsuki smirked "Why are you doing that to her sir!" Midoryia looked at the teacher. "So she doesn't go on a hunger killing spree." he smiled evilly but his tone never changed. Everyone finished up and went outside as you only had ten minutes for breakfast you were made aware it was only 5.30am as you stood next to Katsuki. Trying not to throw up all the food you just ate. "You ok babe?" he looked at your extremely pale face.

"Yeh....Just feel I ate way too much and I'm sleepy!" you pretend to cry as he taps your head. "Well if you need it to get stronger then it's a good thing!" he smirked "I don't date a weak ass girl remember...she is badass!" he winked at you making you blush. "Ok!" you try to keep from throwing up as your teacher steps in front of you all and starts speaking in his monotone and sleepy voice.

"Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen! Today, we will begin training camp to increase your strength in earnest. The goal of this training camp is to increase everyone's strength and with that, for everyone to obtain their provisional licenses, it is to prepare you to face hostilities that are becoming more real by the minute. Proceed carefully!" this little speech made everyone go from looking sleepy to serious instantly, you all knew U.A was the best school and you felt this course would show you how they do it.

"So, Bakugou!" Aizawa commented throwing a ball to the ash blonde "Try throwing that!" he gestured to the boy as Katsuki looks at the ball itself "This is from the fitness test..." he looks up at the teacher "Your previous record from right after you started school, was 705.2 meters" the teacher comments as Katsuki walks to a stop and starts to get into position to throw. 'Man, this is going to be so far he must have improved so much.' you think to yourself as you can't help watching him stretch out.

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now