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"Young (L/N)! You should rest from your injuries and not play with it. It will get infected and scar you." All Might looks worried, he must have heard what was said to me he probably knows you were attacked by a villain.

"It's ok Sir! I can clean the wound myself, my saliva is like an antiseptic and helps me and others to heal better" You gave him a smile but there was pain behind it, but you looked at the screen wanting to analyse the next fight. You needed this, you need it to carry on like normal otherwise you'll break just like you did that day! Ochaco came running over to me "Guess what? We won!" Giving you a high five as you winced a little. "Great work I didn't do much, so I don't really call it a win for me! But you guys were awesome!" tears started to fill your eyes, so you turned away to the screen. She puts a hand on your shoulder not knowing what else to say.

Then you felt two warm arms slide around your waist and a headrest on yours. That was it your tears poured from your eyes onto the arms holding you, but you didn't feel comfort right now you just felt like they were pity. That's all he ever felt pity because of what happened, but he's shown his true colours now by telling you how weak you are. Before you have chance to tell him to get off you, you hear Leo walk up and you've never heard the tone he uses to anyone than what he says next.

"You need to get off her now, she doesn't want you to touch her! Can't you see that look at how fragile she is because of you! GET THE FUCK OFF MY SISTER!" you felt the boy get pulled away, but he didn't let go of you, but you fell out of his arms on to your side on the floor. I just stayed there staring at the floor not knowing what to do or what to say. 'Leo thinks I'm fragile as well, they all think I'm weak. Why am I here? I'm not a hero this was a stupid idea!' The tear falls from your eyes, but no sounds come out of your mouth. It's as if that man is back and you're paralysed to move.

You hear shouting and noise around you but you're not getting any of the words it's as if you weren't really there. You know it's not from the exam as everyone is in the room they're just doing tidy up before the next one. 'Everyone can see how weak I am on the floor even All Might! How am I supposed to protect others if I protect myself?' You stare up at the room and look up your eyes glossy from the tears, you think people are asking if your OK, but you can't seem to hear them. Then a hand is lowered to help you up, your brothers' hand. "Hey, come on get up you look silly sitting there like a lazy house cat! Remember what we said we're heroes you helped save someone today!" You smack his hand away. You don't want anyone's help anymore you're not going to be a victim over and over again.

You then see another hand come down with a grenade gauntlet on. "Come on get up I'm worried about you! I didn't mean what I said the emotions were getting the better of me I don't think you're useless!" He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes, you whacked his hand away and started to stand up slowly people tried to help but you just shouted at them to leave you and get away you don't need their help or their pity. They tried to deny it, but you could see it all over their smug faces.

"Leave me alone I don't need you Bakugou and I don't need you either Leo!" you just glared at them. All Might looked concerned, but he knew you need this off my chest to move forward or some shit. Your twin looked as though you had severed whatever link tied you together, he had never seen you look this way he had never seen you look angry. The rage burned in your eyes, it gleamed with it. You were fed up of being the victim.

"You think you're so fantastic don't you BAK~U~GO! You're nothing the only reason it was you and not Hoshi that stopped him that night was because you were there first!" You looked around and everyone looked confused, not sure what you were talking about you felt what the hey may as well fill them all in. "Remember I told you I met him at the exam, well we bumped into each other the day after as well!" you pointed at the boy in front of you who shadowed his eyes with his hair. "Why don't you tell them the story huh? Or shall I tell them because that's all I will be a victim! Huh!" you paused your anger rising to a level it had never been before. "IS THAT ALL YOU SEE WHEN YOU LOOK AT ME? THE GIRL WHO HAD BEEN FROZEN AND STRIPPED IN AN ALLEYWAY?" you stopped as you felt a hand on your shoulder it was Leo's you shrugged it off you didn't want anyone touching you again. "Don't touch me please!" your voice lowered.

"All I see when I close my eyes is his face! Don't you get that I'm not free, he escaped he marked my body with physical and mental scars. Look though I have another one now, to add to those it will heal but what you said will stay. I don't want to know you Katsuki Bakugou!" Tears were flowing from your eyes it hurt you still didn't want to hate him, he must have seen it as he pulled you into a hug. 

"Please let go of me! I don't want to be touched I feel so vile, don't touch me DON'T TOUCH ME!!!!" you screamed as you pushed him away your emotions got the better of you and your claws came out as you push digging into his flesh nothing serious but still it was embarrassing. Everyone was looking at you! He was looking at you "Please (f//n) don't do this I don't pity you and I won't let him get you I promised! Please come on take my hand?" he held out his hand. You shook your head and looked to All Might "Sorry All Might Sir, I'm not feeling too great would I be able to go home?" He looked at you and nodded but then "Young (L/N), you know I can't let you go on your own due to him still being on the loose, and the last sighting we had he was following you!" You look up to the Pro Hero then look at Leo and Katsuki, he seemed shocked to learn that you didn't seem surprised that the man had been following you.

"I am aware Sir. I will call someone to come and get me, he has a strong quirk he can look after me." you smile not reaching your eyes. "Maybe you should call your parents they're Pro Heroes after all!" Everyone looks stunned, you and Leo hadn't mentioned it to the class. "No, I don't want a Pro Hero, I just want a person right now!" With that, you got your phone and made the call in front of the ash blonde boy who looked like he was on the edge of tears.

"Hey, Miss Kitty everything ok? Shouldn't you be in class? I'm just on a free period though, so nice to hear your voice." the soft voice on the other end of the phone was comforting to you that it made you smile. "Oh, hey Hoshi, I'm not feeling so great will you come to meet me at school, Leo still has lessons on being a hero I don't want him to miss out on?" you put your bravest voice on. The room is silent, and you know everyone can hear them.

"I thought that you had a date or some meeting with Katsuki tonight, sounded pretty important you sure you need me? I don't mind don't want to step the angry guy's toes though. He clearly has a thing for you." The voice seemed weird like it was testing you.

"Nah it's not important! I'm just an extra to him and will get in the way of his own needs. How long will you be I just need to get changed."

"30 mins tops, we will go grab food sounds like you need to talk. Speak soon MY Little Miss Kitty!" With that, you hung up and look at the boy who still stood in front of you.

"Thank you for today's class today All Might Sir! It was very educational I really learnt a lot of things." you smiled and bowed. "Leo I won't be home for dinner I think me, and Hoshi will be going for food may be a movie or something, don't wait up and I won't be texting you when I'm coming home. I'm fed up of being a prisoner in my own house." He looked hurt and tears stung his eyes.

"Oh Bakugou I'm sorry it slipped my mind I had plans tonight. So, I won't be walking anywhere with you! Also, don't call me or text me I won't pick up got it!" He just glared at you. Must have been something important. You turned to the rest of the class "I'm sorry for causing a scene, good luck with the training you guys, I should be feeling better tomorrow. Don't you worry!" They all said bye, but you could see the pity in their eyes for you. With that you got changed and made my way outside to meet Hoshi, well Mr Aizawa led me outside to make sure it was Hoshi waiting for me. Heaven forbid if you went out on your own for two minutes. 

***I hope you enjoyed it! I don't own the BNHA Characters or the picture above ****

***I have soo many ideas on where this story is going****

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ