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You get changed, Katsuki was a gentleman facing away but wasn't willing to leave you on your own. Walking out of the changing room with your head down, you felt a muscly arm go around your shoulders. It felt warm and more importantly, it felt safe, as if nothing could get you when you're in these arms. You looked up to the boy who saved you and smile but didn't say anything, he just looked like he was thinking about something. You met back up with your brother and the rest of 1-A who just looked at you with pity! A look you were growing all to accustomed to but no more you were going to get through this you had all of them and you had him.

"What's with all those stupid fuckin' looks on your faces! Makes you look like that dunce when he uses his quirk too much!" pointing at poor Kaminari as Jiro burst out into a fit of laughter followed by the rest of the class. "We won't let him touch you!" you looked over surprised to see it was Todoroki declaring this. You had spoken briefly but not really too much you smiled "Thanks Todoroki! It means a lot and I feel safe with all of you." You reached your arm around the back of Katsuki pulling him closer to your body. Leo looked over to you and the boy whose arms you were in. "Bakugou can I have a word please!" he sounded concerned but he walked over leaving me to the emptiness around me.

"COME ERE GIRL!" you literally had no choice as you were brought into a hug by Mina, but you hugged her back. "You're the toughest little kitty I know, you're gonna kick his ass if he comes back!" She leaned back smiling at you. "Yeh what you went through and to still be standing is manly!" you didn't even need to look to know who that was. The rest of the class complimented you, Midoryia walked over. "You know Kachaan will protect you no matter what. He is one of the best people I know!" He blushed slightly but that was soon overshadowed with the menacing aura stood behind him.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU SAY TO MY GIRL DEKU!" the ash blonde literally deafened the poor boy comforting you. "Tch! Leave him alone you angry hedgehog!" You smiled up at him, even though you were smiling everyone could see that this wasn't reaching your eyes.

"Come on I've rang Mum and Dad! They said you need to go home as they can't come home and it's the safest place for you!" Leo was right we needed to go. Turning around to your class and the guy calling himself your boyfriend. "I'm going to go home you guys go have fun and we will hang out next time!" you sounded disappointed but they all smiled at you saying that next time you'll will have loads of fun.

AS you turn to leave with Leo "OI YOU FUCKING FORGETTING SOMETHING?" the demon was shouting at You. Turning around stunned and confused as you couldn't think of anything you were forgetting until he closed the distance and smashed his lips against yours. It was so forceful you nearly fell over if it wasn't for his hands reaching the back of your head and entwining in your hair. Kissing him back you pulled him closer forgetting everyone else was watching until you heard a few of the classmates wooing. You turned to face them your face was bright red and so were a few of theirs, especially Ochaco and Midoryia's but some of the others such as Iida, Todoroki and Koda had turned the other way out of respect for your privacy.

"See ya on Monday! I'll message you when I get out the shower ok!" you whispered the last bit to the boy in front of me. He winked at you his gruff voice in your ear only for your ears to hear "Well maybe you can send some pictures before the shower!" you literally slapped his face which completely shocked him and everyone else turning on your heels towards Leo who had no idea of what happened. Then you turned to look at the boy's face that was scrunching up in anger at the sudden pain on his cheek. "Maybe if you behave!" You stuck your tongue and left.

Leo explained he had work to do when you got home, so to grab a shower and sort your own food out. Which is a pain because you can't cook but you don't need to cook a raw fish, having a cat quirk had its perks. Getting in the shower you were in there longer than needed as you felt dirty the thought of that man staring at you sent shivers down your body. Putting your hair in two little buns, then getting in your (fave superhero) vest and pant PJ set, not really leaving much to the imagination, you popping your headphones in heading downstairs to get the fish you were now craving. You looked toward the living room, but the lights were off 'Hmm must be serious about doing work! He never does it in his room AH well definitely fishy time!' Leo literally hated watching you and your Mum eat whole fish raw. It wasn't an attractive quality but got to eat.

Wiggling your bum in time to the tunes you were listening to (fave song) you started singing the lyrics trying everything to take your mind off the letter. With your ass in the air, you were looking in the fridge for the perfect fish. 'OOOO a flounder! BEAUTIFUL!'  You pulled the fish out the fridge looking around again to make sure Leo wasn't watching. Then got a plate out to make sure none went on your lap whilst watching tv. You held the plate in one hand fish in the other and started walking to the living room then you put the whole fish in your mouth on its side. Still swaying your hips from side to side with the music you flicked the lights on and noticed 21 sets of eyes staring at you literally making you spit the fish on the plate before you choked.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?!?" You literally yelled. Some of the faces looked disgusted at you for having the fish in your mouth not that long ago, others such as a purple-haired perv were too busy looking at you in your pj's whilst others were trying to hold in laughs. You looked around noticing sleeping bags all over your living room floor and Leo with a big smile but also trying not to vomit as well standing up walking towards you. Turning on your heels you leave the room back to the kitchen to put the fish with a chunk out of it back in the fridge thinking you were just hallucinating, dreaming or something. You then walked back to the living room but not going in just poking your head around the door frame. 'Yep I'm not dreaming they're all still there!' Your twins was saying something. "YOU COMING IN OR WHAT YOU STUPID FUCKING CAT DON'T KEEP ME WAITING!" the red-eyed boy was just staring at you whilst everyone else was listening to Leo.

"Ermmm I'm just going to get some more clothes on and brush my teeth I have cat breath!" Literally bolting upstairs to your bedroom and locking the door. 'This can't be real!' You heard a knock on the door. "Come on (f/n) your guests are waiting!" You unlocked the door peering out into your brothers' eyes with a cheeky grin. "They were all worried, so I called Dad and he said they can all stop over since they won't be home till gone 1 am and it's 8.30pm now, so let's go hang out we never did this back in London." he pleaded clearly, he needed this as much as you. It's true you both didn't have many friends back home. You had Alex and he had a few male friends but nothing serious.

"Ok 5 mins! I want food! Make me some or I eat the fish in front of you! Got it! I don't like surprises you know that!" you scolded him. "Sure, thing we ordered food don't worry I'll put you a special pizza in! and you have 2 mins your BOYYY FRIEND IS WAITING!" he said mocking you, making you slam the door in his face. Then you rushed putting a bra on and some long PJ bottoms, also brushing your teeth. You then walked into a big discussion about who was the strongest.

"Hey Guys thanks for coming!" you waved shyly. "And sorry you had to see me like that! I can't help it I like fish!" You did a massive grin then walked further into the room.  

****I don't own BNHA characters or the picture above.!****

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin