Fight back!

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"Stay together and don't move! Thirteen protect the students!" You hear Mr Aizawa shout

"Wow what is that thing!" you hear the red-haired boy shout you can feel things coming next to you. Not being able to move your head you move your eyes to see what is happening. There is a man with hands on his body and one covering his face and some big bird thing with a brain. You're not sure but something smells off about it but your eyes divert back to your friends starting to flee to the door as per your teacher. You can see your brother being dragged by Sato, and Kirishima trying to pull Katsuki back.

You see Eraserhead the pro hero and your teacher fighting, using his quirk to cancel out others as well as using the scarves around his neck to restrain people. 'this is what a pro-hero looks like' you think before you feel the hand remove itself from around your mouth. You feel the presence from behind move to your front leaving you standing frozen as you're staring into the hollow eyes of the man who has plagued your dreams. The scar that ran down his left eye, the shaved head, the body that once was muscle but is now turning to fat.

You remember every detail of this man; the only difference this time was he was of clear mind not drunk like the first time you. "Hello, my little kitty!" he strokes under your chin as if trying to make you purr. "Ooooo I know let us go meet your friends!" he grabs your neck "but let me put this little present on you first!" he rips the collar of your hero costume off replacing with a diamond collar attached to a lead. "Let's go! Kurogiri!" all of a sudden that feeling of going through sludge is all over your body before being thrown out the other side. You feel Frēz pull you back into his body so that your friends can't quite reach you.

You can see all the faces in front of you tense up when they see you and the villains standing behind you. It's that look of pity again, the look you hate seeing you scan all the faces in front of you looking for his. Your (e/c) orbs meet the red orbs flared with flames of anger, not at you but with at the man holding your collar.

You hear a new voice "It's a pleasure to meet you we are the League of Villains! I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say hello. Also, isn't this a fitting place for the symbol of peace All Might to take his last breath!" it must be the man who opened a portal. You feel your collar be yanked tighter as your classmates stand in shock from what the purple cloud person is saying, that the only way to describe him. You choke slightly trying to force your hands to your neck, but they still don't move.

You start to ignore what the man is saying focusing on your own situation, you pick up bits about how he is disappointed that All Might isn't here, but you can't worry about that. You need to move your body even if it's just a little bit. 'Think (f/n) how does this guy's quirk work, what did he do both times. How did he know your quirk, he was silent both times, someone must have told him of your hearing? How does paralyse? There must be something! What would Midoryia do, to analyse!' You're racking your brain trying to think of any little thing that he did both times. 'his hand! He covered my mouth maybe it's in his sweat like Katsuki with nitro-glycerine' You've got it each time he tried to take you he put his hand over your mouth at the time due to the surprise you yelped if a drop of his sweat hits your tongue your paralysed.

'I just need to make sure my mouth stays closed! It will wear off!' your eyes glow with confidence knowing you can get this out. He is too busy pulling at your collar and listening to the other man, that he isn't near your mouth. Your hand is at your side near your whip, if you manage to taser yourself then maybe it will send your body into shock to fight it. You put all your focus into your finger, you can feel the man becoming inpatient clearly, he isn't bothered with the League of Villains agenda.

All of a sudden you see a blur of red and blonde go passed you as Katsuki and Kirishima go to attack the man name Kurogiri. As he runs past you he nods, he must know you have a plan but just as he attacks you feel as if going through sludge again and fall to the ground. Looking around you're in the collapsing zone. Frēz isn't holding your collar anymore and is currently trying to get up. You hear fear people fighting around, you put everything into moving any part of your body.

You see explosions and flashes of red amongst other bodies flying all ways. You don't why or how but you scream "KATSUKI I'M COMING TO HELP!" Your body is sluggish but it's starting to move. You try to get your feet but it's no good they won't hold you up, then you feel it a tug on the lead. "YOU ONLY WANT ME!" you turn your head as if in a daze and see his hand reach for your mouth. You close it shut you won't let this happen to you anymore, you need to stand up and beat him.

You kick your leg out which surprises your attacker getting him straight in the gut winding him and sending him to his knees. Your arms sliding your body further away, you need a jolt of energy. Reaching into your belt, you pull out a small bottle wearily bringing it to your nose and sniffing. One thing to send a cat crazy is catnip the only problem is you need to be careful not to become addicted to the stuff, as it can send you slightly feral. As soon as the scent hits your nostrils your eyes fling open dilate huge until you can hardly see any (e/c), flipping onto your feet with your claws draws you hiss as you go into attack the man is your nightmares, the man that violated your body and terrified you.

He is still on the floor winded from the kick when you hit him hard across the face with a roundhouse kick, sending him flying the collar and lead swinging around your neck. Your reach for your whip lashing out and tasering him, so he is unconscious. You stand there looking down at what you achieved. You overcame what terrified you and took away your future, with the feelings you had held in tears that started slipping from your eyes. However, an explosion behind you halted the tears, and you still had a surge of energy rushing through your brain.

You saw the boy who saved you once stood next to what you would say his best friend, the boy with the red hair whose quirk was hardening surrounded by villains. It was your turn to join the fight, your turn to show them you did it and you're a hero. You don't think they even knew you were there. You notice someone trying to sneak up on the blonde-haired boy and that was your cue to move. Sprinting across on all fours as faster as a cheetah and pouncing on the person, pinning them in the shoulders with your claws. You moved your face close to theirs and roared like a lioness protecting her mate, as your fangs had grown slightly from your quirk's activation.

The full power of your quirk was you could imitate feature of a cat yes but not only small cats the big ones too. The man beneath you was terrified and pissed his pants before passing out. "What took you so fucking long to get here you stupid fucking cat!" you heard the smirk in his voice. "Dude don't speak to her like that it's not manly with what she went through!" you hear Kirishima state.

"I knew she would win shitty hair, I saw it the moment she worked out his quirk!" he looks over at you and smiles slightly. You literally pounce over into his rubbing your face against his to mark your territory, still slightly high from the catnip. "What the fuck did you take?" he looks over raising an eyebrow. You smile like a goofball with your fangs out "Catnip! BUTTTTTT I'llll Ummm be Ummm Fine." It's as if your drunk talking.

You're happy you overcame that nightmare, however, reality kicked in and the situation you and your class were in isn't over yet. 

**** Hope you enjoyed! Thank you for continuing to read!****

I don't own BNHA character or the picture. 

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now