Why your in U.A!

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After getting changed everyone headed out to make curry Katsuki seemed pissed off as usual not accepting help from anyone not even you but leaving him to it was the best option. You helped to peel veg as you weren't a good cook at all. Remembering you had brought something for the ash-blonde you smiled at the three girls you were with "I'll be back in a second ok." You learnt that the girl with orange hair with her face covered by a fringe was Komori her quirk was called mushroom but you weren't sure why. Then there was a really pretty girl called Tokage her quirk was Lizard tail splitter you weren't sure you wanted to know that one and the last was a pale girl called Yanagi her quirk poltergeist pretty self-explanatory.

"Sure thing (l/n)!" Tokage called as you ran towards your room you saw Katsuki storming off from an oven he had used way too much power on. Glancing over he looked good in a red tank top and green combat trousers. You were just wearing some denim shorts and a vest top with a (fave anime) picture on and some (f/c) converse as you bounced towards your room. Grabbing the hot sauce out your bag you turned to see two red eyes staring at you. "I saw you sneak off!" he smirked "I thought you could use some company since your cooking is clearly awful!" he laughed as you placed your hands behind your back.

"Nah I was just fetching something. I should go back and help. You should be as well grumpy!" you pouted at the boy who was walking further towards you. "Hmm nah they got this!" he smirked as he grabbed your chin making you look up to him. "Katsuki I'm really hungry and tired!" you groan. "I know me to. I just want one of these." he smiles as he pulls forward kissing you passionately. "Everyone would moan again!" he said as he pulled away. "Ok shall we go back and help." you smiled as he nodded as he grabbed your hand.

He seemed a little more conflicted than normal like he was trying to prove you were his "You ok?" you glance up "Fine!" he snapped back at you. "Good because...you're the only idiot for me and to prove it...I have this!" you smile holding out the hot sauce. "You really are a goddess!" he kissed your cheek as you walked back out. "Oh great class 1-A going off to..." you heard the boy from the sports festival who wound Katsuki up his name Monoma his quirk was copycat. He was cut off by a girl who your brother Leo had a crush on Kendo.

A pretty girl with orange hair who's quirk was big fist as she knocked the boy out "Sorry about that ignore him!" she smiled as you smiled back you brother stood next to her. "Well you have to work to get this." you smirked at the ash blonde who walked of "Tch!" was all you heard as you got back to the table. "We're sorry for Monoma. He seemed to really have it in for you guys!" Tokage commented looking a little embarrassed. Sitting down you shrugged "Don't worry. My hot-headed boyfriend doesn't really help" you smirked nervously. "Yeh...we didn't really want to ask but what you see in that guy...he seems really hot headed and rude." Tokage commented "Like all the time" Komori added making you laugh.

"Yeh you could say that. I guess you guys don't know him like I do. He actually saved me once from a villain." you shuddered thinking about "Really we didn't know that. Tell us more if you don't mind!" the girls asked as you filled them in on everything you guys had been through. When dinner was ready you were still talking to them as you felt a hand grab yours and pull you to sit down. "It was great getting to know you guys. I'll make sure to show you my cat forms tomorrow." you smiled and waved as they looked nervous.

You didn't even argue with Katsuki when he placed a bowl of food in front of you a big bowl. "Your gonna need your energy tomorrow.!" was all he said as you passed him the hot sauce "Thanks!" he smiled as you saw Kirishima literally shovelling in food. "If I got this crap at a restaurant I'd send this crap back!" he commented between mouthfuls. Before Momo explained why she ate so much apparently something turns into items.

You heard the end of the conversation "The more I eat the more I can create!" the proud girl commented before Sero added "Like how poop works!" before Jiro smacked him round the head yelling for him to apologise. After food you all went to bed apart from Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina, Sero, Sato, Leo and Monoma who all had lessons apparently they went on till 2am and they were back up at 7am. They all looked exhausted well everyone did as it was another day of training completely wiping you guys out.

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now