Cheeky! - 8

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After getting home from the exam, you and Leo go to get sushi as he promised. Leo explained that he only managed to get 30 points from the villains. Only because he also helped to save a few people so that people didn't get seriously hurt. You talked for hours and hoped that your written exams would help to get you into one of U.A hero courses. If not, it may be enough to get you into the general studies course. Deciding to not dwell on what happened you decided to wait on what the results come back as.

The next day was a Saturday, you had opted to work in the day to keep your mind off the results. Getting up early, you had some breakfast, got showered, said bye to your brother and headed off to Neko Meido Kafe to begin your day at work.

Your journey was uneventful as it was only 8 am, the walk was refreshing and peaceful but instead of thinking of the exam you took. All you could see was the lustful red eyes of the ash-blonde boy when he held you up by your top. You realised the reason he had that look was due to the fact he had pulled up your top. Getting a full view of your busty chest.

The thought made you blush, wondering if you will ever see him again remember what you said to him before you entered your exam. 'You'll never get this pussy cat' just remembering it made you feel flustered.

Speeding up your pace you entered the doors at work to the smiley face of Miss Aoi.

"Morning (f/n), how did it go? Are you a hero yet? Bet you did amazing! Come tell me all about it! I can't wait to hear. I'm making you green tea," It's like she couldn't breathe until she had said everything. You smiled at her as she was just one of those people you couldn't help but smile at. Whilst Miss Aoi made your tea you got changed for work, as you were slightly early.

"One green tea for my future hero!" She came in with a pot of tea and two cups. You took a seat in front of her and sipped your tea thanking her. Then you explained the day before leaving out a few details of how possibly most people saw you topless. She kept asking more questions than you actually had answers for. Then at 9 am, the doors were opened, and the first lot of customers came in.

The day was quite busy being a Saturday, but you didn't mind as it made the day go faster. Then the door opened, noticing a familiar set of green eyes looking at you but with a smile on his face.

"Hello master, would you like to take a seat over here today and I can be at your service?" you gave him a wink and a smile, which made him blush but he had a big smile on his face. Ever since the day that you served him, you started to talk to him more and more when it wasn't busy. Nothing too personal as it wouldn't be professional as a maid at the cafe.

"Why yes, Miss Kitty. You are the prettiest of all the maids here," Both of you instantly reddened, turning away. All the other maids wore fake cat ears and tails you are the only one who was the real deal.

"Well, let me guess Master Hoshi what you would like today?" giving him a cheeky smirk.

"Okie Dokie." He states lifting his gaze on you just above the menu.

"I think you will be having the Kitty Cat Latte and due to the time of day you must be hungry, so that means you would like a rice omelette with extra veggies. I also bet you would like a dessert today and you like the chocolatey ones the most. So, I think you would love some chocolate mochi?" with a confident smirk you look over to see a shocked look on the boy's handsome face.

"Well, I correct?" putting your hands on your hip and swinging them to one side with a big grin on your face.

"You're Amazing Miss Kitty! You are a very observant maid. I'll make sure to reward you greatly later." he said Hoshi said with such confidence, unlike the boy you first met, he also gave you a smirk and a wink. This made your cheeks go bright red and a little flustered as the way he said reward seemed more than just a tip but had a promise of more.

"I best get your order in and over to you straight away. As I wouldn't want to keep you waiting." With that, you bowed and walked over to the counter to put his order in before serving the next lot of customers. Once his food was ready you took it over and placed it in front of it.

"There you go. Master Green Eyes, now what would you like me to write on it today?" You ask him this whenever he has the rice omelette, and he always lets you choose. Today you were going to write 'cheeky' due to his behaviour earlier. Even though it threw you off you liked it and felt like you were making a friend, as you didn't really have any at the moment from only being here a few months.

"Well, today I'm feeling in a brave mood, so would you write Miss Kitty on my food? That way it will remind me of you when I'm putting it in my mouth" Hoshi looked up, straight into your eyes whilst saying this one of his eyebrows raised and a smirk on his face waiting to see your reaction. His words made you glow as red as a cherry tomato with your mouth slightly parted and your imagination running a little wilder than normal at what he could mean.

"You're the cutest when you blush. I think I'll try it more often" He winked snapping you out of your daze.

"Oh sorry, Master. Let me write that straight away before your food goes cold." You say in a quiet shy voice. He looked up and noticing how shy you had gone.

"I meant no offence, Miss Kitty. I just wanted to tell you how pretty you are." He said it so quietly you felt bad.

"Why thank you, Master. It was a very nice compliment and I hope you enjoy your food. Also, I like your green eyes and remind me of the green leaves in summer." You smile and wink to cheer him up making him blush at you but then he smiles thank you before he starts to eat his food.

The rest of your shift goes by quickly. You have a mini conversation after this but nothing of much concern due to how busy it is. He is just leaving as your shift comes to an end, so you wish him a good day and go in the back ready to leave yourself.

In the end, you did a 12-hour shift, getting plenty of tips for your trip to visit Alex. You send him a message about the conversation with Hoshi but knew full well you wouldn't get a message till later due to the time difference.

The two of you speak almost every day via text. As you leave work and start to walk home, not paying attention as your mind wanders again to the boy with red eyes and the boy with green eyes whilst listening to music.

Suddenly, you feel a big hand cover your mouth and another go around your waist pulling you violently into an ally way pushing you against a wall...

*****Hope you enjoyed this, is a filler chapter but I have sooo many ideas****

***Picture doesn't belong to me it was done by the amazing @ProfessionalFan_girl ***

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