Is it over!

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Getting to the room your brother walked in first seeing the black-haired boy with his hair down over his grey eyes looking tired. The members of your class there walked in behind him "Alex I see you're awake." Leo commented as Alex looked into the eyes of his childhood friend. "Hey, thanks for coming. I'm sorry!" he commented as tears started to flow from his eyes.

"It's fine don't you cry. She'll kick your ass when she comes back!" Leo smiled at his friend who looked up seeing the rest of his class. "I guess. I know what they're going to do to them though. Katsuki will be ok as long as he agrees to become a villain. However, (f/n) will have no choice." Alex sighed "They're going to alter her to Hoshi's perfect girl. That's the reason she was taken. He let me keep my own mind as I was only ever a pawn." he coughed slightly as your brother and the class waited.

"I think when Hoshi realised she was angry that he had taken me he realised that I may actually cause more problems with my presence. Hence the reason I was set free." he sighed "They also forced a quirk on me to make her happy. Although I knew she didn't mind me being quirkless. It hurts so bad. It's like a million needles being driven into your body all at once changing your being." he started to sob.

"I don't want them to hurt her. She is my best friend. I gained control for a split second I told her to run." he wiped his eyes. "But he found her again. He's a monster!" Leo hugged the boy "it's ok. I'll get her you watch ok. Do you have any information we can use?" your brother looked at the boy.

"I don't know. It's hard to remember it's like he blocked out all the information on stuff I shouldn't know. His quirk with nature is powerful he can make stuff to cause more pain when cut, he can make things to make people forget everything even who they are or were." he sobbed into Leo's shoulder, as your class watched. "My aunt was killed as well! I was there when it happened and I couldn't do anything!" he starts to cry uncontrollably. "Some blonde girl...crazy about blonde just kept cutting her! Before we were warped back!" he wiped his tears. "I wish I could be more help!" he looked at your class "If I'd have been stronger even with this stupid quirk they gave me!" he pouted.

"Don't worry Alex. I heard you're coming to live with us over here. Once (f/n)'s back we can mess around and teach you how to use your quirk. Midoryia was a late bloomer too." Leo gave him the biggest smile to cheer the boy up. "Thanks, Leo. You always knew what to say!" he sniffled as the rest of the class began to talk about everything going on.

At the same time, a team of heroes and a plan was being put into place including All Might, Endeavour, Best Jeanist, Edgeshot, Gang Orca, Gran Torino, Tiger of the Wild, Wild Pussy Cats, Kamui Woods, Mt.Lady and your dad were all summoned on this mission. Whereas outside the hospital Kirishima, Todoroki and Leo waited for Momo with a transmitter.

Just then Momo and Midoryia came out followed by Iida who advised that he would stop it if any fighting took place they would make them retreat. The boys agreed as they made their way to the location as the Pro and the police organised a strategy also making their move tonight.

When Midoryia and the rest got there they got disguise so not to be recognised as a broadcast of Aizawa, Vlad and the Principle was showing them apologising and criticizing the school making them out to be villains. This made the teens furious but didn't make them lose sight of their goals in the city as they followed Momo's lead.

You were still sleeping completely wiped out from the treatment you received and Hoshi was bored, so decided to pay the bar a visit calling Kurogiri to get him. As he got there he smirked at the annoyed, angry tired-looking ash-blonde boy your actual boyfriend but you didn't remember him. As soon as he saw the green-eyed boy he looked for you "She isn't here. She is currently sleeping but don't worry. I'm taking perfectly good care of my girlfriend!" he smirked holding his phone up with the picture of you sleeping cuddled up to the white-haired boy.

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now