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You woke up feeling a little numb, but you didn't want it to bother you, so after having a shower you got ready for school and went downstairs. There was the smell of food being cooked bacon and eggs, probably Leo trying to apologise. Looking in the kitchen you could see the rest of your family there discussing something, but you couldn't hear them. They know you have improved hearing, so had put the radio on to muffle it out. 'Whatever! Let them talk about me!'

Walking into the kitchen they all turned to look at you with smiles on their faces like nothing had happened. Clearly, Leo had filled them in, but you took a seat at the table not that you felt hungry. The air was tense, you knew it, they knew it, but no one wanted to break the ice, so you thought you would.

"Morning! Did something happen to make you all become mutes?" sarcasm ran through your voice as you rolled your eyes. Your parents looked shocked as your normally you're so polite and smiley. Leo, on the other hand, had seen how much of a temper you could have. "Course not Sis! These idiots are just tired of fighting villains and not seeing your smiley face!" it sounded nervous. "Tch" is all you can manage in response putting your headphones in to drown out the sounds. They all looked over with worried looks plastered all over their faces, but you ignored them, taking a few tiny bites from your food before leaving the table waiting for Leo to walk with you to school. Whilst waiting you thought you would message Hoshi, as you never sent him the pictures of you in your costume.

Whilst looking through your photos you saw him with you in his arms. 'Damn it I wish it could go back to that! Why does it hurt so much? He was just a fuckin friend! ARGHHHHH' You started internally screaming at yourself. Quickly skipping past them you sent the pictures of just you to Hoshi and Alex of the hero you, then put your phone in your bag. Making your way to school, Leo was trying to talk but you just ignored him with your headphones in. You were nervous to walk into class, but you got this, so instead of letting Leo open the door you stepped in front of him opened the door walked in. There seemed to be some ruckus going on, but you ignored it and went to your desk sitting down. You felt his eyes stare at you urging you to look his way, but you didn't you turned in your chair, so you're back was facing him.

"WHAT THE FUCK? YOU STILL NOT TALKING YOU STUPID FUCKING CAT!" he yelled at you, but you gave him nothing. You just sat there no one said anything they just went silent. Feeling movement at your side knowing that he was coming. *BANG* to little explosions went off on your desk charring it slightly but you didn't flinch. Looking up you saw the red eyes of a demon staring down at you, waiting for you to say something. Literally, the air in the classroom was tense no one said anything. You felt brave hell why shouldn't you no one is getting the better of you again.

"Morning Bakugou! Is there something I can help you with? Or do you just want to show everyone how much of a prick you are?" it was so condescending the words coming out and you felt that the nastiness didn't reach your eyes, as the pain in your chest was too much. He looked hurt then you heard Kirishima "Dude! That's not manly leave her be" You looked over and gave him a smile, also not reaching your eyes they felt dead like they held no emotion anymore. "SHUT THE FUCK UP SHITTY HAIR!" the ash blonde yelled over then turned back to you. "Show me your side!" it was an order, not a request. You know what he wanted to see if he had scarred you but you knew it wouldn't but it still hurt slightly.

You pushed up from your chair and started taking the top layer of your clothing off. The way you did it was as if he was paying you to strip for him, you wanted to make him suffer. People were telling you it's ok it wasn't his business. He just stood and watched not really knowing what to do or say until you started unbuttoning your shirt the top of your cleavage showing. "Is this what you want Bak~u~gou" You purred at him sending him red, he did want it but not like this. You stopped just lifting your top to show where the burn was. It had shrunk due to your constant cleaning last night. "Happy!" you snapped at him. Not saying anything else he sat down looking angry. That was it for the rest of the day, you had classes like usual but sat on your own at lunch lying outside in the sun, taking a nap. It felt good having the sun on your skin, then a shadow crossed over you, well a few shadows.

Opening your eyes, you saw the smiley faces of some of your classmates. "5 more minutes!" you lazily yawned rolling over to go back to sleep. However, you weren't getting any more sleep, as you saw a pink finger flick your head. "OWWW what was that for!" you snarled.

"Well cutie Leo said you can't sleep too much, or you'll become a fat house cat....And let's hang out girl you know you want to!" You didn't have a choice next thing you knew there were people sitting around you are chatting. "FINE!" sitting up you notice a Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero the boy with the Sellotape quirk and Leo. You nodded to your brother he smiled, you thought you may as well let him off a bit. Kaminari started shimming closer to you and then put his arm around your shoulders. "Err... Can I help you?" glancing over sounding confused.

"You're the last one I've asked but I thought I'd save the best for last!" He was being very flirtatious, but you didn't mind you smiled urging him to continue. "There is this event this weekend, I got tickets for the whole class, sooooo you gotta come pleaseeeee" he fluttered his eyelashes. "Yeh come on (F/N) be manly if you came!" from the spiky red-haired male in front of you. "Come on girls gotta stick together. It'll be fun and the rest of us ladies will be there." Mina was now attached to your other arm copying the yellow-haired boy to your other side. You smiled as it felt nice to be wanted but you had promised to work Saturday, as work were having an event and you were the star of the show. Literally only because you could sing, and the rest could play some sort of instrument. Miss Aoi had literally begged me, and you just couldn't say no to her as she was adorable when she wanted to be.

You scratched the back of your head "Sorry guys I would love to, but I promised my boss I would work this weekend and they're desperate for staff!" You said apologetically as it wasn't a lie, but you also didn't want them to know where you work. Leo cocked his head slightly trying to remember you saying you were working but you just glared at him to shut his mouth. "Ah that's a shame but next time shopping trip promise!" The pink alien looking girl pouted. "Sure, I promise I just really can't get outta of it this weekend!" You smiled back.

After that, the rest of the week had gone by nothing special happening apart from everyone being pumped about the weekend. From what Kirishima had told you, he had persuaded Katsuki to go, mostly because he said he would pay for his food. You were a little gutted you weren't hanging with the rest of your class, but Leo said he will fill you in when you started talking to him again.

You practised for the weekend and also got Hoshi a ticket so that he didn't miss the big show. It was a shame Leo wasn't coming as you hadn't sung in a long time and you loved it. This will take your mind off a certain ash blond handsome muscly boy! 

****This a bit of a filler to lead on to the next bit sorry if a little boring will pick up again I promise. I've also added a picture of the whole class minus you and Leo above. Also, don't forget to follow me as got, some great ideas for different stories after I finish this one.*** 

***I don't own BNHA Characters or the picture above.****

(Book 1) Curiosity of the Cat! (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)Where stories live. Discover now