My Hero! - 9

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Your mouth is covered, a strong grip around your waist as you're dragged into a nearby side street. Starting to panic, you can smell alcohol and cigarettes on the man that's ambushing you.

"Wellll...Look Whatttt"*hiccup*"I caught"*hiccup*" Such a pretty little kittyyyyyy!" He has a deep voice, slurring, with the feel of his hot breath on your ear making it twitch. Your eyes wide as you can feel him pushing himself against you. His erection pushing into your lower back due to him being a lot taller than you are.

Tears start forming in your eyes, you try with all your might to get out of his grasp but it's as if you've been paralysed. The man starts to laugh in your ear, nibbling on the corner of it. Tears running down your face, you realise he is about to take your virginity and you can't do anything to stop him. He raises his hand from your waist, impatiently putting it up your top roughly, grabbing onto your breast, continuing to nibble on your ear and keeping his other hand securely over your mouth.

The brute then turns you around, pinning you to the wall facing him with his hand over your mouth still but you're still unable to move. Looking up into his eye which looks like tired hollowed pits of darkness, a scar running down the left eye as if he had been in a fight in the past, with a shaved head and stubble on his chin. The man was big and looked like once there used to be pure muscle but is slowly being turned to fat but the strength in his grip is still there.

"No use trying to move my little plaything, my quirk is paralysing, and I can do whatever I want to you! There isn't a thing you can do to stop me" He declared with a sadistic smile, lifting your arms so there above your head. Frantically you try to put them down, but they won't move or listen to your command, your body was frozen to the spot.

Grabbing the front of your top with no care as he rips it off, leaving you stood there in trousers and your black lacy bra. Taking his hand from your mouth, before you can scream for help it's replaced with the remnants of your top that was destroyed.

The large man takes a step back, looking at your body and deciding where he wants to taste first. Then he moves forward biting down on your collar bone hard, that you're sure he has drawn blood before he starts to lick nibble and kiss making his way down your body over your breast towards the hem of your (f/c) trousers. You can't look down, but you can tell his mouth is leaving bruises on your body.

"Hmmm... you're ever so tasty MY pet! I wonder what your pussy tastes like," He is mumbling as he impatiently makes his way down your body. Undoing your trousers, slightly parts your legs and pulls your trousers down to your feet leaving your body exposed only wearing underwear.

Slowly starts rubbing his nose between your legs, the tears pouring down your face. Before he licks the outer of your matching black lacy pants.

"If it tastes this good on the outside, I wonder what it tastes like on the inside and don't act like you're not enjoying this you little slut. You're fucking soaking wet for.... Ack!" his sentence is cut off as you being to feel your body move again.

Looking up, you see two angry red eyes looking back at you then turning to the man that was assaulting you, now unconscious on the floor.

Your body starts to fall from the shock of what has just happened, knowing that you don't have time to put your arms in front of you as they're still not working properly from the man's quirk. Bracing yourself as much as possible for the fact that your face was about to impact on the concrete, but the pain never comes.

Instead, you feel two warm arms lift you up, then embrace you, elevating you into two strong muscly arms of the boy with two concerned red eyes staring into your glossy purple and gold puffy red eyes.

Trying to say thank you, it's just a muffle as the ripped t-shirt is still tied around your mouth. Feeling embarrassed and defeated, you rest your head into the boy's warm chest nuzzling your cheek against it and sobbing. Soaking his shirt, your movement making him shift slightly but he lets you cry for a couple of minutes before putting you back on your feet.

"Can you stand?" a soft husky voice, that is so alluring but all you do is nod. Taking that as a yes, he places you gently down before continuing to talk in a calm and concerned manner.

"Would you like me to dress you, or can you do it yourself?" You're still in shock and embarrassed from what happened that you just nod towards him. Slowly he bends down in front of you, making you flinch through fear, but you're reassured when he starts pulling your trousers up. He then stands up and unties the rags in your mouth, realising that the t-shirt won't cover anything.

"Tch!" he tuts seeming annoyed.

"Sorry, I'm causing you more trouble. I'll be OK thank you for helping," You bend down to grab your bag that was dropped when you were grappled by the brute. Desperately trying to cover your chest as best you can, before starting to head out of the side street to head home.

A strong warm hand grabs your arm, pulling you into the hard chiselled chest making you drop your bag and flinch at the sudden contact. It's then that you begin to shiver from the coldness on your back, but then it's replaced by an item of clothing. When you're pushed away from the warmth you instantly feeling cold again.

"Tch, you're such a pain!" an annoyed but soft voice relates to you. "You can borrow this, so put your arms in and cover your chest up. Try not to stretch it but I guess you can't help that, you stupid cat!" you just look at him shocked that is this situation he still manages to insult you even though the position you've just been in. It makes you smile ever so slightly but it's not making its way to your eyes.

"Thank you, Hedgehog!" you say quietly.

"I'M NOT A FUCKING HEDGEHOG! YOU STUPID CAT!" he shouts in your face making you jump back making the jumper fall off your shoulders revealing your chest again. The boy's face instantly goes bright red as he turns around not facing you, even though not long ago you were in his arms with nothing on but your underwear. You quickly pick up the black jacket putting it on and zipping it up.

"I'm covered up thank you again, if you hadn't shown up he would of... he would of..." you just break down into tears again, until you feel someone flick you on the head.

"Well, he didn't. I have called the police they're on the way if you want to stay, if not I can walk you home, which is a pain in the arse by the way. You're a lot of trouble for someone so small," He states whilst pouting and looking at you out the corner of his eyes. As if on cue you hear sirens coming and you know if you don't see him be taken away for yourself that you won't sleep.

Walking out of the side street, you bump straight into someone falling on top of them. As you look up to say sorry and notice two big green eyes staring at you. Then all of a sudden, you're being pulled up by two strong warm arms. Glancing back, you see the boy who saved you in a pure jealous rage of you lying on top of the boy on the floor. 

***I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry, it got a bit dark***

***I don't own any of the BHNA characters or the picture.***

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