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"Itachi, this is Haruki. Haru-chan, this is Itachi."

Haruki smiled at the little boy who greeted her and Shisui at the compound gate. Itachi couldn't have been older than ten, but according to Shisui, he was already a fully fledged chūnin in his own right.

"Nice to meet you, Itachi," greeted Haruki warmly, bowing at the young boy. He returned the favour, before looking up at his friend curiously. "I guess being talented shinobi runs in the clan, huh?"

"You're one to talk," snorted Shisui, stepping forward and patting Itachi on the head. "Haruki of the Hyūga clan."

"I'm not the one who got promoted to jōnin rank at twelve, Shisui."

Haruki stopped at the gate as Shisui made to walk forward with Itachi, earning a look of surprise from the elder Uchiha.

"You're not coming?" he asked, standing with his hand on Itachi's shoulder.

"I really shouldn't," said Haruki, shaking her head. "I don't want to get on your family's bad side."

"Bad side? Come on, you're not doing anything except walking through the streets."

"Uchiha clan compound. Not an Uchiha," shrugged Haruki, pointing up at the family name above her. "If you don't mind me, I'm just going to head back to my Hyūga family residence."

Shisui grinned at Haruki's teasing, patting Itachi's shoulder as he did so.

"Alright then, Haru-chan. But, before you leave, are you doing anything tomorrow night?"

"I don't think so. Why?"

"Let me treat you to dinner. You know, to celebrate your promotion!"

Haruki smiled, a warm feeling spreading throughout her chest as she nodded at Shisui's offer.

"Okay, it's a deal. Where should we meet?"

"I'll pick you up from your house at seven! Don't be late!"

"Alright, alright. See you tomorrow, Shisui. And it was nice to meet you, Itachi," nodded Haruki at the young boy. "Have a good night."

Without another word, Haruki leapt off, leaving Itachi and Shisui staring at her retreating figure as she leapt silently from rooftop to rooftop away from the compound.

"How's Sasuke, huh?" asked Shisui as he turned with Itachi, ruffling the younger Uchiha's hair as they headed back home. "Have you been looking after him well?"

"Yeah. He's going to be joining the Academy soon."

"Hmm, I think Haru-chan's little sister is about the same age as Sasuke. Maybe they'll be in the same class."

"Maybe. How was your mission?"


"I'm home!"

Haruki announced her arrival as she opened the front door of her home, slipping off her shoes and placing them in the shelves as she walked in and shut the door behind her.


Haruki smiled as she heard the shy voice of her younger sister Hinata call from the living room, and followed the sound to see her sitting on the couch, waiting expectantly for her.

"Haruki, dinner will be ready soon," boomed her father's voice from the kitchen. "Your mother is feeling sick, so she's lying down for now. Neji is here to finish off what your mother began cooking."

"Aw, otou-san, you shouldn't make Neji do that stuff! I'm sure his father wants him home so they can eat dinner together!" complained Haruki as she got to her feet, lifting Hinata up and holding her as she walked into the kitchen. She looked through the door to see her younger cousin Neji quietly setting up the dinner table, avoiding eye contact with his relatives.

"Come on, Hinata, let's help Neji out," urged Haruki, putting her little sister on the ground and dusting her hands off. "Right, Neji. What do you want us to do, boss?"

"... boss?"

"You're in charge here. Tell us what to do!"

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