Dream Fulfilled

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True to their word, Haruki and Shisui held off of Hanako's conception for a good three years. 

Masumi, quite unsurprisingly, managed to graduate from the Academy aged 6 and become a genin. He had shown great promise both on and off of the battlefield, and although he had lost contact with his old Academy friends, he was slowly making new ones at his current level. He had become a chūnin at 8 last year, and although Haruki still saw him as her little 9-year-old baby, she knew that he was a perfectly competent and skilled shinobi in his own right.  Shisui, on the other hand, was fervent with mixed emotion. While he was thrilled at the prospect of his eldest son being promoted to jōnin soon, he also lamented the fact that his family record of being promoted at 12 years old would be broken by his very own child.

Riku and Sora excelled in the Academy as well; not to an extent as extreme as Masumi had, but they were now 8 years old and were expected to graduate in 2 more years. Which, of course, was still worrying for Haruki, but it had become a worry that she had learned to adapt with and accept. For every situation in her mind, she stuck to one mantra: at least they're not miniature Masumis.

At 7 years old, Mamoru was making his way through the Academy at an average pace, which proved to be Haruki's greatest relief. She secretly had her fingers crossed that Kaname and Kaito would be the same, to give her some peace of mind. The last thing she wanted was to have a family full of prodigious children, because she knew that it would mean having to release them into the world at a time where she wasn't quite sure she could let them go.

And finally, bringing up the rear at 3 years of age, Kaname and Kaito were proving to be very difficult children to manage; quite possibly, the most difficult so far. And today especially, on the morning of Shisui's expected inauguration into office as the Fifth Hokage, the chaos being caused in the Uchiha household was paramount.

"Okay, you're done- Mamoru, next!"

Haruki and Namiko were in the midst of frantically preparing the children in light of the extra special event. While they had ample time until the actual ceremony began, like the stringent mothers they were, the pair wanted to ensure that the entire household was ready and present at the venue well before the inauguration started.

"Haru-chan, did you move my robe?" called out Shisui from down the hallway, seemingly oblivious to his mother and wife's rush to get everyone out of the house early.

"It's in my room downstairs!" replied Namiko from Kaname and Kaito's room, having just finished dressing them and leading them out. "I had to iron it again!"

"Okay, you're done now!"

Haruki frantically sent Mamoru out of the room and rushed to her and Shisui's room, where he was getting casually dressed in front of their mirror.

"How do I look?"

Finally able to breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the boys were all ready to go, Haruki groaned and threw herself face first onto the bed.

"Lovely," she mumbled into the pillows, already exhausted even though the day had barely begun. Shisui laughed and sat next to his wife, rubbing her on the back.

"Thank you for getting the boys ready," he said softly, leaning down and kissing the back of her head. "I'll watch them downstairs so that you and okaa-san can get ready."

"Please," begged Haruki, rolling over so that she was looking up at Shisui. He smiled and gently pinched her cheek, before tenderly poking her on the tip of her nose.

"Thank you again, Haru-chan."

"No, thank you," sighed Haruki, spreading her arms and legs. "Finally, the boys can stop annoying me and asking when you're going to become Hokage so that they can tell all their friends!"

"Aw," chuckled Shisui, lying down next to his wife. Haruki let out a loud sigh, before glancing over at him.

"How does it feel?" she asked curiously, having once had the same dream herself. "Your dream has finally come true. It must feel surreal for you, right?"

Shisui laughed and rolled over onto Haruki, supporting himself by his forearms over her figure and planting small kisses all over her face.

"I guess you could say that becoming Hokage means that my lifelong dream has been fulfilled," he began, placing a tender kiss on her cheek. "But honestly? Today is nothing compared to the dreams that came true when I met you, married you, and started a family with you."

"Shisui," whined Haruki in complaint, feeling her face going red at his words. "Can you save it for later?"

"You were, you always have been, and always will be, my favourite dream," continued the Uchiha, leaning down and hugging Haruki tightly. "You were my dream come true. And without you, this Hokage gig wouldn't be a thing. So thank you, Haru-chan. For being the best dream of mine that has ever been realised."

Still reeling in embarrassment, Haruki managed to let out a laugh as Shisui began to tickle her to make up for his on-the-spot speech.


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