Battle of the Dōjutsu

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"Now, now, Haru-chan! Your Byakugan is no match for my Sharingan!"

"I beg to differ!"

Haruki and Shisui smirked at each other as they simultaneously activated their own kekkei genkai dōjutsu, both ready to see just what the other could do.

"Then beg!"

The pair launched themselves at each other, kunai at the ready-

"Sorry to interrupt, sorry! The Hokage sent me!"

Haruki and Shisui narrowly avoided colliding with a young girl who had suddenly appeared between the two of them, causing them both to lose focus and go tumbling down to the ground as they attempted to break their momentum.

Haruki, who had fallen flat on her face with a loud 'oof!' after she had tossed her kunai aside, coughed in the dirt as she got onto her hands and knees with a dark expression on her face. Looking over at Shisui, she saw him lying sprawled out as he groaned towards the sky, the messenger's presence having shocked him just as much as it did Haruki.

"Could you not have just... waited?!" exclaimed Haruki as she rose to her feet, towering over the girl who couldn't have been more than twelve or so years old. "You could've gotten seriously hurt!"

"I'm sorry!" squeaked the girl apologetically, bowing to Haruki as she trudged over to her boyfriend and held out a hand to help him up. "But, the Hokage is urgently requesting you. Both of you."

"Alright, we're going," scowled Haruki, pulling Shisui to his feet as he grabbed her hand. "Thanks for letting us know."

Without another word, the little girl bowed once more before shooting off, leaving an exasperated Haruki standing with Shisui.

"Both of us, huh?" grinned Shisui as he threw his arm around his irate girlfriend's shoulders. "What do you think he wants us for?"

"Not sure," sighed Haruki as she bent down to retrieve her kunai, before pulling Shisui's arm around her once more. "But we should tell him that his messengers really need to think through how they deliver his messages."

"Right, right. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to prove to you another day that my Sharingan can defeat your Byakugan."

"Hmph, as if."


"Haruki, Shisui! Thank you so much for coming!"

Minato cried in relief as he saw the two jōnin walk through the door, throwing his hands up as he greeted them with excitement. The pair, who had been bickering the whole way about the strengths of their own dōjutsu and the weakness of their partner's, turned their full attention to the Hokage with looks of surprise on their faces.

"Is everything okay, Hokage-sama?" asked Haruki seriously, pushing Shisui's arm off of herself.

Minato sighed and sunk down in his seat, shaking his head. Stress was evident not just on his face, but through his very body language.

"We just had an S-Rank mission come in, but it's one that requires at least two of our top jōnin," he explained with a glum expression. "As much as I'd prefer it being assigned to a three man team, I'm afraid we don't have the luxury of waiting, seeing as the people who requested our services want them now. Also, we don't have three jōnin to spare at the moment. But we do have you two!"


"Now, now, I know what you're thinking!" exclaimed Minato with a nervous laugh, seeing Haruki's eyebrow raised high. "I know I said I'd promised you wouldn't have to deal with any of these missions anymore, but I really have no one else to turn to, Haruki. Your own father is away on a mission! If I could, I would've asked him before coming to you to help! We're flat out, and we need someone skilled enough to accompany Shisui on this mission. Please, please could you do this? Just this once?"

"You don't need to apologise, Hokage-sama. A duty is a duty."

"Thank you," sighed Minato in relief, fanning himself with the front of his shirt. "Look, with you two on this mission, it's bound to take less than two weeks. That's it."

"The last mission you sent us on together took us two months," joked Shisui, causing Haruki to smile.

"Shisui, that was more than three years ago. The Haruki and Shisui standing before me now are vastly superior to the Haruki and Shisui I first assigned as partners three years ago."

"I mean, he's got a point," agreed Haruki, shrugging at Shisui.

"True, true. So, what kind of mission do we have in store, boss?"

"Well, to put it lightly... there's been a civil war in the Land of the Sea, a dictator seems to have taken control of the country, and the opposition have paid for us to take him down. And rather generously too, may I add."


"They have informed us that he has hired a band of rogue Kirigakure ninja as protection, hence why this mission is ranked as S. Out of the four, we've profiled three as highly dangerous, S-Ranked rogues who abandoned their village a few years ago."


"Assassinate the dictator, and return home," instructed Minato. "I'll send backup for you two as soon as someone returns to the village. But for now, you two head along first, and more backup will follow within the next two days. Is that okay?"

"Understood, Hokage-sama."

Minato huffed and blew his bangs out of his face.

"And for the love of all things good and holy, Haruki-chan," he said imploringly. "Please come back alive!"

Shisui chuckled and smacked Haruki on the back, making her yelp in pain.

"No worries here, Hokage-sama," winked the Uchiha, pulling Haruki closer to his side. "If anyone is returning from this mission alive, it's going to be Haru-chan."

"Shisui, don't say that!"

"No, both of you please come back," sighed a visibly stressed Minato, clutching his head in his hands. "Please. And when you do, please join Kushina and I for dinner one night. I owe you two that much at least."

"Oh-! That'd be an honour, Hokage-sama!" exclaimed Haruki, bowing deeply at Minato.

"Definitely an honour," reinforced Shisui, bowing alongside his girlfriend. "Haru-chan and I will set off first thing in the morning."

"Perfect. Thank you, you two."

"Just doing our job, Hokage-sama." Shisui grinned and turned back to Haruki. "So, shall we go and prove once and for all the superiority of my Sharingan, or would you like to throw the towel in?"

"Ha, you wish! Hokage-sama, tell Shisui he's dreaming!"

"S-Sorry, what?"

"Tell Haru-chan she's dreaming," shot back Shisui, poking Haruki in the chest as they began their stare-off.

"I really wish I were dreaming right now," muttered Minato, rubbing his temples as the couple's arguing began afresh. "Dismissed!"

"... can you evolve your Byakugan, though? Huh? Huh?"

"Don't need to! How would your eyes fare after using your Mangekyō too much, huh? You'd need some new eyes, wouldn't ya? What's the point of having eyes if you can't use them, huh? What are you gonna do, steal a relative's pair? You'd stoop that low, wouldn't you?"

Shisui let out a fake indignant gasp as he placed a hand over his heart.

"How dare you!"

Minato sighed as the pair exited his office, leaving him to listen to the remnants of their argument as they left.

"... I told you that like two years ago! How do you still remember that?!" trailed Shisui's voice as he began to shut the door behind himself.

"Letting me into your life was the worst mistake you ever made!" called out Haruki as she skipped ahead of the Uchiha.

As much as he found their constant quarrelling exhausting, Minato couldn't help but smile.

"Ah," he said, shaking his head. "Young love."

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