Senju Park

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"Oh, shoot! Haruki-chan, you continue on without me!"

Kushina fervently patted down her dress after failing to find her purse in her handbag, and bowed apologetically as she and Haruki headed through Senju Park. Dusk had fallen, and the area seemed to be empty apart from the two women making their way to their dinner reservation.

"Do you want me to come back with you and look for your purse?" asked Haruki worriedly, reaching into her own handbag for her purse. "I can pay for dinner! If the reservation's already been made-"

"No, no, that's fine, dear!" insisted Kushina hurriedly, kicking off her heels and picking them up. "You go on through ahead of me, and I'll be with you soon! I'm sorry about that!"


Before Haruki could argue, Kushina had bolted off without another word, in all her glamour and glory.

Haruki sighed, and followed Kushina's instructions as she made her way through the dimly lit walkway.

Humming to herself as she swung her handbag back and forth, Haruki took the time to appreciate the nature around her. After her impromptu shopping spree with Kushina, the pair had returned home to inform Namiko about their plans for the rest of the day, and for her to pass on the news to Shisui if he got home later. At peace knowing that Masumi was being tended to and Shisui would know about her whereabouts, Haruki smiled up at the starlit sky.

Truthfully, it had been a while since Haruki had been able to enjoy time like this to herself. The environment was so serene that she could actually hear the faint rustling of leaves, and the chirping of insects. Bathed in moonlight, Senju Park really was a wondrous, calming sight for Haruki.

Stopping in her tracks, Haruki closed her eyes and took a deep breath, holding out her arms as she revelled in her surroundings.

Her moment of serenity was short-lived as her kunoichi instincts kicked in, resulting in her catching a scrunched up ball of paper before it narrowly hit her in the face.

"Who's there?" called out the Hyūga, activating her Byakugan and scoping out the area immediately. As she did so, she glanced down at the paper as she unfurled it in her hands, a suspicious frown as she began walking ahead.

Have you found peace?

Haruki snorted as she read the note, recognising the handwriting and knowing immediately who it was from, but not knowing why he had so suddenly appeared.

"Shisui, Shisui... where are you..."

Haruki hummed to herself as she continued her way down the path, keeping an eye out for her absent partner's presence.


Haruki grinned as she felt Shisui approach her from behind, whispering in her ear as he did so.

"Stand down, soldier," smirked the Uchiha, kissing Haruki on the neck as she deactivated her Byakugan. "What's with the dress?"

"What's with the suit?" shot back Haruki, wondering why Shisui was as dressed up as she was.

"I think we can both guess as to why we're here."

Haruki's eyes widened as she stared straight ahead, heart pounding as she struggled to comprehend Shisui's words.

"Shisui, I..."

As she turned on her heel to face the Uchiha, Haruki's hand immediately covered her mouth at the sight of him kneeling on one knee, a small box held up to Haruki as he smiled at her with pure sincerity.

"Haruki of the Hyūga clan," began Shisui, his voice momentarily cracking as he smiled at his lover, eyes already glistening with emotion. "When we first met, I said, "Nice to meet you, Haruki," and all you did was nod at me. I thought you were such a serious person, that initially, I was afraid of loosening up out of fear that you'd judge me and think lesser of me as a shinobi and comrade.

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 | shisui uchihaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя