Keep It A Surprise

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"Okaa-san, we're leaving now!"

"Okay! See you soon- and let me know what they say!"

"See you later, boys!" called out Shisui as he helped Haruki put her shoes on, grinning at his four sons running towards the front door to farewell their parents.

"Where are you going?" asked Masumi curiously, narrowing his eyes at his parents with his arms crossed.

"Can you buy us a treat on your way back?" piped up Sora, raising his hand as he looked directly at his mother.

"I want to come too!" whined Riku, stomping his foot on the ground as Mamoru merely walked over to Haruki.

"Come on guys, we don't have time for this," sighed Haruki, crossing her arms as she made direct eye contact with Masumi. "We told you, we're going to see how your little siblings are doing, and that you can't come. Go on back to okaa-san. We'll be back soon, promise."

"Buy us some dango!"

"I want dango too!"

"Okay, okay, got it!" acknowledged Shisui hastily, grabbing his own shoes as he looked down at his sons. "Any other requests?!"

"Chocolate bar."

"Chocolate chip melon bread."

"And senbei from Teyaki and Uruchi's for me, please!" called out Namiko, sticking her head out of the living room to add her request to the couple's shopping list. "You four, get back here! The longer you keep your parents waiting, the longer you'll have to wait for your treats!"

All gasping and exchanging looks of realisation, Masumi, Sora and Riku all ran towards their parents, quickly hugged their legs, before running back to the living room and crying out, "See you soon, okaa-san! Otou-san!"

"Wait, I want to- Sumi!" Mamoru wailed in protest as he was dragged back to the living room by his older brother, unable to give his parents the goodbye he wanted to.

"Shall we?" Shisui finally said, breathing a sigh of relief as he opened the door and held out his hand to Haruki.


Taking her husband's hand, Haruki walked out and shut the front door behind her.

"Can you believe we're going to be adding to that ruckus?" said Shisui mournfully, laying his head on Haruki's shoulder as they began walking towards the compound entrance.

"Four becomes six," said Haruki, clucking her tongue as she patted Shisui's head in consolation. "Honestly, if neither of them turn out to be a girl, I'll be very disappointed. But it wouldn't be the end of the world."

"Right?! Because we still have that seventh chance!" added Shisui hopefully, straightening up and clicking his fingers.

"What do you think the odds would be of our try for number seven turning out to be another set of multiples?"

"I'd hope they're not too high. Any more than seven kids, and one of us is going to have to stay at home full time."

"Comparing my job to yours, we know it's not going to be you, oh high and mighty Hokage-sama," said Haruki dramatically, flourishing her arm as she bowed deeply at her husband.

"I didn't mean that," said Shisui embarrassedly, his face and ears growing red as Haruki laughed and placed her arm around his waist. "I meant that the house would be so busy-"

"Shisui. Shisui. I know. Don't worry," reassured Haruki, squeezing the Uchiha. "I'm teasing. Besides, being Hokage, you'd be too busy to even come home, don't you think?"

"I won't," insisted Shisui firmly, gaze fixed on the path before them. "I'll come home to you and the kids every night."

"Minato-sama has one child, but even he seems to find it difficult to make time for him and Kushina-sama a lot of the time."

"I'm not Minato-sama. Are you doubting me, Haru-chan?"

"Absolutely not," scoffed Haruki, hitting Shisui in the side. "I'm just saying I don't mind if you have to stay at work late. We'll always be waiting for you, because we won't be going anywhere. Being Hokage is an important job, and you should treat it as your top priority. The village should be your main concern. You run the village, and I'll run our household."

"... even so, the Hokage said he's got a few years left in him. We have more time to spend together. And hopefully we can have our full seven before he resigns, so that I can spend time with all the kids while they're young!"

"And hopefully one of them is a girl," sighed Haruki, swinging their linked hands back and forth. "Shisui, can you do me a favour?"

"You already know I'd do anything for you, Haru-chan."

"I want these two to be a surprise, I don't want to know if we're having boys or girls or one of each. When the doctor tells you their gender, can you promise not to tell me or give me any hints? I want it to be a surprise when they come out. You know, keep that little bit of hope alive. That aura of mystery."

"Not going to lie, Haru-chan, I probably wouldn't be able to not give it away."

"Aww, come on!"

"Hey, hey, I wasn't finished! I was going to say, if you want to wait until they're born to find out their gender, then, well, so will I!"

"... are you sure?"

"You're the one who's doing all the hard work, Haru-chan! This really is the least I could do!"

"You do more than enough, Shisui."

"Are we going to go through this again, Miss Given-birth-to-our-four-children-and-counting?"

"Wow, why do you make it sound as if you've forced me to have all these kids?"

"Well... have I?!" asked Shisui guiltily, making Haruki sigh.

"Come here."

Haruki pulled Shisui to a halt, yanking his hands so that he stumbled forward and stood before her face to face.

"No," she said softly, reaching out and caressing his cheek. "Whatever you want, I want. You said you wanted seven kids, and damn, me too! I wouldn't want to raise a family this big if I didn't love you and know that this was what you wanted too, Shisui. I love my children, and I love you, and I know that you love us too. So yeah, even though all you have to do is make sure you shoot your load in the right place, you're not forcing me to have all these babies. I love them! And you know for a fact that you can't force me to do anything."

"... well, you're not wrong about that."

"But thank you for your concern," chuckled Haruki, leaning up and kissing her husband sweetly. "Let's go see how our babies are doing now, okay?"

Shisui blinked in confusion, thinking of their four sons at home.

"But we just left home..."

Haruki took Shisui's hand and tenderly guided it to her belly, raising an eyebrow in amusement and clarifying, "These babies, Shisui. We're going to have to come up with new terms of affection for our kids."

"I'm so all over the place, I'm so sorry," breathed Shisui, shaking his head. "Yes, let's go. Let's do it. Let's keep this a surprise!"

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