Office Job

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Haruki approached the Hokage's office the next day, holding two bento boxes in her hands as she knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

The Hyūga entered the office, and was amused to find that Shisui had indeed earned himself a desk of his own on the other side of the room.

"Haru-chan!" said Shisui, surprised to see Haruki. "What are you doing here?"

"Apart from wanting to see how your first day on your new job is going, you forgot your lunch," explained Haruki, holding up the parcels she carried. "Afternoon, Hokage-sama. How are you feeling today?"

"Much better!" The Hokage appeared to be more upbeat and peppy today, nothing but smiles as Haruki walked over to his desk and placed one of the bento in front of him. "After all this time, I think all I needed was an assistant!"

"That's good to hear," chuckled Haruki, making her way towards Shisui and handing over his lunchbox. "Hello, honey."

"Hello," smiled Shisui, leaning up to kiss his wife. "Did you go see the kids today?"

"Nah," shrugged Haruki, leaning on the edge of Shisui's desk. "Remember? Masumi told us to stop visiting him at school."

"Not surprised. Anyway, after school today, do you think you could spare an hour so that we can go over the plans for the group of Suna kids we have coming over? I kind of need your help."

"I have no meetings today, so I could probably pop over by half past three."

"Perfect! That gives us plenty of time! I finish at six, though, so would you be able to pick the kids up by yourself at five...?"

"We can just pick them up together when you finish. How much of the planning have you done, exactly?"

"Maybe... ten percent? I'm working on sorting out the children with their host families now, because we have until the end of the week to send the news back to Suna. I haven't even touched the programme."

"Looks like we'll both be finishing at six, then. Anyway, I'm going to head back to school now. See you at three thirty."

"Thanks again, Haru-chan."

Sharing one more goodbye kiss, Haruki and Shisui bade each other farewell.

"Bye, Hokage-sama!" called out the Hyūga, waving from the door as she farewelled the Hokage.

"Goodbye, Haruki-chan! See you later!"

Haruki exited, leaving Minato smiling brightly at his new assistant.

"Don't you just love being in love?"


"I'm really glad I can count on you and Haruki-chan to help out like this," said Minato warmly, straightening up a stack of papers. "I really hope all this office work hasn't deterred you from your goal of becoming Hokage."

"Oh no, not at... all..."

Minato laughed at Shisui's pause.

"Understandable. But I'm really looking forward to what you and Haruki-chan manage to pull together."

"So am I, Hokage-sama. So am I."

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