Numbers Five and Six

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"Haru-chan, we can't take you out in this weather!"

"It's okay, Shisui- just throw an umbrella over me and we can walk over together!"

"Okaa-san, tell Haru-chan she's being insane!"

Namiko sighed as she watched the couple bicker over how they were going to get Haruki to the hospital, as the weather had- quite unexpectedly- taken a turn for the worst. While she had felt her first contraction in the morning, they were now becoming stronger and more frequent, signalling to the family that she needed to make her way to the hospital.

The morning had settled in with a thick layer of mist, and now, a great storm had gathered above Konoha. Although the rain was still light, the rumble of thunder in the distance gave a sign of the downpour that would soon follow.

"Shisui, let's go now before it gets worse," insisted Haruki, rising to her feet and making her way to the door. "Can you bring the bag, please?"


"Otou-san, where are you going?"

Masumi came rushing down the stairs from the bathroom, curious to see what all the commotion was about downstairs. While he was on summer vacation from school, Shisui and Haruki had decided that it was better if they kept the other boys at daycare until the next pair of twins were born and Haruki would be able to assist Namiko in caring for them.

"To the hospital," said Shisui hurriedly, racing to the hallway and picking up his wife's overnight bag. "Look, you and your brothers will be staying at Mikoto-ba and Fugaku-ji's house tonight, alright? Sasuke will be there to play with you guys, so make sure you're on your best behaviour! I'll come and check up on you when I can!"

"Okaa-san, are you okay?" asked Masumi worriedly, seeing his mother silently groaning in pain at the front door. She smiled weakly, giving him a reassuring look.

"I'll be fine, baby," she said in a small voice, glaring at Shisui to hurry up. "Shisui, now!"




Although the sight and sound of Haruki giving birth was nothing new to Shisui, he couldn't help but lament over the pain she went through every single time.

"Come on, Haru-chan, you can do it!" exclaimed the Uchiha desperately, reeling at the iron clutch Haruki had on his hands. She was drenched in sweat and groaning in agony as she attempted to push out twin number one, crushing Shisui's hands in her grip as she did so.

At the end of the bed, the doctor stood between Haruki's legs as he analysed the birth, encouraging her as well. On the other side of Haruki's bed, a nurse carefully wiped the sweat from her brow as she laboured, offering her soft words of support as her howls filled the room.

"SHISUI, I CAN'T!" wailed Haruki, sobbing as she cried from the pain. "I CAN'T!"

"YES YOU CAN!" half-screamed back her husband, white in the face as he felt the circulation being cut off from his hands. "YOU'VE DONE IT FOUR TIMES ALREADY, YOU CAN DO IT AGAIN!"

"Come on, come on," uttered the doctor, watching the progress and beckoning for Haruki to keep pushing. "Almost there!"

"Haru-chan!" whined Shisui, feeling himself begin to tear up at his wife in such excruciating pain. "Haru-chan, you can do this! It'll be the last time!"

Haruki ceased all speech as she let out a blood-curdling scream, and it was only when the doctor called out, "I see it! I see it!" that Shisui realised they were close to seeing the first surprise twin.

"Just a bit more! Give me one big push, Uchiha-san!"

Haruki briefly loosened her grip on Shisui's hands, prompting him to breathe a short-lived sigh of relief. However, this relief was quickly retracted as Haruki crushed Shisui's hands in one, monster burst of strength, which was reflected in their first baby finally making its grand entrance.

Its cries were loud and strong, and although Shisui was certain that Haruki had broken one of his bones, he couldn't help but give her a heartfelt smile anyway.

"Congratulations, it's a baby boy," announced the doctor, carefully removing the newborn and cutting its umbilical cord. "Alright, Uchiha-san, how long do you want to-"

The doctor was cut off as Haruki heaved once more, hastening the nurses in taking away the first baby so that he could focus on the next one.

"Okay, here we go again, let's go!"

Shisui was numb, and tried not to watch Haruki; hearing her cry was enough to distress him, and he hated seeing her in such a state.

"Good, much quicker than before! Ready? One, two, three!"

After an almighty heave, Haruki breathed a sigh of relief as the sound of crying signalled baby number two's arrival, prompting her to fully release Shisui's pulverised hands and fall into her pillow in exhaustion.

"Congratulations again, Uchiha-san," announced the doctor. "It's a boy."

"Great," wheezed Haruki, covering her face at the news. Although she was disappointed, she wasn't surprised. She had had a feeling all along that they had both been boys, so she'd prepared herself well for this moment.

"Ah... no worries," said Shisui weakly, forcing a smile as he looked towards Haruki. "Lucky we prepared names anyway, right?"

"Right," said Haruki, closing her eyes. "Right."

"Thank you again, Haru-chan," said Shisui softly, gingerly reaching out and taking one of her hands in the one hand of his own that could still function. "They're beautiful."

They both went silent as they allowed the medical staff to finish their work.

"Good work, Uchiha-san," commended the doctor as he worked between her legs. "Have you got any names for them?"

Haruki, too weak to continue speaking, merely nudged her head at Shisui to answer.

"Yes, actually. The first born is Kaname, and his younger brother is Kaito," said Shisui proudly, rubbing Haruki's hand.

"Very nice. Congratulations once again. You two must be overjoyed."

"Very," Haruki managed to croak, smiling as she looked at Shisui.


"Of course."

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