Laying It Out

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"I'm sorry you had to sleep on the couch last night. It wasn't too uncomfortable, was it?"

Haruki sheepishly apologised to Shisui as they sat on a bench at Senju Park that evening, each of them holding a small tub of ice cream in their hands as they settled down to discuss their issues.

"It wasn't too bad, but it was a little lonely."

Haruki chuckled as Shisui moved closer to her, facing her from the side as she sat with her back against the seat.

"I didn't mean to go off at you like that, Haru-chan," said Shisui sadly, putting his ice cream behind him so he could hold his wife's hands. "I was just... angry."

"But you were right. Do you want to know something, Shisui?"

"Please do enlighten me."

Haruki sighed as she put down her own tub and grasped her husband's hands.

"You were right," she admitted. "I was trying to force Masumi into having the childhood I never had, but it was only because I was scared that if I pushed him to focus on his shinobi training, he'd loathe me for the better part of his life. The same way I loathed my father for taking away my childhood. 

"For as long as I can remember, my father only ever disciplined me. Affection was limited, and I was rarely allowed to have fun. While other children my age were allowed to run free and enjoy their early years... I wasn't. And I hated my father for it. During my pregnancy with Masumi, I was determined to make sure that he wouldn't harbour such a grudge against me the same way I did with my own father. Not just Masumi, but all of the children.

"But now, stepping back, I can see what you were trying to say. Unlike me, Masumi actually wants to learn more. He wants to train hard, and become a great shinobi. By forcing him to be the child I want him to be, I'm only setting myself up to repeat the history of child resenting parent. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you when you said you only had Masumi's best interests at heart- I thought I knew better, but I was wrong. I'm sorry that you had to train him in secret. I should have been more encouraging and nurturing towards Masumi's growth, rather than try to stunt it.

"I'm sorry, Shisui."

Shisui let out a sigh as his shoulders slumped, feeling only slight relief at his wife's words.

"I'm so happy you're not mad at me," he said weakly, squeezing Haruki's hands. "So, so happy. After I left the room, I just... I just couldn't stop worrying.."

Haruki made a long face as she listened to Shisui, saddened that his outburst had taken such an emotional toll on him.

"I'm sorry, honey," apologised Haruki profoundly. "For upsetting you so much."

"But that's the thing... you weren't the one who upset me."

Shisui let out a sob as he lowered his head, feeling tears rising to his eyes as he felt his insecurities show.

"You'll laugh at me and think I'm stupid, but I could barely sleep last night because I was scared of how you'd react," he said mournfully. "This was our first major argument, and even though it's completely illogical, I honestly thought there was a chance of you just- just getting up and leaving me."

Haruki's eyes widened at Shisui's revelation, thoroughly shocked that he had thought their disagreement warranted such an exaggerated reaction.

"I hate the thought of getting into an argument with you," he confessed, clutching onto Haruki's hands as if his life depended on it. "I always think that if I just do what you want and say, then you won't have a reason to leave me. Right?"

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